August 12, 2004, Thursday ~ Leaving three days later than planned due to some of our ministry families being in crisis, the journey began at 9:45 AM. A large white cross in the pale blue sky above my small apartment is GOD's first redemptive promise and then a fighter jet crossed over me as I headed east on highway I-84. Thank You ABBA ADONAI for air support!
Two months earlier this year, my son, Shawn and I took a similar journey, this time it is just YESHUA and me. It is my first time since the car wrecks in 1994 to drive this distance alone. I am missing my wingman. Yet, confident the LORD is directing my path and walking in faith, the 575 miles slipped by quickly and I arrived in Kalispell, Montana at 7:05 PM Pacific Time or 8:05 PM Mountain Time.
Signs along the way: Crown Point, 80888 at milepost 8, England, Banner Furnace Fuel-A Total Oil Company, Crown Line, Mount Joy Road, Mission Impossible and Dragon Fly.
It is also my first time to attend the Convocation of Eagles ~ A Cherokee Style Worship Gathering. Bob and Dixie Cole hosted a dinner gathering, the first evening where I met Cherokee and Pat and reconnected with Laura, Russ and Ginny. We sat outside enjoying a warm summer evening. Ahhhh, the blessings of divine fellowship. The Holy Spirit directed me to bring ten Worship Flags to give away, which I did immediately at this gathering. Praise the LORD! It is pure joy to give HIS Banners of Love!
August 13, 2004, Friday ~ In the morning, I drove out to Columbia Falls for the first day of the Convocation of Eagles. The Rocky Mountains powerfully and majestically filled the space between the earth and the heavens with a myriad of gray, blue, purple, green, and white hues leaving me breathless. As I cautiously followed the signs to the Convocation, I was completely surprised to find myself being directed by a woman riding a horse to park my vehicle in the yonder field. As I parked by a pickup with Oregon License Plate 777 ~ Symbolic of Peace, I thought, oh, I need to meet whoever drives this truck. The field was full of grasshoppers which irritated my spirit as they symbolize one of the plagues in Egypt, so I prayed Joel 2:23-27 over the land, the gathering and everyone participating as only ELOHIM brings justice and recompense to what the enemy has devoured, stolen or destroyed. When the Glory Van arrived, it was time to begin!
Running Brook wore a Traditional Cherokee Dress - Regalia of calico. The Cherokee women used calico because it tears easily for hand sewing. The Dress is also known as the Tear Dress. Then Jeni introduced me to another Jennifer, and it was an amazing miracle of GOD, three Jennifer Lynn's standing together. Only GOD could arrange that as we were from Oregon, Washington and Montana! Glory!
The first day, positioned as an observer, I learned many things such as the Cherokee have a Friendship Circle, not a Sacred Circle, as do other Native Americans powwows. The Cherokees always have a fire and a Fire Keeper. A few years ago, I was privileged to drive across the Trail of Tears and visit the Cherokee Reservation and see the Eternal Flame, so the fire and Fire Keeper seemed rather logical. Toonacheeke ~ Slow Turtle ~ of the Chabunagungamaug Nipmuck Tribe shared with me about his role as Fire Keeper, which he had been doing for over twenty years. It did not seem logical to this Euro-American that we were dancing around a blazing fire since it was over 95° in the shade. The Convocation began with a Grand Entry followed by a Flag Song and Ceremony. The Flag Ceremony reminded me of the years my sons, who are both Eagle Scouts, were in Scouting.
After the Fire Keeper shared, I noticed this man from the Tribe of Judah Christian Motorcycle Association with Fire Boots! His name could have been Shadrack, Meshack or Abednego. I just loved his black leather riding boots with red and yellow flames streaming up from the sole along the top and the side of the boots. It looked like he was walking through the fire of God in his boots!
During the first Worship session, the staff of the Fire Flag that I was worshiping with broke and I believed it symbolized that GOD was breaking through the darkness with HIS Consuming Fire! Bringing HIS True Light and Glory to all who gathered!
August 14, 2004, Saturday ~ Following the morning session, we gathered at the Montana Coffee Company for lunch where I met the people from Oregon License Plate 777... LeRoy and Audrey from Eugene, Oregon, the city of my birth, who brought the tent to the Convocation that provided the blessed shade. Only GOD!
Jeni asked me to share this afternoon a little about HIS Glory Ring Ministries. The atmosphere reminded me of Peru: intense heat, dirt floors, a tent for shade and GOD's faithful ones. It was an honor to be a part of so many wonderful ministries making a difference for YESHUA! We began making Prophetic Worship Glory Rings for Native American Tribes, Nations and Bands in 2000 and GOD has been faithful to bring increase for HIS GLORY! In September 2003, I delivered the Flathead/Kootenai/Salish Tribe Native American Prophetic Worship Glory Ring.
In the evening we gathered at Christian Life Fellowship in Whitefish, Montana. Before the weekend was over I gave away eight more Prophetic Worship Flags and three Prophetic Worship Glory Rings. Smiles. It was a joy to share worship instruments with others, for them to take home to their cities across America! When the Native American warriors first brought out their "Glory Hoops" I thought to myself, ABBA ADONAI they dance just like me!
One of the warriors offered me his drum. Being raised in a family of musicians, I know when someone offers you their instrument it is an honor. So, after I tried to explain to him that I could not keep a beat, he insisted that I try anyhow. So, I began watching the woman in front of me hitting her drum and tried to follow along. The warrior just laughed and smiled, "You don't see the sound, you hear the sound. Listen!" That was very profound. I never did get the rhythm, but a valuable lesson was reiterated: Some things are for hearing and some things are for seeing, it is important to know the difference.
My favorite law of physics is called the Butterfly Effect by James Gleich, "The notion that a butterfly stirring the air today in Peking can transform storm systems next month in New York." By the same measure, my belief is that worship in Kalispell Montana will transform storm systems next month in Florida.... slowing down and delaying the storm!
During worship on Saturday evening, the purple scarf from Arizona fell off my Prophetic Worship Glory Ring, "The Heart of HIS Arrow" so I gave the scarf to Jeni as the Holy Spirit directed. When something falls off a Prophetic Worship Glory Ring the parable is that GOD is releasing something. In this HE is releasing HIS majesty, passion, royalty, dignity and honor to Jeni Covill and First Nations Monday.
Also, during worship, I met a young warrior, Ryan (age 12). In 2000 someone gave me a bear claw and I had been waiting on the LORD as to whom it belonged to...and it was pure delight to send it to him when I arrived home.
The Warrior in blue and yellow...when I first saw him the Scripture in Jeremiah came immediately to mind.
Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance, And the young men and the old, together; For I will turn their mourning to joy, will comfort them, and make them rejoice rather than sorrow. I will satiate the soul of the priests with abundance and MY people shall be satisfied with MY goodness, says the LORD (Jeremiah 31:13).
When I asked about the colors of his regalia he said that the black was because his people danced all night until the morning sun and the blue sky.
August 15, 2004, Sunday ~ During the Grand Entry and the Veteran's Ceremony I walked with the staff and the rod made by Stephen Watkins on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona. In the evening Jeni presented seemingly everyone with gifts. My gift was a bracelet with this prophetic meaning. 16 white beads symbolize The FATHER's Love, HIS Holiness, Purity, and Righteousness (Psalm 16). 44 turquoise beads represent The FATHER's Love for The Bride of Christ and Ezekiel 44:4. 10 purple iridescent beads The Majesty, Royalty, Glory and Passion of Jesus Christ ten-fold (John 10:10). Glory to GOD!
August 16, 2004, Monday ~ We gathered at Bob and Dixie's for the farewell dinner. Russ was at work during the Veterans Ceremony at the COE, so Cherokee Jones presented a Warrior of Valor medal to his wife, Pat Jones and to Russ Sands.
August 17, 2004, Tuesday ~ Home safe…long journey. I remain grateful for the H.G.R.M. Intercessors and those who intentionally gave to make this possible.