"Now it came about on the third day that Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the king's palace in front of the king's rooms, and the king was sitting on his royal throne in the throne room, opposite the entrance to the palace. When the king saw Esther the queen standing in the court, she obtained favor in his sight; and the king extended to Esther the golden scepter which was in his hand. So Esther came near and touched the top of the scepter." ~ Esther 5:1-2, NASB
For the Eternal Glory of YHVH, ELOHIM we have created and given over 3200 Prophetic Worship Instruments since 1996 touching over 700 Nations, States, Cities, Communities, Territories, Islands, Rivers, Ministries and Tribes!
Thesis Publication ~ An amazing gift this year was the publication of my master’s thesis by a company in Germany. Title: WORSHIP: A SYNERGISTIC SYNOPSIS-A COVENANTAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MINISTERIAL PRAXIS AND ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP Gifts to H.G.R.M. ~ As only the Holy Spirit would orchestrate, Rainy Ostrom, Portland, Oregon sent seven divine packages this year with scarves and prophetic words for me personally and H.G.R.M. God knew that I would be having four surgeries this year in addition to a work-related back injury which seriously impeded the creation of Prophetic Worship Instruments. Although others have given me worship instruments and one other has made a Worship Instrument for H.G.R.M., no one has ever sent seven before. Such faithfulness is rare in my earthly experience. It was pure joy!
Prophetic Worship Instruments Created and Given for the Glory of YESHUA! Prophetic Worship Glory Rings (10): Nations (6): Bolivia; Ecuador; Columbia; Canada; Israel-America; China States of America (1): Georgia, USA (1) Cities (1): Redmond, Oregon, USA Individuals (2): Florida, USA (1); Alabama, USA (1) Prayer Shawls (2) Individuals (2): Kampala, Uganda (2) Prophetic Worship Swords of the LORD (3) States of America (3): Maine, USA (1); Massachusetts, USA (1); Maryland, USA (1)
Holy Anointing Oils (4)
March 17, 2013 ~ The FATHER's Inheritance! Holy Anointing Oil!
May 5, 2013 ~ HIS Pure, Prevailing, Presence, Power, Providence, Provision, Purpose and Plan! Holy Anointing Oil!
September 26, 2013 ~ HIS Liberty! Holy Anointing Oil! For the States of America Worship Scepter Project
October 4, 2013 ~ HIS Crown and HIS Scepter! Holy Anointing Oil! For the States of America Worship Scepter Project
An update on the Holy Anointing Oils for States: We have shipped 22, we need 23 more bottles, and we have 4 bottles waiting for intercessors: Maine, Hawaii, Wyoming and Alaska. Thank you so much for those that have sent in bottles or taken Holy Anointing Oils to pour out on your prayer journeys…for this we give thanks!
H.G.R.M.: 999-Prayers ~ In 2014, we welcome Meredyth Crofton, Oak Grove, Oregon, Messianic Jew, who will be writing the Israel America Prayer Shield. We give thanks for Pastor Dave Kelso, Robertsdale, Alabama continuing to write the Pastoral Biblical Prayer for the Body of Christ. We encourage you to invite your family and friends to join us in prayer!
Website Outreach ~ Our website continues to be a time-consuming project which I enjoy editing, writing, updating and changing as the seasons change. Much of the information on previous website pages may now be found in any of my books: 1. Have Glory Ring will Travel! 2. A Collection of Joy 3.A Connection of Joy 4. A Convergence of Joy - hopefully in 2014
Ministry Outreaches
February 2, 2013 ~ Beginning Glory Ring Workshop, Redmond, Oregon, USA
June 13-16, 2013 ~ Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference, Washington D.C. USA
November 9, 2013 ~ The Healing Barn, Brush, Prairie, Washington, USA
Prayer Journeys ~ During 2013, I traveled through the States of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Washington D.C. this year with HGRM Intercessors joining me along HIS journey of divine appointments and strategic moments. The LORD’s faithfulness to send HIS ordained and anointed Prayer Warriors never ceases to amaze me. Truly, it was a complete joy and life-changing time to journey with each you!
H.G.R.M. Leadership 2013 ~ Leslie Allen, Advisor, Columbia Falls, Montana, USA Linda Forrester, Advisor/Prayer Shield Facilitator, Longview, Washington, USA Jeannie Hammitt, Secretary - Treasurer, Sandy, Utah, USA Cynthia Lingelbach, Advisor, Gresham, Oregon, USA Gloria J. Reid, Director, Alexandria, Virginia, USA Constance J. Thew, Advisor, Colville, Washington, USA Marvin Williams, Pastoral Advisor, Freeport, New York, USA
Vision from 2013 moving into 2014 ~ In addition to continuing the States of America Holy Anointing Oil project, the Holy Spirit has asked me to make 55 Prophetic Worship Scepters for the 50 States of America and Israel-America, North America, Washington D.C., North America Body of Christ and North America Indigenous Peoples.
May the LORD’s abundant favor, grace, truth, light, integrity, justice, peace, revelation, love, forgiveness, kindness, gentleness, discipline, spiritual and earthly prosperity bless you richly. May the LORD richly multiply your generous offerings and faithful prayer support throughout the last 18-years. This is my second consecutive year to continue full-time employment as an office manager for a local Financial Investment Firm in Bend, Oregon. I am rich in the LORD’s spiritual inheritance and grateful that HE called and anointed me for HIS Kingdom on earth. My heart is exceedingly grateful to many servants of the LORD who have given generously of their time and resources, joining me in serving our FATHER’s Kingdom on earth.The LORD has blessed me with another grandchild, Emma Shayleen, born on May 4, 2013 ~ my grandfather's birthday 1907. The faithfulness of GOD never ceases to amaze me!
Because of YESHUA, Our Messiah, Jennifer Lynn Joy, M.Div., Ordained Minister