Acknowledgement YESHUA, Our Messiah is the one I acknowledge as my complete source of life and inspiration. HE is the kindest, most true and trustworthy friend I know, always full of wisdom, truth, love, righteousness, life, holiness, grace, creative energy, integrity, light, joy, delight, knowledge, majesty, inspiration, faith, royalty, grace, eternity, redemption, renewal, forgiveness, power, wonder and purity. HIS unconditional love, divine protection and unmerited favor surround me eternally.
Introduction Gratefully, when one is called into ministry, the LORD GOD faithfully sends those instruments of impartation, encouragement, hope, revelation, instruction, refinement, faith, destiny, and vision to accompany us along our journey for intermittent seasons chosen by the Holy Spirit. For these rare and precious gifts from the Father of Lights ~ James 1:17 ~ I am eternally grateful.
My endeavor to become an artist and writer began as a precocious 18-month old child laboriously scribbling with bright red lipstick all over my parent’s bedroom door. My first attempt with deep red lipstick was abruptly ended by my Dad’s discipline. Then with increased determination, I painted with bright shiny Candy Apple Red nail polish on white bedding. Over the years colored pencils, charcoal, crayons, a child’s paint brush, a piece of driftwood, an expensive watercolor brush, calligraphy ink pen, chalk, pencils, colored markers, glitter pens, permanent ink pens, a typewriter, computer keyboard and more have become cherished well-worn tools utilized for my multi-faceted communication expressions.
There are many kinds of writers ~ journalists, scribes, novelists, playwrights, songwriters, poets, graphic designers and researchers ~ each holding a kindred key: Perseverance. Dedication The reality of heaven was brought to me through a visitation of YESHUA, Our Messiah as a very young child. This visitation of glory has kept my eyes heavenward as earth has held limited eternal pleasures. During the middle three years of the 1970s the LORD GOD brought the Glory of Heaven to me of HIS own accord in its most precious and rare form ~ Shawn was born Resurrection/Passover Sunday Weekend in 1974, Jeremy came forth before Thanksgiving in November 1976 and Angela Lynn arrived on Resurrection/Passover Sunday Weekend in 1977. GOD planned the birth of these children within a three-year period, which was certainly a miracle of heaven! GOD knew the earth could not contain me unless heaven was in my arms. There are those who might say, I gave them life, yet I know GOD breathed HIS life into them so that I could hold the literal breath of heaven in my arms ~ priceless treasures from HIS throne of Grace.
Have Glory Ring will Travel! One day early in 1996, as I was unloading Prophetic Worship Glory Rings from the trunk of the vehicle, my friend casually remarked, “Have Glory Ring will Travel!” At the time, neither of us knew the fullness of that prophetic proclamation. When the LORD asked me to write this journal, HE was very clear about the title.
Taking almost three years to complete the first fifty pages because at the time I was overcoming a brain trauma from the two back-to-back June 1994 vehicle wrecks, writing on a borrowed computer and my current gainful employment required a three-hour daily commute. Additionally, when the document was about fourteen pages in length a computer virus destroyed it and I was learning about obedience to the LORD “no matter what” and began again. Perhaps the most difficult challenge was on October 13, 1998, when the individual entrusted with the final copy of the book in paper form and on computer disk destroyed everything. It took five months for me to find the courage to begin again. On a Saturday morning in April 1999, the Holy Spirit awakened me to write, so once again on a borrowed computer, beginning at 4:00 AM, I typed for seventeen hours entering the words from a variety of previous revisions. As my hip was tormented daily from the burning pain of connective tissue damage and scar tissue, this was accomplished only through the extreme anointing and presence of the Holy Spirit. Truly a divine and holy miracle, as I could normally only sit in one position for ten minutes without needing to move because of the debilitating pain. I have learned that ABBA ADONAI provides strength, courage, tenacity, faith, diligence and perseverance for what is HIS will, purpose and pleasure!
The definition of the word travel means to go from one place to another; make a journey or journeys; to go from place to place; to walk or run; to move, pass, or be submitted from one point or place to another; to move or be capable of moving in a given path or for a given distance; to advance or progress; to move with speed; to make a journey over through, traverse; to cause to move or pass along; the act or process of traveling; passage or movement of any kind. “And HE (YESHUA, Our Messiah) went through the cities and villages, teaching and journeying toward Jerusalem, the city of GOD” (Luke 13:22). At the time, it was impossible for me to know the Holy Spirit was preparing me to travel throughout the world sharing HIS message of worshiping in Spirit and Truth.
The Holy Spirit directed me to make Prophetic Worship Glory Rings, not like any other. “Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the LORD that you may fulfill it.” ~ Colossians 4:17. It is HIS habit to stretch me just as HE does with others. ~ Isaiah 43:18, 19a; Acts 5:29. It is the pioneering spirit of God birthed within me. As each of us has a fingerprint that is only ours, ABBA ADONAI has a destiny and purpose for our lives that is unique to us, authored by our Creator. In this season, the Holy Spirit also asked me to worship at home, which was a new experience for me, as I had always worshiped at church on Sunday. Although, intercession and Scripture study were common threads in my home life, now, the Holy Spirit added the third strand to create a threefold cord of Worship Praise, Scripture Study and Intercessory Prayer.
Later that first year of beginning to write, in the fall of 1996, Andrew asked me to jot down the meanings of the colors in the Prophetic Worship Glory Ring that I had made for him. Andrew and my firstborn son, Shawn met at Oregon State University Civil Engineering Department, one of God’s divine appointments. In addition to being engineers, they were also members of a worship team. Andrew’s simple request was the catalyst for this booklet. The list of color meanings did not seem to be a complete picture. Therefore, as the Holy Spirit inspired and directed, I added a few interactions in my life with GOD the FATHER, YESHUA, the Son and the Holy Spirit to fill in some of the pieces ~ Luke 12:12. Please understand that this writing: Have Glory Ring will Travel! 1999 is not a theological treatise. It is merely an introduction to the topics of colors, symbols, types, worship, dance, worship instruments, prophetic intercession and portions of my testimony. My hope and prayer is that the Holy Spirit will enlighten your study and research even more and that you will be encouraged for HIS GLORY! I hope and pray that you will seek the face of GOD and press into HIS presence to learn and understand more of HIS will, way, purpose and desire for your life ~ Jeremiah 30:2; Matthew 10:27. Over two decades later, more Journals of Joy have surfaced from the depths of my soul with countless revisions, adjustments, alignments, reorganization and adaptations with the single intent to bring YHVH Eternal Glory.
The Beginning ~ Purpose Defined These writings are a synergistic and multi-textured weaving of excerpts from my personal journals, each one a unique thread of the colorful complex tapestry of life’s divine mysteries. A connection means to join, link, fasten together, unite or bind, to establish communication, to cause to be associated as in a personal relationship, to relate to or be in harmony with another person and/or one’s work. To converge is defined as a tendency to a common result, conclusion, sequence, inclination, finite value and to be residual in every neighborhood of some point. The journals are written with the lens that all of life is an education, a movement toward eternal understanding. A journal is defined as a book containing forms of worship for day hours, a daily record of happenings and a diary. Each day hold countless opportunities to change our thought patterns through divine revelations of the Holy Spirit. The first question the LORD asked of me in 1995 was “Will you Worship ME no matter what?” Then in 1997 HE added, “Will you count the cost of serving ME and serving ME alone?” Followed by “Will you serve MY People no matter what?” in 2000. And then “Will you love MY People no matter what? in 2005. The reader may notice in the journals these particular questions being presented to me by my ever faithful teacher, the Holy Spirit.
Additionally, the reader may notice throughout the journal the pronoun “He” used in reference to the Creator, the LORD GOD Almighty. The “He” is not in reference to a belief about God being a specific gender; rather the author believes God created gender. God is not female or male yet the Creator of both. In Protestant Christianity, one does not presume the use of the male pronoun “He” confirms a belief about gender. However, we do acknowledge that while YESHUA was on earth, he was of male gender as is historically recorded. We are in complete agreement with the perspective to fully see YESHUA, Our Messiah, there is “neither male nor female” is to become aware that it is our humanity, not our gender that really matters before God (Galatians 3:28).
The acronym HE is symbolic of “Holy Eternal,” the acronym HIS is symbolic of “Holy Immanuel Savior,” and the acronym HIM is symbolic of “Holy Infinite Majesty.” The purpose is to provide a message within a message, an overt intentional act to honor ABBA ADONAI! The root languages of Hebrew and Greek are interchanged as they relate to the name of Jesus Christ (historical Greek heritage) and YESHUA (Jewish heritage).
As you read through these journals, I trust that you will experience a greater awe of the supernatural, divine, compassionate nature of ELOHIM. I pray the Holy Spirit will be the grid, the filter, the lens and the communication translator as you journey with me.
Yours for YESHUA, Our Messiah, Most High Priest, Redeemer, Savior, and King Jennifer Lynn Easton Joy / שמחה איסטון לין ינייפר Master of Divinity, Ordained Minister
All Scripture References: New American Standard Bible unless otherwise noted.