"It will be to Me a name of joy, praise and glory before all the nations of the earth which will hear all the good that I do for them, and they will fear and tremble because of all the good and all the peace that I make for it." ~ Jeremiah 33:9, NASB
For the Eternal Glory of YHVH, ELOHIM we have created and given over 3600 Prophetic Worship Instruments since 1996 touching over 700 Nations, States, Cities, Communities, Territories, Islands, Rivers, Ministries and Tribes! We gratefully give thanks to the MOST HIGH GOD for your faithful prayers, gifts of worship instrument supplies and financial support over the last 20 years. We are intentionally moving forward in the advancement of the Kingdom of God on earth for the Eternal Glory of YESHUA!
Prophetic Worship Instruments Created and Given for the Glory of YESHUA! Prophetic WorshipGlory Rings (37): Nation (1): Cyprus (1) Individuals (31): Oregon, USA (20); South Carolina, USA (3); Kentucky, USA (1); Georgia, USA (1); Montana, USA (1); Tennessee, USA (5) States of America (3): Wisconsin, USA (1); Nevada, USA (1); Alabama, USA (1) Cities (2): Salem, Oregon, USA (1); Powell Butte, Oregon, USA (1) Prophetic Worship Sword of the LORD(1): States of America(1): Utah, USA (1) The Worship Scepter for each State in America Project is completed. Prophetic Worship Scepters (55): States of America (43): South Carolina, USA (1); Nebraska, USA (1); Oregon, USA (1); Colorado, USA (1); Tennessee, USA (1); North Carolina, USA (1); Michigan, USA (1); Montana, USA (1); 4 Corners: Arizona-Utah-Colorado-New Mexico, USA (1); Mississippi, USA (1); Connecticut, USA (1); Washington, USA (1); Georgia, USA (1); Texas, USA (1); California, USA (1); Kentucky, USA (1); New York, USA (1); Iowa, USA (1); Florida, USA (1); Delaware, USA (1); Wyoming, USA (1); Hawaii, USA (1); Arizona, USA (1); Wisconsin, USA (1); Alabama, USA (1); Kansas, USA (1); Idaho, USA (1); North Dakota, USA (1); New Mexico, USA (1); Pennsylvania, USA (1); Illinois, USA (1); Vermont, USA (1); Alaska, USA (1); Minnesota, USA (1); Alabama, USA (1); Missouri, USA (1); Indiana, USA (1); Virginia, USA (1); Minnesota, USA (1); Oklahoma, USA (1); Maryland, USA (1); Louisiana, USA (1); West Virginia, USA (1) Nations (11): Eurasia (1); South Seas Islands (1); Africa (1); North America People of God (1); North America Continent (1); North America Indigenous Peoples (1); Israel America (1); Washington D.C. (1); United States Armed Forces (1);, South America (1); Israel (1) Individual (1): Pioneers of America (1)
Website Outreach ~ We had 76,912 visitors and 86,698 page views in 2015. We give thanks to ABBA ADONAI for HIS plans, purposes, provision and providence and pray that each person visiting our website will experience the GLORY of YESHUA!
Holy Anointing Oils 1. May 24, 2015 ~ Pentecost 2015/Shavout 5775 ~ HIS Holy Fusion, Infusion and Diffusion of HIS Eternal Glory, Light and Love! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 2. November 17, 2015 ~ ABBA ADONAI’S Prophetic Resonations of HIS Healing Love and Restoration! Holy Anointing Oil!! ∞
H.G.R.M. Ministry Outreaches 1. March 12-21, 2015 ~ Tennessee, USA 2. April 17-19, 2015 ~ Salem, Oregon, USA 3. August 8, 2015 ~ Aglow, Madras, Oregon, USA 4. August 2015 ~ Prayer Journey ~ Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, USA (1000 miles) 5. October 2015 – Prayer Journey ~ Oregon, Nevada, California, USA (1400 miles)
Worship Instruments Prepared to Send (10) We have 3 Prophetic Worship Glory Rings: Nevada, Uganda and Massachusetts and 7 Prophetic Worship Scepters 1. Nevada 2. New Hampshire 3. South Dakota 4. Ohio 5. Massachusetts 6. New Jersey 7. Rhode Island. We are looking for divine connections.
H.G.R.M. Leadership 2015 ~ Leslie Allen, Advisor, Columbia Falls, Montana, USA Dena Dennis, Advisor, Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA Jeannie Hammitt, Secretary - Treasurer, Montrose, Colorado, USA Cynthia Lingelbach, Advisor, Gresham, Oregon, USA Delores Marston, Advisor, Powell Butte, Oregon, USA Nancy Merzenich, Advisor, Salem, Oregon, USA Gloria J. Reid, Director, Alexandria, Virginia, USA Constance J. Thew, Ministry Arts Advisor, Colville, Washington, USA Arleine von Wagner, Advisor, Merced, California, USA
2016 Dreams and Goals To Begin: 1. Develop H.G.R.M. Brand 2. Design, Develop and Create H.G.R.M. Brand Worship Instruments 3. Ministry Outreaches to Four Corner Border States of America, Kansas, Tennessee, and more. 4. A432 Music Project for the America 2016 Prayer Journey
To Continue: 1. H.G.R.M. website 7. 999-Prayers 2. States of America Anointing Oil Project 8. Creating Holy Anointing Oils 3. H.G.R.M. Group Email 9. H.G.R.M. Prayer Shields 4. JOY's Blog 10. H.G.R.M. FB Group 5. H.G.R.M. FB Page 11. Create Worship Instruments 6. Ministry Outreaches: Workshops, Conferences, Retreats, Prayer Journeys, etc.
To Finish: 12. Create Victory Streamer Worship Instrument for each State in America
In June, H.G.R.M. and I moved to Bend, Oregon and my gainful employment ended unexpectedly, which provided time to move, get settled, re-organize and catch up many ministry projects particularly of the computer nature, in addition to beginning JOY’s Blog.
May the LORD’s abundant favor, grace, truth, light, integrity, justice, peace, revelation, love, joy, forgiveness, kindness, gentleness, discipline, spiritual and earthly prosperity bless you richly. May the LORD richly multiply your generous offerings and faithful prayer support throughout the last 20 years. I am rich in the LORD’s spiritual inheritance and grateful that HE called and anointed me to minister to HIS people on earth, to advance HIS Kingdom on earth for HIS Eternal Glory. My heart is exceedingly grateful to many servants of the LORD who have given generously of their time and resources, joining me in serving our FATHER’s Kingdom on earth.