Advanced Prophetic Worship Glory Ring Workshop ~ Northern California, USA
February 23, 2005, Wednesday ~ The following Prophetic Word arrived this evening as I was packing for the trip:
"I AM is with you. Have I not said. Will I not do. It is MY plan. I have told you of it. Therefore, it is MY job. I will do the work. Just stand and rest in me. My finished work. My burden is light- rest at My feet. Worship me and leave everything to me." Annette Ammarell, Vassalboro, Maine
February 24, 2005, Thursday ~ With great anticipation of enjoying one of my favorite flight patterns along the Oregon Coast the trip to the airport seemed to take only a few seconds. My daughter, Angela and my grandchildren, Sarah and Elijah provided shuttle service to the Portland, Oregon International Airport (PDX). The curb side baggage check-in had some technical problems causing a twenty-minute delay. Inside the airport, my carry-on luggage was selected for searching, and at flight check-in the computers shut down and so our flight was manually checked in twice, the second time by the captain.
After immediate take-off we headed east, not west to the coast. This was a new flight pattern that flew over my apartment complex in Fairview, turned south over Gresham, and followed the Willamette River through the Willamette Valley of Oregon. As I was sitting on the left side of the plane, the transparent cobalt blue sky offered a memorable, breathtaking and panoramic view of the Cascade Range beginning with Mount Rainier, immediately followed by Saint Helens, Mount Hood, Mount Jefferson, Mount Washington, Broken Top, the North Sister, the Middle Sister, the South Sister, Mount Bachelor and more. Although, I was raised in the Willamette Valley, and have poured Holy Anointing Oil in the Willamette River many times, it is the first time I have flown over the Willamette River’s flight pattern. God is changing our flight patterns in accordance with HIS will and the route of HIS Holy River! (Revelation 22)
Vickey was patiently waiting when my delayed flight finally arrived. It is such a sweet gift from the LORD to return to a city, a place, a territory where one has been so warmly embraced, honored and welcomed before. We arrived at their home in seemingly just moments where we found awaiting a delightful salmon dinner prepared by her husband, David, followed by an evening of resting in HIS presence.
Following dinner, I opened the suitcases that had been checked and searched – one suitcase was left with a metal clip reading 19 00 on the tab. Vickey suggested that they were searching for a bomb . . . a spiritual bombshell? David and Vickey's home is vividly adorned with colors and expressions of worship…I felt so at home!
February 25, 2005, Friday ~ The late morning-early afternoon held a few errands including more treasures at the thrift store, stopping by Suzie’s for a quick visit and then we picked up one of Vickey’s spiritual daughter’s, Jessica, who would be staying with David and Vickey and assisting Vickey at the workshop. The Holy Spirit clearly asked me to invite Jessica to the Workshop, to offer her a scholarship. Please know that I have never invited someone to attend the Advanced Prophetic Glory Ring Workshop who has not attended the Beginning Prophetic Glory Ring Workshop because of the LORD's ordering of HIS purposes, timings, seasons in the lives of HIS people. The LORD was doing a new thing and it was my heart to be immediately obedient. Jessica had already read through a copy of the book, Have Glory Ring will Travel! and worshiped with a Prophetic Worship Glory Ring made by Vickey. After the invitation was offered and accepted by Jessica, Vickey mentioned that it was Jessica's 19th birthday, tomorrow, the day of the workshop. Only GOD! I thought about the silver metal tab in the suitcase #19 – a hundred-fold. Perhaps GOD was bringing a hundred-fold birthday gift to one of HIS daughters.
"Behold, the former things have come to pass, Now I declare new things; before they spring forth I proclaim them to you!"(Isaiah 42:9).
Before the evening gathering, Jessica, Vickey and I were sitting in the living room discussing preparations for the Workshop and I randomly talked about my Grandfather being a part of the "Oregon Loggers" a blue grass country jazz dance band in the 1930's. Jessica's eyes lit up and she mentioned that her great-grandfather was a part of the "Oregon Loggers." Throughout the 1930s there were a number of different members of the band depending on transportation, work, weather and seasons. It was rather a divine connection and seemed as though GOD was releasing HIS spiritual and earthly inheritance in this season.
David and Vickey have a unique anointing that allows them to feel great comfort when thirty people are squeezed into their living room for ministry. Vickey asked me to share about HGRM and explain a bit more about Prophetic Worship Glory Rings on Friday evening to those gathered. Then the Holy Spirit showed up in abundant overflowing sweet power and revelation and poured the FATHER's love and the freedom of YESHUA into HIS people. Glory! Glory! Glory!
As GOD is completely in a season of new things, HE is new every morning. Truly it was the sweetest thing of GOD. Gerald had planned to attend the Beginning Prophetic Glory Ring Workshop in January that was postponed. After conferring with Vickey, it seemed to us the LORD would like to invite Gerald, Suzie’s brother to the Advanced Prophetic Glory Ring Workshop the next day, so we did. The delight being is that the LORD had already provided all the supplies, which normally need to be ordered 3 weeks in advance, paved the way, removed the obstacles, opened the doors and released the blessing. Nothing quite like the supernatural intervention of the MOST HIGH GOD!
"Behold, I will do something new, Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will make a road way in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert, To give drink to My chosen people" (Isaiah 43:19-20).
February 26, 2005, Saturday ~ There is nothing quite like the morning of an Advanced Prophetic Glory Ring Workshop with anticipation very high and the intensity in the spiritual realm even higher. The morning session holds a brief teaching then each person completes the first four portions of their Prophetic Worship Glory Ring: Hoop, Center, Ribbon and Tinsel preparations. Ironically the heater in the building was not functioning correctly so we had many power units, heaters plugged in around the room. Speaking of an increase of power! Throughout the day the Holy Spirit released HIS anointing through giving me visions/pictures of four new Prophetic Worship Glory Rings that I will make when I return home. They were all completed, one is photographed on our website.
1. HIS Golden Cup of Life 2. Hidden Treasures 3. The Heart of HIS Arrow 4. Tree of Life 5. HIS House of Powers
Among the new things the Holy Spirit has experientally revealed to me over the years in terms of easier ways to make the Tinsel/Fringe Prophetic Worship Glory Rings: 1. Use duct tape on the handle. 2. With duct tape the handle does not need to be wrapped with wire. 3. Treasures may be hidden in the center of the ring 4. Eight or nine inch rings are best for beginners 5. One-inch thick polyester fiber fill quilt batting cut into strips 36 x 2 inch pieces for wrapping the handle is the easiest 6. Stretch fabric is easiest for wrapping the handle 7. Balsam wood embroidery hoops are not strong enough to hold the tinsel/fringe rings together as they consistently break 8. Use permanent not temporary double stick tape for positioning the ribbons on the inside of the ring over the tinsel 9. Two-ply tinsel is more durable over single-ply.
During the morning, I walked over to David and Vickey's to change jackets as the room had more than warmed up. On the large deck, near the back door were many beautiful butterflies fluttering about and I wished that I had my camera to take photographs. Later, when Vickey went home to prepare lunch she also noticed the seven butterflies and took photographs. When I arrived for lunch she began talking about the seven butterflies and that she had captured them with her camera. Only God!
The workshop held a place for people from age seven to over fifty, both genders, and at least four cities represented. We gathered to honor Our Messiah, YESHUA and create sacred worship instruments for HIS Glory! HE is so about miracles. For me personally one of the miracles is that everyone at the workshop did the tinsel application correctly, there were not any makeovers of the tinsel which was a first! The ministry's digital camera had a function glitch, gratefully David filled in the gap taking many photos to share. Following the Workshop was a group pot-luck style dinner. The families that gathered on Friday evening gathered again to share and see the Prophetic Worship Glory Rings and fellowship in HIS presence.
February 27, 2005, Sunday ~ After another one of David's famous breakfasts, we headed to McKinleyville to The Foursquare Church on the Rock which meets in the local middle school, home of the McKinleyville Comets! The pre-service worship set was a delightful anointed time as well as the worship time during the service. The Shofar was blown sounding the invitation to the city that it is time to worship the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY in spirit and in truth (John 4:24). A huge amount of color was added to the worship time...May the Glory of GOD reign, rain and rein! The Golden Gait and the Gold Rose were divine gifts as HIS Golden Gates of Heaven opened pouring forth the filling to overflowing of HIS Holy Spirit. As we were leaving Matthew (age 7) handed me some little green plastic pellets for an air gun. I just laughed thinking how like GOD to put the ammunition we need into our hands!
After the church service, we dropped Jessica by her home in Arcata and then returned to David and Vickey's for lunch and final packing. Amazing that one suitcase weighed 48.9 pounds and the second 38.9 pounds as the limit is now 50 pounds per piece not 70 pounds as it was when I first began traveling in ministry. Thank You GOD! David and Vickey dropped me off, leaving immediately for another meeting. So, Susie came to the airport to stay with me until check in, the last time I had to go through security three times and have my luggage totally taken apart and inspected, so I am sure she came to stand in the gap. Praise the LORD!
The Lord released HIS Tree of Life, Consuming Fire, Mercy, Grace, Favor and New Beginnings to Humboldt County and Northern California. By the time boarding the aircraft came, the heavens were releasing buckets of sweet refreshing cleansing rain. The ride home was similar to riding a roller coaster with a broken track...extremely bumpy. Smiles. My beautiful daughter Angela Lynn, graciously picked me up at the airport and generously took me out to dinner before taking me home. Small gifts are often the largest favors.
The following is what Vickey saw as she and David drove back into McKinleyville for a meeting at the church.
"As we drove into McKinleyville, I could feel the atmosphere changing, not just in the physical but in the spiritual. When we got to the school and I got out of the car the wind picked up and it was like blowing through me and over me. I thought that this is the last day of the week that Humboldt County was to be praying for California, and I knew that something was breaking. When I came out to blow my Shofar, which I blew to the four corners, I knew that God was breaking through something. This morning, I felt the Holy Spirit say continue to press forward, I AM doing a new thing, and you will begin to see things that you have not seen in the natural and the supernatural. I also felt He said to watch the heavens that they will speak volumes. Please pray with me and ask God to reveal to each of you your part as the body of Christ."
February 28, 2005, Monday ~ Three emails about butterflies this morning. We truly are in a season of HIS New Beginnings. With a grateful heart for the H.G.R.M. Intercessors and to those that faithfully financially support the ministry as we purpose to release HIS Glory throughout the earth!