Here are some photos from March 20, 2022, when the Holy Spirit led us to redeem the land in Elberton, Georgia. Georgia being the 13th Colony and 4th State of the United States of America is a governmental gateway in the Kingdom. Elberton, Georgia is in Elbert County which is about fifty miles from Greene County which is the 11th County in Georgia. Some of these Counties were established in the 1790s which puts them in the very foundation of the Nation.
In 2016, I heard the word paradigm shift while praying and experiencing a feeling of a mountain moving. Since then the Lord has revealed to me the importance of redeeming the Land by taking possession of the land and breaking all curses, defilements, and demonic power structures from over it. Then declaring the free, redeemed, and restored to release His Glory in the earth.
We did this by taking the soil and speaking over it and taking possession by the Holy Spirit. This area in Elberton, Georgia is where this huge Guide tone was placed in 1980 and we were told occultist and other worshipers come here. The Lord had us use H.G.R.M. Prayer Oil to mix with the soil and release it to the wind and prophesy to the wind to bring new life to it. We also used the H.G.R.M. Prayer Oil to mix with additional soil to anoint it and store the redeemed earth.
I was led to place one of the anointed little red swirls that you included in the box of prayer oil (September 2021 Anointing Oil of the Month ~ see below) in the bottom of the 4 ounce jar of redeemed soil as a sign of the whirlwind of God’s power moving through the earth redeeming the land for the Kingdom of God! We released the Glory of the Lord in the earth by using the Glory Staff to break the ground, anointed with the State of Georgia Holy Anointing Oil. All praise, honor, and glory to Adonai Nissi our Banner!!!!!!
Yolanda Davis, Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA
September 2021
HIS Seasons of Revitalization and Resurrection! Holy Anointing Oil!
Anointing Oil of the Month!
Scripture Focus: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable, undefiled, and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you, who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” ~ 1 Peter 1:3-5, NASB.
Base: Cold Pressed Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Package: 2 Dram Bottle (1/4 fluid ounce)
YHVH, FATHER GOD, ABBA ADONAI, through the holy name, atonement, anointing, resurrection, ascension and limitless powers of JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth, YESHUA, Our Messiah, we humbly bow before You giving You Honor, Glory, Praise and Thanksgiving for Your Eternal Glory! May the sweet, pure, sacred, divine, healing, holy fragrance of YESHUA, Your Son, continue to transform our planet daily. Amen!
Yours for YESHUA, our Messiah, Most High Priest, The Anointed One, Trustworthy Friend, Divine Teacher, True Shepherd, Risen Savior, Righteous Lord, Faithful Intercessor, Only Redeemer, Beloved Brother, and Holy King…
Minister Jennifer Joy שמחה איסטון לין ינייפר
October 27, 2020
~ State of Georgia ~ HIS Legacy of Love! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞
Given to: Gloria and Ray Reid, Columbus, Georgia, USA; Dale and David Nacinovich, Thomasville, Georgia, USA; Yolanda Davis, Stone Mountain, Georgia, USA; Vanessa Battle, Lawrenceville, Georgia, USA
The Stone Mountain Georgia Jim Beam Decanter was a gift from Yolanda Davis so that this Holy Anointing Oil could be made for her State.
This Holy Anointing Oil was intentionally created at Redmond, Oregon, USA, for the righteous redemption, eternal salvation, and breakthrough anointing for the State of Georgia, USA. Please note that this anointing oil is not for sale.
"Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb, in the middle of its street. On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. There will no longer be any curse; and the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and His bond-servants will serve Him; they will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads." ~ Revelation 22:1-4, NASB