Scripture Foundation: The Psalms, Ephesians, the Gospels; the Lives of Nehemiah, David, Elijah, Moses and Elisha…
In essence, we are living in the Kingdom of God and in HIS Kingdom is a school. God is the superintendent. YESHUA, Our Messiah is the entrance administrator. The Teacher is the Holy Spirit. And sometimes we are the test paper for someone taking a test. Forerunners in HIS Kingdom, are the test paper more often than not. It is essential not to take “being the test paper” assignment personally. As we have learned when someone passes a test…they will bring you a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a gift-wrapped box of chocolates, take you to a lovely dinner and you become their best friend. However, if they fail the test, it immediately becomes your fault, you become their least favorite person, hopefully they will not betray you, but they might. One of the most common ways a testimony is developed is because someone took a test and either failed, passed, or excelled.
This writing holds some random questions, thoughts, tactical advantages the Holy Spirit has imparted to me while living in the high desert…learning to overcome in a vastly unfamiliar challenging territory…
May the Holy Spirit quicken in your spirit which is relevant to you in this time and season for the Glory of YESHUA. May HIS answers to the questions cause you to seek the Face of YHVH God with more perseverance, diligence, and persistence. May you see more clearly all HIS Light is revealing. May HIS strength and confidence fill you unexpectedly…yet surely. May HIS wisdom and discernment realign and redefine your Christian doctrine and beliefs. May you be given new eyes to see, new ears to hear, greater wisdom to understand, and increased light to expand your revelation and enlarge your discernment.
The bullet points are just that, bullets intended to hit the mark, to make a difference, to cause an awakening, to jolt you forward, to move you intentionally toward ABBA ADONAI.
What has satan stolen from me to explicitly weaken me? ~ John 10:10
Who has betrayed me that I still trust? Why?
Walk in obedience no matter what! ~ Genesis 27:8
Now five questions from Father God:
1. Will you worship me no matter what? ~ John 4:24 2. Will you count the cost no matter what? ~ Luke 9:23 3. Will you serve my people no matter what? ~ Mark 10:45 4. Will you love my people no matter what? ~ 1 Corinthians 13 5. Will you walk in obedience no matter what is on the map that GOD gives to you? ~ Luke 14:27
Am I running from the truth? Any truth? Perceived truth? If so…what? ~ Jeremiah 5:1
Strengths become weaknesses if not subject, submitted, surrendered to GOD. ~ John 4:7
What masks do I wear? Why?
What masks do I need to give up?
What masks does the enemy wear? How do I recognize them? I believe one of his most common masks is deception…the appearance of truth when it is a lie, the appearance of goodness when it is the opposite, the appearance of friendship when it is not… ~ Isaiah 28:15
What are the spiritual weapons of warfare: prayer, intercessions, scepters, hammers, flags, swords, bows and arrows, arts, strength, discernment, vision, clarity…what is their purpose in the spiritual realm? ~ Ephesians 6
Do I have myopic vision? ~ Luke 10:23-24
Who is trustworthy? Who can I trust? ~ Psalm 31:4
Does ABBA ADONAI find me trustworthy? Can HE call on me and know I will say “yes” and get the job done no matter what… ~ Proverbs 14:5
Keep my eyes open. Look up. Be aware. ~ 2 Kings 6:17
What unfinished business do I need to resolve, that is my responsibility to resolve? ~ John 19:30
What am I trying to resolve that belongs to another?
What am I trying to resolve that YHVH, ELOHIM has asked me to let go of?
What do I need to finish? Until the current tasks and/or assignments are completed according to HIS timeline, HE will not give me more to do. ~ Zechariah 4:9
The sooner I finish the assignment, the sooner the blessing arrives.~ Acts 20:24
Fear paralyzes intelligent response. Fear causes a chemical reaction in the human brain.
Cannot allow pain (emotional, physical or spiritual) to be a distraction.
Demons are repeat offenders. Incessantly. ~ Luke 11:24-26
What has YHVH, ELOHIM scraped away from my life to reveal the real me?
Do not be moved by intimidation….because ABBA ADONAI always has an answer. Wait. Listen. Move. ~ Isaiah 40:31
Do I symbolize the appearance of a child of ABBA ADONAI or am I truly the daughter or son of ABBA ADONAI? What is the difference between appearances and reality? ~ Zephaniah 3:14
Do I function as a viable weapon in YHVH’s Kingdom or as the appearance of something…else?
Watch for co-conspirators. Not everyone is who they say they are. ~ Nehemiah 2:10
Demonic parties still happen. ~ Psalm 106:37-38
Check and protect all communication formats. ~ Matthew 12:36
Satan will try the unthinkable and will not be logical or make sense. If he is willing to tempt Jesus, he will tempt anyone. ~ Matthew 4
Satan will threaten me by taking those I love. ~ Luke 22:3
Revenge never resolves issues. ~ Romans 12:19
Protect home from unholy intruders who bring demonic spirits…how much house cleaning do I want or need to do after they depart? ~ 2 Kings 23:24
Do not let grief distract me…after John the Baptist died, Jesus was in ministry immediately. ~ Matthew 14:1-14
If I do not rebuke, destroy the stronghold of the enemy, and maintain the parameter, the boundary, he will return. ~ Zechariah 3:2
Time and patience are among the strongest warriors! ~ Ruth 3:18
It takes fortitude to stand still! ~ Joshua 3:8
How does satan “hack” me spiritually? ~ Mark 1:13
How does satan distract me? ~ Mark 8:33
The enemy is not stationary like a tree or a flagpole…they move with different weapons and strategies for each attack and will return to anything or anyone which has been successful from their vantage point.
Get clarity before you act or speak. ~ Luke 12:11-12
Look beneath the surface. Sometimes there is a land mine or a hidden well or a hidden treasure…~ Matthew 6:20-21
Carefully choose the method of approach for each situation. ~ Exodus 17:9
Hesitation of the flesh will lead to death. Hesitation ordered by the Spirit of the LORD GOD leads to life. ~ 1 Kings 18:21
Do not use a weapon that I am not trained with. ~ 1 Samuel 17:39
Know my best weapons…what are their strengths? Weaknesses? ~ Hebrews 4:12
Watch for someone setting me up – they usually have wrong or unholy motives. For the intuitive it is the inner place that questions without outward evidence.
Stay focused and aligned until Victory is certain. ~ 2 Samuel 23:12
In warfare, it is not wisdom to use the same tactic twice as it will give satan tools to use against me.
Keep moving forward daily, do not become stagnant or stuck. The movement forward of one inch is better than no movement at all.
No matter what, Arise Again! ~ 1 Chronicles 22:19
Being unprepared will bring casualty.
Pursue truth. Make sure decision based on absolute truth, not a paraphrase or opinion. ~ John 14:6
When tares are sown, God must remove it. Scriptures says at the appointed time, in strategic season ABBA ADONAI will remove the tares and the goats. HE is the judge. Our response is to let go, release, and unhook all tares and goats. Forgive and move forward in the LORD GOD. ~ Matthew 13
When cursed, I can either embrace or rebuke the curse. It is my choice to accept or rebuke the curse. The longer the curse remains in my life the more damage it will do. It does not matter if I know the source or not (earthly) the spiritual source is always satan.
All curses can be rebuked, reversed, returned to abyss, no matter what…YESHUA has given me authority to do this. ~ Malachi 3:11
Peace, unconditional love, forgiveness, reverse the damage of the curses. ~ Isaiah 9:6
Fortitude is essential. What does that look like in my life?
Watch for backlash, secondary assaults. Keep my spiritual and physical eyes open.
Ask myself, "What is satan’s First ploy? Second ploy? Third ploy?"
Do not trust my ideals, beliefs, experiences, or any person over the genuine, authentic, true voice of Holy Spirit.
“You have no idea how powerful the truth can be.” ~ 1 Kings 17:24
In my personal walk…I AM THE WEAPON…Everything I use are just tools from the LORD GOD’s arsenal. Are you the weapon or the tool?
Always verify the target especially when physically, emotionally, and/or spiritually exhausted
Is the prison inside of my head or outside of my head? ~ Isaiah 61:1
Choose the sword (weapon) that has already set you free in battle…success will provide emotional, physical, mental and spiritual strength for next season.
Forgiveness and Trust are essential in any relationship. ~ Mark 11:25-26
Nothing worthwhile comes easy. ~ John 17
Look for uncommon weapons: Toys turned into weapons. Water turned into poison. Satan does not always make the warfare obvious. He is deviant…always. His pawns are usually not obvious.
Make no exceptions do not party with the devil, do nothing on his terms, do not make deals, do not go into his lair, leave no demons alive to return with their friends.
There are two of you: the redeemed son or daughter of the LORD GOD, strong, confident…or the broken one…you chose who you are each day.
Sometimes the greatest act of love is no act at all. Take Pause. Step back. Step Away. Let YHVH be YHVH.
Look for 1st, 2nd, 3rd options before closing doors…
Life is not fair or just. YHVH, ELOHIM, EL SHADDAI is the only source of justice.
You cannot survive present warfare if you focus on the past. Stay present in HIS presence. ~ Exodus 33:14-15
Any idols (recognized or not) in any house (church, gathering place, home) give satan legal access. ~ Leviticus 19:4
Self-pity and self-righteousness cause blind spots.
What will satan do to distract me? He knows my weaknesses through my history.
Universal Law: Light always repels darkness! ~ John 8:12
Forgiveness removes darkness in one’s soul. Forgiveness creates room for more light! ~ Matthew 6:14-15
Never trust a friend of the enemy. Either they are loyal to ABBA ADONAI and HIS Kingdom or they are not.
In all things know GOD’s timing…when to arrive, when to wait, when to leave…do not second guess HIS timing. This usually requires asking Him.
What does the enemy really look like?
Sometimes the only way out is through.
What have you survived that teaches you how strong you are?
If you make a mistake, you need to clean it up. Be accountable and responsible for your actions.
Not everything is as it seems…observe carefully in the spiritual realm as well as the physical realm.
Just because someone says they are a “Christian” or “the Church” does not mean they are. ~ 1 John 4:1
Do not let guilt, shame, condemnation devour you. ~ Romans 8:1
You cannot move forward in transparency and honesty, as long as you wear masks to cover up your past.
It is human nature to be afraid of what you don’t know. To know the LORD GOD is to alleviate fear in all dimensions, timelines, relationships, perceptions, realities.
Do not dance (line dance, square dance, waltz, tango, two step...any dance) with the devil no matter how seducing he or she is.
There are more demons than you can imagine. Always guard your heart, your eyes, your ears, your soul, your back, your spirit. Always be on guard. Perpetually, wear the armor of the LORD…never take it off. ~ Ephesians 6
Do not make decisions based on emotions from a past relationship.
Once a person betrays you, generally speaking, they will continue to betray you. It is who they are, what they do, how they live…Your portion is to forgive, move on, do not keep them in your life unless ABBA ADONAI specifically asks you to minister to them. Example: Jesus and Judas
Satan prepares a feast to taste like “nectar,” but it is in fact “poison”.
Sometimes there is an opportunity to correct one’s mistakes, if so, take the opportunity. ~ 1 Peter 2:15
Pay attention to timing…when to speak…when not to speak.
What keeps me from seeing truth? What are my blind spots?
“The same hammer that shatters glass forges steel!” FATHER GOD has been relentless to forge you into steel and satan has been relentless to tell you that you are nothing but shattered glass. ~ Jeremiah 23:29
When the LORD GOD says “No”….do not touch the line, do not toe the line, do not cross the line, do not ask for grace, do not try to make a deal... stay inside HIS parameters which are HIS protection no matter what.
Make no unholy alliance.
Do not put your faith in people, put your faith in the LORD GOD Alone! Every person on earth is capable of betrayal.
You can get hit in the river, the beach, the trail, the vehicle, the plane, the cave, the tunnel, the bungalow, and other places that you might assume are protected or safe.
You must learn to fight in the air. Not all warfare is on ground level.
Always look up. Keep your eyes on YESHUA. Follow HIS every movement.
Always keep your eyes open in the enemy’s domain as He is the Prince of the Air ~ Ephesians 2:2..
You must learn to fight while climbing ladders, trees, and other means of transportation (bicycles, trains, planes, vehicles, horses, trolley cars, buses, subways, etc.)
Be prepared to go alone. ~ 2 Chronicles 32:31
Be willing to go alone. ~ Matthew 14:23
Go alone. ~ John 6:15
Do not speak non-essentials to the enemy. He will use anything possible against you.
Be willing to walk through the sewer out of obedience to the LORD.
Your friends will betray you. ~ Luke 22:61
Sometimes queens are dressed in pheasant’s clothing. Sometimes wolves are in sheep's clothing.
Never Give Up. ~ Hebrews 11
Do I have a contingency plan? Plans? Alternative Solution>
Must be an expert with every weapon the enemy uses against me.
Do not waste time with idle words. Hear the Holy Spirit. Move forward. I cannot make anyone feel anything (positive or negative) about me. Each person is responsible for their own thoughts, actions, plans, and identity.
Know my own weaknesses. As a person who speaks truth, often I have made the false assumption that others are honest, engaging in truth which is not truth.
When unlocking a mystery of a map, key, door, scripture, the Word, the Cross, The Ascension…there is always a cost one must be willing to pay.
Spiritual mixture always leads to a trap, deception, diversion, lack of focus, lack of energy…in essence a wrong move on the chess board of life which may or may not cost you the game.
Hesitation gives the enemy room to move, even if only for a nanosecond, to slide into unknown, unprecedented territories keeping me off balance…tilted.
People can and do change from honorable to dishonorable, honest to dishonest, kind to unkind, gentle to mean, humble to arrogant, nonviolent to violent…keep you eyes open.
There are many types of prisons…time, space, physical, emotional, spiritual, past, imaginary, mental confusion, dark shadows.
There will always be distractions, liars, thieves, rude people, dishonest people, unprofessional people, degenerate people. It is imperative to Stay Focused on my purpose and my given assignment from YHVH. It is the only thing with eternal significance.
What tools are in my tool belt? Do I have more than one tool belt? How many tools are needed for different seasons? Do I have tools that need repaired? Replaced?
Am I afraid of winning or losing? What are my greatest fears.
Who or what is my compass? Who is my True North.
Speak what the Holy Spirit gives me to speak…nothing more, nothing less.
We have nothing, we are nothing without integrity.
There are still trojan horses in the 21st century.
Take the tests in the sequence they are issued as one will provide helpful information for the next. Remember YHVH is giving the test and the final grade.
Do not take anything personal, even if it is personal.
When turning over every stone be on the look out for scorpions, spiders, snakes and other poisonous forms of life.
What is the most effective way to present the TRUTH? Be prepared for impromptu. Search out unprecedented and unexpected ways to impart HIS TRUTH!
When you trust YHVH with the outcome of your life, then you do not respond or react in a defensive manner. My values determine my reaction or response to any situation.
Do you have a blind side? Do you know your blind side? Every situation is multi-faceted and you will not be able to clearly see your blind side of the situation. Ask yourself how much of the story has been left out and why. Do not make any assumptions or early conclusions. Search out the matter thoroughly. ~ Proverbs 25:2
Be acutely aware of timelines, deadlines, time zones, hours and minutes in a day.
There are many keys to the Kingdom. Know which are available, seen, disguised, hidden, obvious, framed, shared, multiples, singles, and which fit into various locks.
Ignorance of cultural differences has the possibility of bankrupting a calling.
Knowing myself, my limitations, my anointing, my calling, my destiny in YESHUA, and stay intentionally inside HIS grace. You cannot take back what has been done.
Finish strong. End well. Stand Tall. Keep Your Chin Up. It is what you do next that counts.
The only intelligent, logical, sensible way to move forward is with your eyes riveted on YESHUA and your ears listening attentively to the voice of the Holy Spirit, your faith locked securely to ELOHIM, your movement echoing the movement of our KING YESHUA. HE is the only One True LORD!
All Scripture References: New American Standard Bible