Beginning and Advanced Prophetic Worship Glory Ring Workshops ~ Northern California, USA
September 19, 2002, Thursday ~ The flight along the Oregon Coast was beautiful, breathtaking and smooth. The Holy Spirit confirmed in more than one way that my physical being would be sustained during this ministry outreach, even though it would be my first time to facilitate a Beginning and Advanced Prophetic Glory Ring Workshops back-to-back: The Beginning Workshop on Friday, the Advanced Workshop, on Saturday. This experience could be likened to a maiden voyage. YESHUA touched my hip earlier this year and HIS healing brought greater strength and stamina for 12-14 hour days of ministering. In my spirit, I felt as though HE was assuring me, as HE does so often, that HE had already made the way for me to accomplish what HE had purposed for HIS Glory.
Signs along the way: A608, A5, 7E, Flying J
It was an exceedingly, beautiful day in Portland, Oregon and Eureka, California with warm winds and cornflower blue skies. Pastor Cassie and Aileen met me at the baggage claim area and took me to a local coffee shop where we took time to discuss the different facets of the weekend. Then we went to the First Baptist Church to setup for the Workshops. There is a sweet comfort in returning to a familiar place, along with the gift of being positioned to prepare the evening before a Workshop. Following a beautiful dinner served along the marina overlooking the colorful tranquil sunset at Humboldt Bay, I was taken to the 100-year-old Victorian home where I would be lodging for three nights. The hosts, pastors of a local congregation provided welcoming and comfortable accommodations.
September 20, 2002, Friday ~ The designated chauffeur for the weekend arrived promptly at 8:00 AM. She found me in the backyard, sitting outside in the glorious heavenly garden near a small soothing pond, adorned with a smooth flowing waterfall that was home to a family of goldfish. The garden was filled with a profusion of colorful fragrant flowers and deciduous shade trees. Tangerine and strawberry colored bougainvillea lined the garden’s wall releasing a sweet fragrance throughout the garden. It was an extravagantly beautiful way to begin any day.
The LORD inspired me to begin the Workshop with the reading of Leviticus 23, regarding the Feast of Tabernacles, as the 20th of September began the Feast of Tabernacles this year.
In every territory, where the LORD sends me there are different forms of warfare coming against HIS purposes (Ephesians 6). In Eureka, I was especially blessed to have four HGRM Prayer Shield intercessors at the Workshop, Pastor Cassie of the Baptist Church and Pastors Scott and Ellie Snedeker of the Highland Vineyards. Glory to HIS Name! Whenever HGRM Prayer Shield intercessors attend Workshops, it is a great blessing and makes such a difference in the Spirit realm.
After the workshop, Pastor Cassie and I shared table fellowship and I was privileged to ask as many questions as I desired and have them all answered! She is not only an experienced pastor but also specializes in communication. Finding someone educated, anointed and willing to offer mentoring even for an evening is rather rare in ministry. As I failed speech class in college, and truly struggled being in front of people, I asked Pastor Cassie for any ideas on improving the Workshop. She candidly said that she had hoped to watch and be able to give me ideas as I had asked prior to the Workshop, but the anointing was so strong and the presence of the LORD so tangible, that I did not notice anything else. This brought me great peace as clearly the Anointing and Calling of God on my life will cover my inadequacies as a Workshop facilitator. For this I give thanks.
Later in the evening the divine connection for the Guatemala Prophetic Worship Glory Ring was made. We have been waiting two years for the divine connection for the Guatemala Prophetic Worship Glory Ring! Praise The LORD!
May 2000 ~ For the Nation of Guatemala ~ JESUS’ Healing and Cleansing Atonement! Given to: James and Lynn Jankowiak, Guatemala City, Guatemala – September 2001. Scriptures: Zechariah 9:11-12; Romans 5:9; 1 John 1:5-10. Handmade by Betty Leach and Jennifer Lynn Easton Joy
September 21, 2002, Saturday ~ The Advanced Prophetic Glory Ring Workshop was a very full day with 11 attending and each making a beautiful worship instrument to give God glory! HGRM was blessed once again with an abundance of supplies for worship instruments.
Following the Workshop, we shared dinner in the Succoth, the garden at the First Baptist Church. One chair at the table was draped with a purple cloth to represent YESHUA, our Messiah being present at our table. It was truly a divine, holy, sacred, precious time in HIS presence!
During the Workshop, the LORD instructed me to make another “I AM!” For the Nations of America and Israel! Prophetic Worship Glory Ring! Placed specifically on this Glory Ring were pins from New York and a gold vine with grapes. It is the only “I AM!” Prophetic Worship Glory Ring with these adornments. Only God would position me in a place where the husband and wife are native to America and Israel. What I mean by that is that Scott is American born and Ellie, New York born has Jewish heritage. They pastor the Highland Vineyard Church. God knew! Although HE had spoken to me about which Prophetic Glory Ring to make at the Advanced Workshop as a teaching demonstration, I knew nothing of HIS plans to leave it in Eureka, California. HE is certainly a GOD of many surprises and suddenlies!
September 2002 ~ For America and Israel! ~ I AM! Given to: Scott and Ellie Snedeker, Eureka, California, USA. Scriptures: Exodus 3:14; Isaiah 44:6, 62; Psalm 91; Ezekiel 44:4; Jeremiah 24:7; Matthew 18:20; John 6:35, 8:12, 8:23, 8:58, 10:9-11, 11:25, 14: 6; 1 Corinthians 15:10. Handmade by Jennifer Lynn Easton Joy
September 22, 2002, Sunday ~ On this glorious, beautiful morning I joined Pastors Scott and Ellie at the Highland Vineyards for pre-service prayer and worship this morning. As I was worshiping with the flags, I heard the sound of the flute and thought it was just the sound of the heavens, which I hear so often; then I turned and saw Scott playing the flute. Tears filled my eyes when I heard the melodic sound of a flute because my sister, Susan, who is in heaven, played the flute. When I asked Scott about the flute, he said that he had not played in a very long time, but that the Holy Spirit spoke to him earlier this morning to bring it. It was a gift that ministered very deeply to my soul and spirit. One simple act of obedience to the Holy Spirit’s voice may impact someone for eternity. When each one of us hears HIS voice, it is our choice whether or not we respond.
Pastor Scott invited me to pray for Highland Vineyard Fellowship, which I considered an honor and trust the LORD will have HIS way in HIS people according to HIS glorious mercy and love. At the close of worship, Ellie drove me to the service at the First Baptist Church.
Immediately following Pastor Cassie’s message, a wedding ceremony took place. After the wedding was a sweet reception with much laughter, joy and celebration. They gave me the pure delight of serving the rich, extravagant chocolate wedding cake! It was a quintessential afternoon.
Following the wedding reception and a farewell late afternoon Sunday brunch, they dropped me off at the airport. After entering the crowded terminal, checking the two 70-pound suitcases and prepared for departure, I was bumped off the flight. Surprise! Suddenly! Another change of plans! Finally, after three or four unsuccessful phone calls I reached Ellie and they drove out to the airport to rescue me for an unexpected fourth night and a promise to return me to the airport in the morning.
September 23, 2002, Monday ~ Safe journey home. Praise the LORD!