Email from Stephanie Brumfield, Georgia, USA ~ 7:05 AM - October 8, 2004
Minister Joy:
I have been in deep meditation for quite some time with your HGRM Ministry (for a couple of weeks).
Every day I pondered whether or not to send you a word. Then the other day, I believe it to have been last Sunday...I went outside my front door (which I rarely do, I go through the garage). I saw this box that was sitting there on the porch and it had been there for at least a day. I was surprised as to who sent a box...I didn't remember ordering anything at all. So, I picked up the box and went into the house. I began to smell a very sweet scent...a very pleasant scent. I could not “put a handle” (determine) on what I was smelling. I put the box to my nose, but I didn't smell anything. So, I smelled my clothing, nothing. I smelled my girls, nothing. I opened some other mail I received. I still would catch a whiff of this sweet, pleasant aroma. I could not find where the scent was coming from. So, finally I picked up the box and still no sweet scent just the smell of a cardboard box. I thought to myself, I know Minister Joy didn't send me a Glory Ring...those Rings are for a higher purpose than me.
I thought what could she have sent to me in this large box??? I really took my time in opening this box that arrived and a sweet pleasant aroma arrived with it but not attached to the box. I was overwhelmed when I saw the beautiful royal purple & gold paper that was surrounding something. I once again thought it can't be a Glory Ring, these are for a much higher purpose. I really stopped and wouldn't open this wrapping was too beautiful to tear or wrinkle. I again began to smell this sweet scent. It was soooo sweet and pleasing. It was soft, relaxing yet invigorating!!! I rubbed the paper between my fingertips and I smelled the paper, but still no scent just paper. My hands began to burn and tingle. It was just the hands and finger tips at first. The scent began to overtake the room, but it wasn't offensive. I asked my girls did they smell any thing and they said, “No.” They were with me the whole time I was opening the box. There was a peace that over took the room too.
Now, this is the unusual part, but part of the beginning of the BLESSING...I had been really sick over the past 3 days, I was still going to work, but it was a strained effort to get there and perform my job (Social Work). I went to the health food store on that Friday (10-02-04). I asked the sales rep what had me feeling soooo awful?? She said that I could be fighting a bug (infection or virus) of some sort. I told her that I was sooo tired and drained, I felt absolutely awful!!! She took an acid test and said that my PH was actually good. She suggested to get some milk which I told her I would get the next Friday which is today. I had a horrible migraine headache and I was so nauseated. I was sick!!! A positive confession wasn't helping at the time.
I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT CAUSED ME TO GO TO THE FRONT DOOR WHEN I WENT...but I am glad I did. As, I unwrapped the royal purple and gold paper, I saw the most beautiful thing I had ever seen... A Glory Ring.
I was soooo shocked!!! I really, really was in shock. My girls asked, “Did your Hebrew tambourine arrive yet?” I answered, “No.” They said, “Well it sounds like a tambourine.” I said, “Well it has bells on it and we looked it over.” The scent returned and I began to sniff the Glory Ring, which did not have a scent. I asked the girls if they smelled anything and they said, “no.” By then not only were my hands and fingers burning and tingling, but now my arms and shoulders were tingling. When I got to the bottom of the box there was some scarlet red wrapping paper there in which the Glory Ring sat on top of it for the trip to my hands. It was sooo royal & priest-like...much like the Royal Priesthood. I am telling you this was an awesome thing that was going on. I began to read all the papers that were with this Gifted present...I read the Scriptures, I read the prophetic word, I read some of the stories in the book in which I believe should be in all bookstores around the world (a word from the with this thing PLEASE). I still smelled this sweet and pleasant scent. I was smelling everything in the box, but I still could not locate the source of the aroma. I found the anointing oil and I read everything about it and I even smelled the satin lilac satchel it was enveloped in...still no scent. I finished reading all the papers and I opened the oil and anointed myself and my children.
It had the sweetest scent and a loving scent, but it wasn't the scent that I was smelling when I first got the box. Let me tell you this. I was no longer sick and all the above described symptoms were gone and I didn't even notice it at first. I was really wrapped up and engaged up in my box of goodies and blessings. By then my entire body was burning and tingling all over from my head to my toes (pretty much all day and into the night as I read more of the stories that enlightened, encouraged and tickled me). This thing that I experienced was unique and special. I still anoint myself with the oil which has the most delightful rich scent (there is power in that 2004 oil). I have not found that scent that came with the arrival of that Glory Ring, but what I know it that it was accompanied by the angels and the sweet aroma of Heaven. I received a healing I was not expecting and I know that I know that I know that this is definitely of GOD and you should never ever doubt HIS HAND in this thing. The world shall be overtaken with this thing and it is a GOD thing!!! This truly and purely HIM through and through.
HE put HIS seal on this GLORY RING MINISTRY that HE was called, chosen and anointed you to. This is a unique and different Ministry in which HE has created you for. Only Minister Jennifer Joy could do this thing. Let me tell you if all the recipients of these Glory Rings get what I got, then they have a tangible anointing in their hand that is not to be taken lightly. This is a serious call and it is nothing to play with!!!! As a true worshipper & warrior...I know as sweet & beautiful as this Glory Ring is, it is also a DEADLY WEAPON to the kingdom of darkness. We have to use these "Weapons of Worship" as instruments of war as well as a sweet fragrance of Worship unto the FATHER. A tambourine is a weapon of warfare and yet a worship item, a musical instrument. It is deadly in the hands of a trained assassin-worshiper!!! I get lost in my dance and worship to the KING. While at the same time the enemy is paralyzed and stopped in his tracks just like for King David. I am honored to have a Glory Ring, I promise that this Glory Ring will be honored and respected as an instrument of true worship unto the FATHER and a weapon of warfare for the body of CHRIST here in America and Israel. This is what I have been called to do, mandated to do...intercede for the Native Americans and America, The Jews (Israel). My husband of 22 years is an actual Colonel in the US Army. So, I have been praying for America and its armed forces for just that long.
I am a "DAUGHTER of JUDAH (worship)" I know that you have not met me, but I am a professional gospel singer, a licensed/ordained Evangelist-Prophetess and I am the founder of the Daughter's of Judah...a prophetic Praise & Worship Dance Ministry. Even though titles really do not carry a lot of weight these days...I am still in awe that you would send me one of the Glory Rings that are meant for a higher purpose...but I do receive this with honor and a humble heart and a promise to up hold the purpose and mission of intercession for America and Israel. I stand firm behind every word that was spoken on August 21, 2001 as I re-read it and digested it...It was even stronger than when first received!!! It was even a more sure thing!!!
In other words, I will bank on the WORD OF THE LORD that was given to you concerning Your purpose, Ministry & Future.
IT....WILL.....NOT......FALL.....TO.....THE.....GROUND!!!!!! NOW GET THOSE BOOKS (Have Glory Ring will Travel!) IN ALL THE BOOKSTORES OF THE WORLD!!!!! This thing is not just limited to the church. GOD is saying burst out beyond the walls!!!! Come out of the boxes, doors and windows of the church and let's save the world. This thing will truly touch the world too!!! HE is doing a thing now that will touch the lives of the untouchable and the unreachable!!! It is in the Worship!!! So, get ready!!!!
P.S. It took me a few days to come back to earth from the Spirit realm and tell you of the effect of this GLORY RING in which I am studying even now. I was without words...speechless. TGBTG!!!!!!!! (To God Be The Glory!!!!!!!!).