ADONAI'S Tent Dwellers! ~ For the Nation of Mexico! Prophetic Worship Glory Ring!
Given to:Jan Hicks, Elberta, Alabama, USA ~ February 2007
Given to: Iglesia del Espiritu Santo, Pastores: Pastors Raứl and Anabel Frutos, Jalisco Mexico ~ March 2007
Scriptures: Isaiah 62, Isaiah 60, Psalm 133, Psalm 61, Psalm 133, Revelation 19, Revelation 21, Revelation 22, Genesis 1, Isaiah 58, Jeremiah 32:37, John 16, John 17, John 15, Mark 1:15 and Psalm 100.
Handmade by Jennifer Lynn Easton Joy
April 3, 2007
Dear Jennifer, What an honor and privilege it was to carry the Mexico Glory Ring to HIS precious children across the border. We arrived in Guadalajara about midnight the 12th, arrived at our room around one, and were greeted the next morning by Pastors Raứl and Anabel Frutos.
Although the Lord opened many divine ministry opportunities in the area, the Lord led me to wait until the morning of the Ladies Conference to present the Glory Ring to Anabel. There were, I believe, to be about 8 or 9 churches represented during this conference and many of the pastors’ wives were present. I took with us 2 other Glory Rings, the one you made for me personally and the first one I made at our Glory Ring Workshop you led here in June of 2006. The one you made represented the heart and love of Christ, arrays of pink in color with tinsels flowing…just beautiful. The one I made was all Red, White and Blue, with all kinds of trinkets and bells on it, a Ring very full of many assorted scarves. This to me represented not only the USA but FREEDOM and the releasing of freedom to those held captive by the enemy.
The Glory Ring was presented to Mexico on Friday morning, March 16, 2007 in Chapala, Mexico. Pastor Anabel Frutos and husband Raứl were the recipients. Their church is located in Chapala, Mexico called Iglesia del Espiritu Santo. No one at the meeting was familiar with Glory Rings. We explained the symbolization and also gave the books, tape and oils you sent. It wasn’t long before the Glory Ring was being passed around during worship no matter what church we were in. All three Glory Rings were enjoyed as they ministered to each hearts need.
On Sunday morning at Iglesia del Espiritu Santo it was beautiful to watch adults and children take turns waving the Glory Ring of Praise and Worship to the Lord. Pastors Raứl and Anabel Frutos are also directors of Love In Action, a shelter for children. This is my second year of going to the shelter and the love you feel for and from the children is remarkable. The Frutos family all have such a heart of compassion and a desire to give Jesus to everyone but especially to these precious children who have been abandoned or rejected by others. On Monday, as we were on our way to Guadalajara (about one hour away) to purchase food items for the shelter Pastor Raứl made a remark about the Glory Rings that I thought you would appreciate. He said something like this…that he was watching everyone in worship with them on Sunday and thought, what’s it about those Glory Rings --- so at one point he saw one and went over and picked it up, he said he gave it a ‘swish’ or two and when he did, he felt the presence of God all over and knew ‘there was something about those Glory Rings’.
I have no doubt that on our next visit, the church and churches all around that area, (since we took the Glory Rings wherever we went) will be filled with Glory Rings of all shapes and sizes. I know they will bring much Glory during praise and worship to the Lord.
The Lord truly chose the right ones to give the Glory Ring too, they do represent the heart of Mexico, the love of HIS children, big and small and the love of Christ radiates from their hearts.
Brenda and I thank you for allowing us to be part of this beautiful dedication of the Glory Ring to Mexico. Thank you for trusting us to know who the Lord chose to receive this wonderful gift you made. It was absolutely gloriously beautiful and FILLED with HIS Presence.
May God Bless you Jennifer as you continue to walk HIS path, as you pray for direction and receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all you do. You have blessed many, may all you’ve given be received back many fold!