Beginning and Advanced Prophetic Worship Glory Ring Workshops ~ Tennessee, USA
November 11, 2008, Tuesday ~ Psalm 37 speaks of the LORD giving us the desires of our hearts and one of my desires was to be able to travel in ministry with my daughter, Angela. This trip was the fulfillment of that single desire. Although we had pondered about it for years, the time had come, the door had opened and the favor of GOD was upon us as we flew into Nashville, Tennessee. Marsha picked us up in a bright yellow, joy of the LORD, Hummer and drove us to Joyce Breazeale's home in Lebanon, Tennessee where we stayed for the week. Tennessee is my home away from home and holds a very special place in my heart. This was my 12th ministry trip to Tennessee and I anticipated the LORD to move in a very different way. Tennessee is a state that is rich in intercessory prayer and worship!
November 12, 2008, Wednesday ~ As the 3-day Worship Arts Conference had changed to Beginning and Advanced Prophetic Worship Glory Ring Workshops, which alleviated the Prophetic Worship Hammer Class, Holy Anointing Oil Class and Glory Soaking Worship Gathering originally scheduled for day one. We were given an open day for sight-seeing, lunch and shopping with friends. As it was Angela’s first trip to Tennessee, I completely enjoyed introducing her Southern Style lunch and shopping with friends. Tennessee is not like the Northwest in culture or weather. The southern culture is very different and everyone has a bit of “southern hospitality” in their genetic makeup. Shopping in the south is a completely social event. It is not about what one is purchasing, it is about who one is socializing with while they are shopping.
November 13, 2008, Thursday ~ Marsha graciously chauffered us to Westmoreland to set up for the Beginning and Advanced Prophetic Worship Glory Ring Workshops at River of Life Church. Then in the late afternoon, a small group of us went to the Opryland Hotel for the opening light ceremony of the Holiday Season and more of the Southern Living Lifestyle – affectionately called Country!
November 14, 2008, Friday ~ The Beginning Prophetic Glory Ring Workshop was held at River of Life Church, Westmoreland, Tennessee. It was delightful to share the prophetic portion of the workshop with my daughter and others. Over the years, I have remained in complete awe and humble adoration of GOD’s faithfulness to speak to HIS people. Six cities in two states of America were represented at the Workshop and this was our first time to be in Westmoreland.
During this ministry trip, we were blessed to give the following Prophetic Glory Rings:
September 2008 ~ For the Nation of Slovakia! ~HIS Faithful Fruitful Harvest! Given to: Sharon Pawlak, Lyles, Tennessee, USA. Scriptures: Genesis 1, 8:22; Proverbs 1; Psalm 150; Isaiah 43; Matthew 9:37-38; Luke 10:2; John 10:10, 17; Hebrews 11; Ephesians 3; Galatians 5:21-23; Revelation 14:15, 21, 22. Handmade by Kathy Robison and Jennifer Lynn Easton Joy
October 2008 ~ For the Cumberland Gap Territory! ~ HIS Way of Peace and Prosperity! Given to:Susan Stidham, Lafayette, Tennessee, USA. Scriptures: Genesis 1, 27:28-29; Deuteronomy 7:13; Isaiah 42, 43; Psalm 122:7; Luke 1:37; 4; John 17; Philippians 4:7; James 1; 1 John 2:7; 2 John 1:5; Revelation 19, 21, 22. Handmade by Jennifer Lynn Easton Joy
October 2008 ~ For the State of Tennessee! ~ HIS Freedom Fighters!Given to: Susan Wiser, White House, Tennessee, USA. Scriptures: Genesis 1; 1 Chronicles 11:14, 29:11; 2 Samuel 23:12; 2 Kings 13:17; Psalms 20:5, 98:1; Isaiah 61; Matthew 12:20; John 5:4, 8:36; Romans 8; 1 Corinthians 15:54-57; Galatians 5; Revelation 22. Handmade by Jennifer Lynn Easton Joy
October 2008 ~ For the City of Paris, France! ~ HIS Passion, Joy, Favor, Love, Grace and Mercy! Given to:Liz Odum, Lebanon, Tennessee, USA. Scriptures: Genesis 1; Ezekiel 1:3; Psalms 16:11, 150; Proverbs 3:3-4; Isaiah 42, 43; John 4:2-24, 14, 15, 16, 17; 1 Corinthians 13; Revelation 22. Handmade by Kathy Robison and Jennifer Lynn Easton Joy
Following the workshop, we attended a local worship gathering where I was privileged to connect with many friends in Tennessee. The LORD is so faithful to bring forth HIS fullness!
November 15, 2008, Saturday ~ During the weeks previous to the workshops, it is my nature to press into the LORD for HIS fullness. I desire my relationship with PAPA GOD to be like “a larger than average cup overflowing all of the time.” In preparation for the workshop, I brought supplies to make a Glory Ring during the Advanced Workshop which is a normal part of the presentation. What was so different is that HE had me make a Glory Ring for “HIS UNIVERSE.” I have made Glory Rings for individuals, groups, churches, states, rivers, islands, territories and nations but not for “HIS UNIVERSE.” This was a completely new assignment! I was rather overwhelmed by the timing of HIS assignment. Gratefully, Angela was willing to cut and fray check the many ribbons and sequins needed for this Glory Ring, as well as helping others at the workshop with their Songs in Color, also known as Prophetic Glory Rings.
November 15, 2008 ~ ABBA ADONAI's UNIVERSE! Scriptures: Psalms 8, 19, 33, 50, 57, 68, 78, 89, 136, 147, 148, 149, 150; Genesis 1, 2; Revelation 1, 5, 19, 21, 22; Genesis 15:5, 22:17, 26:4; Job 22:12, 38:7; Isaiah 40:26; Jeremiah 31:35; Daniel 12:3; Deuteronomy 10:14, 33:28; 1 Samuel 2:10; 1 Chronicles 16:31, 29:11. Handmade by Angela Lynn Parker and Jennifer Lynn Easton Joy
As, we were leaving the Workshop, Pastor Susan Stidham asked if I would minister Sunday Morning at River of Life Church. The LORD graciously prepared me in advance, so the fullness of HIS desires and plans came forth. Saturday evening, a small group of us spent some delightful time in intentional worship and heartfelt communion at a friend’s home.
November 16, 2008, Sunday ~ Kathy Junker, one of our ministry intercessors drove us to Westmoreland for the morning service at River of Life Church, which is filled with radical worshipers. The Pastors of River of Life Church, generously gave the use of their facility for the Beginning and Advanced Prophetic Worship Glory Ring Workshops on Friday and Saturday. The atmosphere was filled with angels, the glory of the LORD, the harmony and music of intentional and purposed worshipers and the resonating sound of seven Shofars. The presence of the LORD was rich and sweet as HE ministered to HIS people late into the afternoon. I offer my heartfelt thanks to Susan and Kathy for assisting me during the ministry time. We are blessed beyond words to be sons and daughters of such a loving, kind, supportive and faithful ABBA ADONAI and to have YESHUA as our personal LORD and SAVIOR. How sweet it is!
Following a late afternoon southern dinner including fried okra, fried chicken, corn, rolls, butter, mashed potatoes and so much more dinner, we stopped by Mary Ellen’s family and celebrated the adoption of their daughter, Avery. They received news earlier in the week that the adoption was finalized and the LORD gloriously answered their prayer!
November 17, 2008, Monday ~ On Monday Morning, we had a private ordination for Liz Odum as a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The LORD confirmed HIS word, will and plans in many unusual ways and we trust HIS purposes and plans as they come forth. Followed by a brief shopping trip to the Lebanon Town Square and a couple of divine appointments, especially at Grandma’s where when it became known that I was in ministry, I was embraced with warm hugs and given embroidery hoops for the ministry, and a promise to pray for HGRM. We arrived home very early the next morning, grateful always to land safely, knowing the prayers of the intercessors have held us before our FATHER GOD during our travels.
Many Blessings to Marsha, Jan, Liz, Rob and Sue, Mary Ellen, Susan, Kathy and Joyce for all that you gave to make this possible. As always extremely grateful for the faithful prayers of the H.G.R.M. Intercessor's Prayer Shield. May ELOHIM be eternally blessed as we purpose to serve HIS Kingdom and HIS people on earth.