“God created man in HIS own image, in the image of God HE created him; male and female HE created them.” ~ Genesis 1:27
God created us ~ “HE will love you and bless you and multiply you; HE will also bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground, your grain and your new wine and your oil, the increase of your herd and the young of your flock, in the land, which HE swore to your forefathers to give you.” ~ Deuteronomy 7:13
God blesses us and the fruit of our womb ~ “Upon you I was cast from birth; You have been my God from my mother’s womb.” ~ Psalm 22:10
God was our God before we were born ~ “For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb.” ~ Psalm 139:13
God designed us.
Scripture clearly indicates that YHVH God, ABBA ADONAI was our Father first.
Each of us has an earthly family into which we were born. Some are single births, others are twins or triplets. We are born either female or male. Some of us were raised in Christian faith households while others were raised in religious or non-religious atmospheres. Some of us were given all the privileges of education and wealth, while others wondered what it would be like to have food, clothing and shelter. Some of us have adopted siblings and step-siblings, some of us are only children. Some of us were loved unconditionally by our parents, yet statistics report that most of us were abused either emotionally, mentally, physically, sexually or spiritually. The truth is all parents possess the humanity factor, the inborn ability to make a mistake. The Creator, The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY designed the family structure to be male and female with offspring. As many people as there are on the earth, which is about 8 billion, there are family structures and dynamics.
The only consistent fact is that YHVH was our Father first.
Most of us do not base our identity on this information. Instead, our identity is based on what our parents did or did not do, what our spouses say or do not say, what our siblings do or do not think, what our friends believe or do not believe, how our co-workers treat us…when our identity is founded in the truth that YHVH GOD was our FATHER first…every other relationship in our life will be transformed because as our identity is based in who HE is and then we will be free to become who HE created us to be. We will not be obsessed or even desire to please our parents, siblings, friends, and/or co-workers. Our Heavenly Father will be our single role model. It will benefit our whole life for YHVH God to be our single source, our moral model, our true ideal, our only hero, our mentor, our teacher, our spiritual leader, our intellectual pursuit, our covering, our protection and our parent.
As we daily invite the Holy Spirit to transform our lives, we let go of our need to control. We choose to trust God with the outcome of our lives. As we purpose to love the LORD GOD with all our strength, we find loving others to be easier. As we submit our will to ABBA ADONAI, we watch our unacknowledged issues with authority figures diminishing. As we purpose to serve YESHUA, we find joy in serving others. Once our spirit is aligned rightly with the Spirit of God, our behaviors begin to exemplify the eternal fruit of the Spirit such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. ~ Galatians 5:22-23
Among the benefits of having our identity in knowing Creator GOD as our parent are:
Balance in our relationships including the absence of co-dependency, idolization, domination, etc.
Healthy relationships including the absence of emotional, social, spiritual, mental, physical and sexual abuse, etc.
Internal joy and external peace including the absence of conflict, anxiety, fear, negative stress, disease, sickness, etc.
Confidence in who we are as a child of God including the absence of guilt, shame, fear, condemnation, rejection, anxiety, competition, etc.
Positioned to serve in the family of GOD including harmony and unity among brothers and sisters in the LORD, etc.
~~~~~~~~~ The next portion of the message will be an interactive responsive reading. I will read the character or attribute of God and then your response will be: “HE was my Father first!” My prayer is that when this is completed, we will have a strength and confidence that we experience for the first time the dynamic, life-changing, eternal, unstoppable, LOVE of our first FATHER!
THE NAMES OF GOD – HE WAS MY FATHER FIRST 1. ADONAI ~ Psalm 83:18; Isaiah 6:8-11; Joshua 5:14; Malachi 1:6 “HE was my Father first!” 2. ALMIGHTY ~ Genesis 17:1; Psalm 91:1 “HE was my Father first!” 3. AMEN ~ Revelation 3:14 “HE was my Father first!” 4. THE ANCIENT OF DAYS ~ Daniel 7:9 “HE was my Father first!” 5. THE BREAD OF LIFE ~ John 6:48 “HE was my Father first!” 6. CAPSTONE ~ Psalm 118:22-23 “HE was my Father first!” 7. COUNSELOR ~ Isaiah 9:6 “HE was my Father first!” 8. CREATOR ~ Isaiah 40:28 “HE was my Father first!” 9. DIVINE SALVATION ~ Genesis 2:4 “HE was my Father first!” 10. ETERNAL GOD OF REFUGE ~ Deuteronomy 33:27 “HE was my Father first!” 11. ETERNAL KING, TRUE GOD, LIVING ONE ~ Jeremiah 10:10 “HE was my Father first!” 12. EVERLASTING FATHER ~ Isaiah 9:6; John 4:24, 15:6 “HE was my Father first! 13. EVERLASTING GOD ~ Genesis 21:33; Isaiah 40:28-31 “HE was my Father first!” 14. FATHER, ROCK OF MY SAVIOR ~ Psalm 89:26 “HE was my Father first!” 15. FATHER OF THE HEAVENLY LIGHTS ~ James 1:17 “HE was my Father first!” 16. GOD OF ALL COMFORT ~ 2 Corinthians 1:3 “HE was my Father first!” 17. GOD OF ALL GRACE ~ 1 Peter 5:10 “HE was my Father first!” 18. GOD OF ALL HUMANKIND ~ Jeremiah 32:27 “HE was my Father first!" 19. GOD OF HOSTS ~ Psalm 80:7 “HE was my Father first!” 20. GOD OF ISRAEL ~ Psalm 15:31 “HE was my Father first!” 21. GOD OF JACOB ~ Psalm 15:21 “HE was my Father first!” 22. GOD OF LOVE AND PEACE ~ 2 Corinthians 13:11 “HE was my Father first!” 23. GOD OF MY PRAISE ~ Psalm 109:1 “HE was my Father first!” 24. GOD OF MY RIGHTEOUSNESS ~ Psalm 4:1 “HE was my Father first!” 25. GOD OF MY FATHER ~ Genesis 31:5 “HE was my Father first!” 26. GOD OF PEACE ~ Romans 16:20 “HE was my Father first!” 27. GOD MOST HIGH ~ Genesis 14:17-23; Psalm 57:2; Isaiah 14:13,14 “HE was my Father first!” 28. GOD THE LORD, THE STRENGTH OF MY SALVATION ~ Psalm 140:7 “HE was my Father first!” 29. GOD WHO FORGIVES ~ Psalm 99:8 “HE was my Father first!” 30. GOD WHO SAVES ME ~ Psalm 51:14 “HE was my Father first!” 31. GUIDE OF MY YOUTH ~ Jeremiah 3:4 “HE was my Father first!” 32. HOLY ~ Isaiah 57:15 “HE was my Father first!” 33. HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL ~ Isaiah 43:3 “HE was my Father first!” 34. HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL, GOD OF ALL THE EARTH ~Isaiah 54:5) “HE was my Father first!” 35. HOPE OF ISRAEL ~ Jeremiah 17:13 “HE was my Father first!” 36. HORN OF SALVATION ~ Psalm 18:2 “HE was my Father first!” 37. I AM WHO I AM ~ Exodus 3:14 “HE was my Father first!” 38. IMMANUEL ~ Isaiah 7:14 “HE was my Father first!” 39. JACOB’S KING ~ Isaiah 41:21 “HE was my Father first!” 40. JEALOUS GOD ~ Exodus 34:14 “HE was my Father first!” 41. GOD IS A JUDGE ~ Psalm 56:6 “HE was my Father first!” 42. KING ~ Psalm 10:16 “HE was my Father first!” 43. KING ETERNAL ~ 1 Timothy 1:1 “HE was my Father first!” 44. KING OF GLORY ~ Psalm 24:7-8 “HE was my Father first!” 45. KING OF KINGS ~ Revelation 19:16 “HE was my Father first!” 46. KING OF THE NATIONS ~ Jeremiah 10:7 “HE was my Father first!” 47. LIGHT OF ISRAEL ~ Isaiah 10:17 “HE was my Father first!” 48. LIGHT OF THE WORLD ~ John 8:12 “HE was my Father first!” 49. LIVING GOD ~ Psalm 84:2 “HE was my Father first!” 50. LORD ~ Exodus 6:3 “HE was my Father first!” 51. LORD GOD OF GODS ~ Joshua 22:22 “HE was my Father first!” 52. LORD MY GOD ~ Zechariah 14:5 “HE was my Father first!” 53. LORD, THE GOD HEAVEN ~ Genesis 24:7 “HE was my Father first!” 54. LORD, THE GOD OF ISRAEL ~ Joshua 24:2 “HE was my Father first!” 55. LORD, GOD OF OUR FATHERS ~ Ezra 7:27 “HE was my Father first!” 56. LORD GOD OF RECOMPENSE ~ Jeremiah 51:56 “HE was my Father first!” 57. LORD WHO SANCTIFIES YOU ~ Exodus 31:13 “HE was my Father first!” 58. LORD OF LORDS ~ Revelation 19:16 “HE was my Father first!” 59. LORD OUR GOD ~ Psalm 99:5 “HE was my Father first!” 60. LORD OUR MAKER ~ Psalm 95:6 “HE was my Father first!” 61. LORD YOUR GOD ~ Exodus 20:2 “HE was my Father first!” 62. MAJESTIC ~ Psalm 8:1 “HE was my Father first!” 63. MAKER OF ALL THINGS ~ Jeremiah 10:16 “HE was my Father first!” 64. MASTER ~ Acts 4:24 “HE was my Father first!” 65. MIGHTY GOD ~ Isaiah 9:6 “HE was my Father first!” 66. MOST HIGH ~ Psalm 9:1-2 “HE was my Father first!” 67. MY BELOVED ~ Isaiah 5:1 “HE was my Father first!” 68. MY GOD OF MERCY ~ Psalm 59:10 “HE was my Father first!” 69. OUR DWELLING PLACE ~ Psalm 90:1 “HE was my Father first!” 70. PLANT OF RENOWN, RIGHTEOUS ROOT ~ Ezekiel 34:29 “HE was my Father first!” 71. PRINCE OF PEACE ~ Isaiah 9:6 “HE was my Father first!” 72. REDEEMER ~ Psalm 19:14 “HE was my Father first!” 73. ROCK OF ISRAEL ~ Genesis 49:24 “HE was my Father first!” 74. SAVIOR ~ Isaiah 43:3 “HE was my Father first!” 75. SHEPHERD ~ Psalm 23:1 “HE was my Father first!” 76. SHEPHERD OF ISRAEL ~ Psalm 80:1 “HE was my Father first!” 77. SON OF DAVID ~ Matthew 9:27 “HE was my Father first!” 78. SPIRIT OF GOD ~ Job 33:4 “HE was my Father first!” 79. STRONG FORTRESS ~ Psalm 31:2 “HE was my Father first!” 80. STRONG TOWER ~ Proverbs 18:10 “HE was my Father first!” 81. SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS ~ Malachi 4:2 “HE was my Father first!” 82. THE LORD OF POWER AND LIGHT, STRONG ONE ~ Genesis 1:3; Psalm 19:1 “HE was my Father first!” 83. THE LORD IS ONE ~ Zechariah 14:9 “HE was my Father first!” 84. THE LORD IS MY BANNER ~ Exodus 17:15 “HE was my Father first!” 85. THE LORD OF HOSTS ~ 1 Samuel 1:3; Isaiah 6:1-3 “HE was my Father first!” 86. THE LORD IS MY PEACE ~ Judges 6:24 “HE was my Father first!” 87. THE LORD IS THERE, PRESENT ~ Ezekiel 48:35 “HE was my Father first!” 88. THE LORD MY SHEPHERD ~ Psalm 23:1 “HE was my Father first!” 89. THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS ~ Jeremiah 23:6 “HE was my Father first!” 90. THE LORD WILL PROVIDE ~ Genesis 22:8, 13-14 “HE was my Father first!” 91. THE LORD WHO HEALS YOU ~ Exodus 15:26 “HE was my Father first!” 92. THE LORD MY ROCK ~ Psalm 144:1 “HE was my Father first!” 93. THE ONLY WISE GOD ~ 1 Timothy 1:17 “HE was my Father first!” 94. TRUE GOD ~ Jeremiah 10:10 “HE was my Father first!” 95. UPRIGHT ONE ~ Isaiah 26:7 “HE was my Father first!” 96. WONDERFUL ~ Isaiah 9:6 “HE was my Father first!” 97. WORD OF GOD ~ Revelation 19:13 “HE was my Father first!” 98. YAH ~ Psalm 68:4 “HE was my Father first!” 99. YOU ARE THE GOD WHO SEES ME ~ Genesis 16:13 “HE was my Father first!” 100. YOUR NAME ~ Psalm 66:4 “HE was my Father first!”
Our identity, character, moral values, strength, choices, confidence and self-esteem are based in our relationship with GOD Our FATHER, YESHUA, HIS Son, and the Holy Spirit. God is not only my Father, HE is our Father. YESHUA is not only my brother, HE is our brother. We are brothers and sisters in God’s family. We are the fullness of HIS joy, delight, purpose, plan and pleasure.
PS. Perspective: The reader may notice throughout the teaching notes the pronoun “He” used in reference to the Creator, the LORD God Almighty. The “He” is not in reference to a belief about God being a specific gender; rather the author believes God created gender. God is not female or male yet the Creator of both. In Protestant Christianity, one does not presume the use of the male pronoun “He” confirms a belief about gender. However, we do acknowledge that while YESHUA was on earth, he was of male gender as is historically recorded. We are in complete agreement with the perspective to fully see YESHUA, there is “neither male nor female” is to become aware that it is our behavioral humanity, not our gender that weighs more to God ~ Galatians 3:28.
The acronym HE is symbolic of “Holy Eternal,” the acronym HIS is symbolic of “Holy Immanuel Savior,” and the acronym HIM is symbolic of “Holy Infinite Majesty.” The purpose is to provide a message within a message, an overt intentional act to honor ABBA ADONAI!
All Scripture References: New American Standard Bible.