“Pray, then, in this way: ‘Our Father who is in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.’" ~ Matthew 6:9-13, NASB
In 1985, I was traveling along a narrow country road in the outskirts of Lane County, Oregon, USA and the Holy Spirit clearly asked me to stop and pray over a small brook trickling under the bridge on the roadway. It was towards the end of the summer season before the fall rains and there was truly very, little water left in the stream. So, I pulled the vehicle over to the side of the road and parked, then walked down the slightly sloping bank, removed my sandals, and stepped barefoot into the cold brook. Not knowing exactly what to pray, I recited the LORD's Prayer from Matthew 6 and returned to my journey. It was an experience for pondering.
The LORD GOD's purposes were not clear to me, therefore upon returning home I looked up the words "brook, brooks, stream, streams, river, rivers, water" in my cross-reference study Bible and became more aware of ABBA ADONAI’s deep value of HIS creation, earth, rivers, brooks, wells, waterways, canals, waterfalls, streams, oceans...and from that time forward I began looking at the earth as my heavenly FATHER's footstool. It was a spiritual decision at the time, not intentionally ecological in purpose. However, as the years have progressed, the ecology of the earth has become a worldwide agenda as in 2019 there are 5.25 trillion pieces of trash in the ocean and 8 million tons are added yearly. This does not really seem like a way to honor our Creator or be responsible stewards of this planet. I have never met anyone that would like 5.25 trillion pieces of trash on their footstool. Have you?
Thus says the LORD, “Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool."~ Isaiah 66:1, NASB
Before the Holy Spirit inspired me to begin making Holy Anointing Oils in 1999, I used olive oil, kosher salt, and sometimes wine to pour over the land, rivers, streams, waterfalls, canals, wells, oceans, brooks, mountains, caves, caverns and valleys most often praying for YHVH, ELOHIM to bless the land, forgive the inhabitants of the earth for their negligence and asking HIM to increase awareness of the sacredness of HIS Creation ~ Ezekiel 47:12; Revelation 21, 22. As I began traveling in ministry, praying for an ocean, river, stream, brook, levy, mountain, waterfalls, lake, beach, high place, valley, harbor...became a common part of the journey.
Somewhere along the journey, I learned that those involved in witchcraft, idol worship, coven gatherings, sacrifice of animals and humans, abortion clinics, and/or criminal activities commonly discard the remains into the rivers, which seems truly unhealthy and unholy at every level...physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, communally, and/or ecologically. This is of course in addition to the toxic waste, chemical spills, nuclear waste, and other dishonoring actions towards the waterways of the world. The only holy spiritual antidote that I know for their harmful and irresponsible decisions is the Anointing of YESHUA, Our Messiah which brings purity, cleansing, restoration, redemption, renewal, recompense, revival and healing to the land and waterways.
My hope is to encourage others to take greater care of the earth and to graciously thank those who have traveled with me as I stopped along the way to Honor God and pour out HIS Healing Oil for HIS earth...HIS footstool, the place HE has generously given us to live.
The following is a partial list of some of the brooks, streams, lakes, rivers, waterfalls, harbors, and oceans I have anointed with Anointing Oil over the years for the Glory of YESHUA, Our Messiah! 1993 ~ Willamette River, Oregon, USA; McKenzie River, Oregon, USA; Florence, Oregon, USA - Pacific Ocean 1994 ~ Willamette River, Oregon, USA; McKenzie River, Oregon, USA; Deschutes River, Oregon, USA 1995 ~ Willamette River, Oregon, USA; McKenzie River, Oregon, USA; Deschutes River, Oregon, USA 1996 ~ Pudding River, Oregon, USA; Molalla River, Oregon, USA: Willamette River, Oregon, USA; Deschutes River, Oregon, USA; Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, USA 1997 ~ Deschutes River, Oregon, USA; Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, USA; Rogue River, Oregon, USA; Klamath River, Oregon, USA; McKenzie River, Oregon, USA; Willamette River, Oregon, USA; New Orleans Waterfront, Louisiana, USA - Gulf of Mexico 1998 ~ McKenzie River, Oregon, USA; Deschutes River, Oregon, USA; Klamath Falls Lake, Oregon, USA; Paulina Lake, Oregon, USA; Willamette River, Oregon, USA; Dorena Lake, Oregon, USA. 1999 ~ Rockaway Beach, Oregon, USA – Pacific Ocean; Deschutes River, Oregon, USA; Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, USA; McKenzie River, Oregon, USA; Willamette River, Oregon, USA; Florida Coastline, USA - Atlantic Ocean; Delta River, Nashville, Tennessee, USA; Cumberland River, Nashville, Tennessee, USA. 2000 ~ Mary's River, Oregon, USA; Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, USA; McKenzie River, Oregon, USA; Willamette River, Oregon, USA; The Kentucky River, Kentucky, USA; The Tennessee River, Tennessee, USA; The Arkansas River, Colorado, USA; The Deschutes River, Oregon, USA; The John Day River, Oregon, USA 2001 ~ Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, USA; Yakima River, Washington, USA; Snake River, Washington, USA; Spokane River, Washington, USA; Cowlitz River, Washington, USA; Ohio River, Indiana, USA; Bridal Falls, British Columbia, CAN; Warm Beach and Kayak Point, Washington, USA; Okanogan Lake and River, British Columbia, CAN; Arroyo River, California, USA; Battery Park, Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Staten Island and the Hudson River, New York, USA; Lake Minnewaska, New York, USA; Connecticut River, Connecticut, USA; Ports of Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta and Mazatlán, Mexico – Pacific Ocean; Mascota River, Baja California, USA; Chetco River, Oregon, USA; Brookings Bay, Oregon, USA 2002 ~ New Hampshire Coastline, Atlantic Ocean, USA; Flathead Lake, Montana, USA; Lake McDonald ~ Sacred Dancing Waters, Montana, USA; Triple Divide Peak, Glacier National Park, Glacier, Montana, USA (where the water flows to the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and Hudson Bay, Canada); Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, USA; Sandy River, Oregon, USA; Clark Fork River, Montana, USA; Bitterroot River, Montana, USA; Lolo Creek, Montana, USA; Choclino River, Peru, South America; Shilcayo River, Peru, South America; Crying River, Peru, South America; Cumbaza River, Peru, South America; Cataratade Ahuashiyacu -Laughing Waters Waterfalls, Andes Mountains, Peru, South America; Barranco Beach, Peru, South America – Pacific Ocean; Connecticut River, Connecticut, USA; Piscataqua River, Maine, USA; Farmington River, Connecticut, USA; Charles River, Massachusetts, USA; Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts, USA; Spokane River, Washington, USA; Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, USA; Emma Wood State Beach, Ventura County, California, Oregon – Pacific Ocean; Triuno Creek, California, USA; West Lake, California, USA; Eagle Creek, Oregon, USA 2003 ~ Willamette River, Oregon, USA; Thompson River, Colorado, USA; Hidden River, Colorado, USA; Platte River, Colorado, USA; Cherry Creek, Colorado, USA; Fall River, Colorado, USA; Colorado River, Colorado, USA; Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, USA; Mad River, California, USA; Little River, California, USA; Redwood Creek, California, USA; Rogue River, Oregon, USA; Klamath River, California, USA; Clark Fork River, Montana, USA; Kootenai Creek, Montana, USA; Lolo Creek, Montana, USA; McCalla Creek, Montana, USA; Mary’s River, Oregon, USA; Missouri River, Montana, USA; Madison River, Montana, USA 2004 ~ Colorado River, Nevada, Arizona and California, USA; Snake River, Oregon and Idaho, USA; Sandy River, Oregon, USA; Colorado River, Nevada, USA 2005 ~ Willamette River, Oregon, USA; Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, USA; Ventura, California, USA ~ Pacific Ocean 2006 ~ Styx River, Alabama, USA; Alabama-Florida Border, USA - Gulf of Mexico; Florence, Oregon, USA – Pacific Ocean; Wolf Bay, Alabama, USA - Gulf of Mexico; Perdido Bay, Florida, USA – Gulf of Mexico; Seaside, Oregon, USA – Pacific Ocean 2007; Styx River, Alabama, USA; Pensacola Bay, Alabama, USA - Gulf of Mexico; Palafox Rd, Florida, USA 2007 ~ Columbia River, Oregon, USA; Klamath River, California, USA 2008 ~ Arkansas River, Kansas, USA; Jordan River, Israel; Dead Sea, Israel; Sea of Galilee, Israel; Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, USA; Washougal River, Washington, USA; Klamath River, California, USA 2009 ~ Barren River, Kentucky, USA; Alabama-Florida Border, USA - Gulf of Mexico; Clark Fork River, Montana, USA; Navarre Beach, Florida, USA – Gulf of Mexico; New Orleans Waterfront, Louisiana, USA; Multnomah Falls, Oregon, USA; Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, USA; Long Beach, Washington, USA ~ Pacific Ocean 2010 ~ Alberton River, Montana, USA; Clark Fork River, Montana, USA; Thompson River, Montana, USA; Little Thompson River, Montana, USA; Bitterroot River, Montana, USA; Missouri River, Montana, USA; Tobacco River, Montana, USA; Jocko River, Montana, USA; Blackfoot River, Montana, USA; Flathead River, Montana, USA; Pigeon Forge River, Tennessee, USA; Tennessee River, Tennessee, USA; James River, Virginia, USA; Potomac River, Virginia, USA; Silver Lake, Utah, USA; Wasatch Creek, Utah, USA 2011 ~ Flathead Lake, Montana, USA; Bitterroot River, Montana, USA; Triple Divide Peak, Glacier National Park, Glacier, Montana, USA (where the water flows to the Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, and Hudson Bay, Canada);Lolo Creek, Montana, USA; Cumberland River, Tennessee, USA; Ohio River, Illinois, USA; Tennessee River, Tennessee, USA; Mississippi River (the largest river in the world), Illinois, USA; Delta River, Tennessee, USA; Cottonwood Creek, Utah, USA; Crystal City Water Park, Virginia, USA; Columbia River, Washington, USA 2012 ~ The Pentagon, Washington DC, USA; Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland, USA; Potomac River, Virginia, USA; Crystal City Water Park, USA; Arroyo River, California, USA; Santa Barbara Harbor, California, USA; Lake Cachuma, California, USA; Deschutes River, Oregon, USA 2013 ~ Potomac River, Washington DC, USA; Washington Harbour Waterfront, Washington DC, USA; Deschutes River, Oregon, USA 2014 ~ Thompson River, Montana, USA; Flathead Lake, Montana, USA; Swan Lake, Montana, USA; Yellow Bay, Montana, USA; Deschutes River, Oregon, USA; Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, USA 2015 ~ Deschutes River, Oregon, USA; Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, USA; Willamette River, Oregon, USA; McKenzie River, Oregon, USA; Watts Bar Lake, Tennessee, USA 2016 ~ McKenzie River, Oregon, USA; Willamette River, Oregon, USA; Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, USA & British Colombia, CAN; Delta River, Tennessee, USA; Mad River, California, USA; Eel River, California, USA; Mattole River, California, USA; Bear River, California, USA; Smith River, California, USA; Klamath River, California, USA; Trinity River, California, USA; San Andreas Fault apex, Northern California, USA – Pacific Ocean; Colville River, Washington, USA; Spokane River, Washington, USA; Kettle River, Washington, USA; Beaver Creek, British Columbia, Canada; Thompson River, Montana, USA; Clark Fork River, Montana, USA; Flathead Lake, Montana, USA; Little Thompson River, Montana, USA; Harbor Beach, Maine, USA; Nubble Lighthouse, Maine, USA; Connecticut River, Massachusetts, USA; Agawam River, Massachusetts, USA; Arkansas River, Kansas, USA; Navarre Beach, Florida, USA; Orange Beach, Florida, USA; Louisiana Levy, USA; Pass Christian, Mississippi, USA; Deschutes River, Oregon, USA; Douglas Falls, Washington, USA; Newport, Oregon, USA - Pacific Ocean 2017 ~ Missouri River, Montana, USA; Milk River, Montana, USA; Powder River, Montana, USA; Yellowstone River, Montana, USA; Fort Peck Lake, Montana, USA; Spring Creek, Montana, USA; Jordan River, Israel; Dead Sea, Israel; Sea of Galilee, Israel; Willamette River, Oregon, USA; Deschutes River, Oregon, USA; Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, USA; En Gedi Springs and Waterfalls, Israel 2018 ~ Clackamas River, Oregon, USA; Columbia River, Oregon, USA; Deschutes River, Oregon, USA; Willamette River, Oregon, USA 2019 ~ Willamette River, Oregon, USA; Columbia River, Oregon, USA; Deschutes River, Oregon, USA; Multnomah Falls, Oregon, USA; Horsetail Falls, Oregon, USA 2020 ~ Deschutes River, Oregon, USA; Willamette River, Oregon, USA; Columbia River, Oregon, USA; McKenzie River, Oregon, USA 2021 ~ Deschutes River, Oregon, USA; Willamette River, Oregon, USA; McKenzie River, Oregon, USA 2022 ~ Deschutes River, Oregon, USA; Willamette River, Oregon, USA; John Day River, Oregon, USA; Umatilla River, Oregon, USA; Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, USA; McKenzie River, Oregon, USA; Clark Fork River, Idaho and Montana, USA; Spokane River, Washington, USA; Bitterroot River, Montana, USA; St. Regis River, Montana, USA. Kootenai Creek, Montana. Flathead River, Montana, USA. Dickson Creek, Montana, USA. East Bitterroot River, Montana, USA; Klamath River, Oregon, USA; Sprague River, Oregon, USA; Wood River, Oregon, USA; Link River, Oregon, USA; San Saba River, Texas, USA; Comanche Creek, Texas, USA; Barons Creek, Texas, USA; Palo Alta Creek, Texas, USA; Cow Creek, Texas, USA; Brady Creek, Texas, USA; East Fork Jim Ned Creek, USA; Catclaw Creek, Texas, USA. 2023 ~ Deschutes River, Oregon, USA; Willamette River, Oregon, USA; McKenzie River, Oregon, USA; Klamath River, Oregon, USA; Sprague River, Oregon, USA; Wood River, Oregon, USA; Link River, Oregon, USA 2024 ~ Deschutes River, Oregon, USA; Willamette River, Oregon, USA; McKenzie River, Oregon, USA 2025 ~ Deschutes River, Oregon, USA; Willamette River, Oregon, USA; McKenzie River, Oregon, USA; Maverick Creek, Texas, USA; San Saba River, Texas, USA; Gentry Creek, Texas, USA; Llano River, Texas, USA; Colorado River, Texas, USA; Guadalupe River, Texas, USA; Hog Creek, Texas, USA; Big Joshua Creek, Texas, USA; Little Joshua Creek, Texas, USA; Fredericks Creek, Texas, USA; San Antonio River, Texas, USA; Duck Creek, Texas, USA; Concho River, Texas, USA; Dry Comal Creek, Texas, USA; Elm Creek, Texas, USA; Mill Creek, Texas, USA
And Job again took up his discourse and said, “Oh that I were as in months gone by, As in the days when God watched over me; When His lamp shone over my head, and by His light I walked through darkness; As I was in the prime of my days, when the friendship of God was over my tent; when the Almighty was yet with me, and my children were around me; when my steps were bathed in butter, and the rock poured out for me STREAMS OF OIL!" ~ Job 29:1-6, NASB