Tennessee State Highway 1111 @ 11:11 AM Central Daylight Time
Declared, Decreed and Proclaimed: Trump is The Trumpet of YAHWEH
Dismantled the plan of the enemy for nations through YAHWEH
Psalm 44:5
Felt great release here
Also went to my Cherokee ancestral sight on Tennessee River and prayed for descendants to receive restitution. Harrison, Tennessee on Tennessee River near Chattanooga. At river near historical marker of my 4th Great Uncle.
Did not know about this until I completed other assignment. Stopped and pulled over on roadside and asked Teesha to google Directions Marker. We were 13 miles away. Everything about this part was hard. I felt like I was plowing through dried mud.
Going to Lookout mountain in Chattanooga soon. Can see 7 states from there.
Blessings, Freedom
April 6, 2020 11:21 AM The Trail of Tears Runs through here. I thought of pouring anointing oil today over by the Natural Bridge.
Love, Freedom
April 7, 2020 @ 09:11 AM Central Daylight Time Picked up Trail of Tears on HIghway 41 in Monteagle and followed route until Segment ended near Templeton Library off Highway 56. This Road passes through St. Mary’s Retreat. Poured Morning Star Holy Anointing Oil out at this juncture where the trail takes a turn down the mountain. That area is overgrown now and has not been marked. Blew Shofar. It was a mournful sound. The seal of the Cherokee Tribal Council has a 7- Point Star on it.
Went to St Mary’s listening to “Send Your Rain” by Broken Walls. Walked out on the bluff there and blew the Shofar. A black cloud moved in while I was blowing it and when I finished big drops of rain fell for several seconds. Afterward, we walked an old trail below St Mary’s and prayed for the Cherokee to come home. Repented for what has been taken from them. Prayed for Recompense. Found this beautiful wild flower blooming in the forest. All of this makes me weep.
There is more to be done.
Best, Freedom
April 16, 2020 3.36 PM We prayed The North American Indigenous People Prayer Shield April 2020 on the Trail of Tears between Midway and Jumpoff Road, a one-mile stretch between Monteagle and Sewanee. Poured two bottles of HIS Golden Altar Holy Anointing Oil and a third bottle that we could not identify the name at 3 Trail Markers.
Thank you for joining us in praying for the North America Continent Indigenous Peoples this month!
“But if God so clothes the grass in the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, how much more will He clothe you? You men of little faith! (Luke 12:28, NASB).
The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” (Luke 17:5, NASB).
And the Lord said, “If you had faith like a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and be planted in the sea'; and it would obey you (Luke 17:6, NASB).
We give thanksgiving and praise for the countless tribes and nations of indigenous peoples over the earth and know that You will forgive the sins of previous generations, because it is who You are and it is what You do. We humbly offer our prayers knowing fully all answers are found in Your holy and divine wisdom, alignment, discernment, purity, recompense, truth, light, favor, love, protection, revelation knowledge, provision, prosperity, providence, timing, forgiveness, healing, restoration, and redemption. We pray for the reconciliation and unity of all nations, tribes, and peoples upon the earth.
We give thanks that each of us is indigenous in You because we originate in You. We offer thanksgiving and praise because we were Your sons and daughters first and You have brought us into Your Land and Supernatural Eternal Kingdom. Thank you for anointing each of us according to Your Eternal design and purpose. Thank you for fitting us together in the Body of Christ Jesus for Your Eternal Glory!
FATHER GOD, cause us to be people of true faith! We pray for an increase of our faith! We pray that we will be known as people of relentless faith for Your Glory!
Because of YESHUA, our Messiah, King, and Most High Priest, for HIS Eternal Glory!
Amen! Amen! Amen! ∞
Glory Walking Wagalvladiyv Aisvi (Cherokee)
May 2, 2020 04:04 PM Teesha and I blew the Shofars at Bridal Veil yesterday and Beersheba Springs today.
Love, Freedom
Freedom Headrick, Monteagle, Tennessee, USA
"Through You we will push back our adversaries; Through Your name we will trample down those who rise up against us." ~ Psalm 44:5, NASB