"You shall follow the LORD your God and fear Him; and you shall keep His commandments, listen to His voice, serve Him, and cling to Him." ~ Deuteronomy 13:4, NASB
For the Eternal Glory of YHVH, ELOHIM (The Father, YESHUA - The Son, The Holy Spirit) we have created and given over 4500 Prophetic Worship Instruments since 1996 touching Nations, States, Cities, Schools, Churches, Families, Communities, Territories, Islands, Rivers, Ministries, and Tribes!
Writings Update 2021 In 2021, due to PDF website parameters most of the Journals of Joy were revised to 220 pages or less. Two more Journals of Joy were also added. It is pure delight to have these assignments from the LORD completed! Glory to YESHUA! Have Glory Ring will Travel!
H.G.R.M. Prayer Shields ~ We continued our H.G.R.M. Prayer Shields in 2021! We give YHVH, ABBA ADONAI Glory for approximately 39 nations joining us in prayer along with inviting H.G.R.M. for ministry outreaches to their nations. Please join us: the Prayer Shields are archived on our website and released monthly through our: 1. Constant Contact Group Email 2. LinkedIn 3. H.G.R.M. FB/META Page.
"For the shields of the earth belong to God; He is highly exalted!" (Psalm 47:9b, NASB).
H.G.R.M. Ministry Updatesestablished 1999
States of America Prayer Shieldestablished 2001
America Israel Prayer Shield established 2003
North America Continent Indigenous Peoples Prayer Shieldestablished 2003
North America Continent Prayer Shieldestablished 2005
Pastoral Prayers Prayer Shieldestablished 2006
The Sounds of the Shofars Prayer Shieldestablished 2007
Anointed Oil of the Month established 2017
HIS Remnant Gathering Nations Prayer Shield established 2017
The United States of America Firefighters (12): March 7, 2021.
America - Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters (12): December 7, 2021.
H.G.R.M. Prayer Warriors Prayer Shield Luncheons ~ Facilitated by Delores Marston, H.G.R.M. Social Director
Saturday, May 22, 2021 at 1:00 PM ~ E Bar Grill, Redmond, Oregon, USA ~ Theme: God Who Provides!
Saturday, August 14, 2021 at 1:00 PM ~ Café Sintra, Sunriver, Oregon, USA ~ Theme: JEHOVAH-SHALOM!
Prophetic Worship Instruments Created and Given for the Glory of YESHUA! (25) Prophetic Worship Glory Rings (25): The following required approximately 500 reclaimed, repurposed, and recycled scarves and 1000 plus yards of ribbons. We are grateful to all those who generously give! States of America (25): SC (1); PA (1); TX (1); WV (3); FL (1); CA (1); WA (1); SD (1); UT (1); WY (1); OR (1); MO (1); HI (1); NJ (1); CO (1); LA (1); NC (1); ID (1); OH (1); TN (1); IN (1); AK (1); MA (1).
H.G.R.M. was gifted 8 new prophetic worship instruments in 2021. Which I might describe as The One True King is coming with HIS Scepters of Favor and Righteousness, for the Redemption of HIS Own, releasing HIS Holy Justice throughout the earth in a season of unprecedented victories because we have appealed to heaven. 1. Gold Trident 2. Two Scepters - Ruby and Sapphire 3. Appeal to Heaven Flag 4. Softball Bat 5. Silver Eagle Walking Cane 6. Hebrews 11 - 1960 Gavel 7. New Beginnings Open Windows Prayer Quilt.
Ministry Outreach
January 9, 2021, Saturday, 9:30 AM, Aglow Community Lighthouse, Inn at Cross Keys Stations, 66 NW Cedar Street, Madras, Oregon, USA
Holy Anointing Oil of the Month ~ In 2022 we are continuing our Anointing Oil of the Month. Anointing Oils may be ordered one or more bottles at a time or on a monthly subscription. Your choice! HGRM gave 181bottles of Holy Anointing Oils as gifts in 2021.
Holy Anointing Oils - 1. January 2021 - Follow the LORD Your God! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 2. February 2021 - The KING's Signet Ring! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 3. March 2021 - HIS Trumpet of Life! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 4. April 2021 - One Hope, One Star, One Promise, One LORD GOD Over All! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 5. May 2021 - HIS Seasons of Recompense and Righteousness! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 6. June 2021 - HIS Seasons of Redemption and Revival! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 7. July 2021 - HIS Seasons of Renewal and Restoration! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 8. August 2021 - HIS Seasons of Replenishment and Repurposing! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 9. September 2021 - HIS Seasons of Revitalization and Resurrection! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 10. October 2021 - HIS Seasons of Reverberation and Resourcefulness! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 11. November 2021 - HIS Seasons of Renovation and Rededication! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 12. December 2021 ~ HIS Seasons of Recalibration and Recommissioning!Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ Please note: HIS is an acronym for “Holy Immanuel Savior” referring to YESHUA, Our Messiah
H.G.R.M. Leadership 2021 ~ Dena Dennis, Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA Freida Headrick, Fort Myers, Florida, USA Maureen Vescera, Lebanon, Tennessee, USA Delores Marston, Social Director, Powell Butte, Oregon, USA
We are grateful for the H.G.R.M. Intercessors Prayer Shield who are literally the wind beneath our wings, bringing spiritual strength, wisdom, discernment, encouragement and hope. And for those who faithfully give financial support to HGRM encouraging us to move forward in the Call of God. Trusting YHVH, ELOHIM to recompense you as only HE can and will. The people who give to HGRM are just like you…generous and kind. Why not join them?
2021 held our first ever dwelling place flood due to aged plumbing which cost about 4 months of time, resources and energy. Gratefully, the rainbow literally appeared and the flood is over. Although many things were lost and/or damaged not one of the 400 plus Worship Instruments the LORD has given to me steward was damaged...truly a miracle. The Most High God has extended HIS deep grace to us, sustaining us providentially for 26 years...one miracle followed by another miracle followed by another miracle...perpetually...for HIS Eternal Glory!
Because of YESHUA, Our Messiah's greatest love, Jennifer Lynn Easton Joy שמחה איסטון לין ינייפר M.Div., Ordained Minister