As the Holy Spirit directed me in the creation of prophetic songs in color also known as Prophetic Worship Glory Rings, I realized the symbolic language was an intrinsic portion of the prophetic word. This inspired me to research the Scriptures for Biblical references to the different symbols. The list is not inclusive, perhaps at best a brief introduction to the vastness of the creative Spirit of our Eternal GOD, YHVH with the hope of encouraging you to delve deeper, research more, be a life learner.
Each symbol has within it multiple facets. As example: Bells – sheep bells, doorbells, bells in the tower, clock chimes, shepherd’s bell, cow bells, festival bells, holiday bells, dinner bells, class bells, fire alarm bells, etc. The interweaving of the colors, sounds, symbols, and numbers of GOD simply enhances the infinite complexity of HIS divine and holy nature. It is always a glorious experience when ELOHIM speaks to us in any language.
2. Bell(s): Consecration, Entering into the Holy of Holies, Liberty, Freedom, Timing, Open Doors, Celebration, Transformation, Shift, Warning, Deliverance, Joy, Celebration ~ Exodus 39:24-26; Zechariah 14:20.
3. Cord(s)/Cording: Priesthood, Suffering, Sacrifice, Cleansing and Atonement of YESHUA, Our Messiah. On the Levitical Priest’s garments, the most common color of cording was blue ~ Exodus 28:28, 39:21; John 2:15.
5.Drum(s)/Drumbeat(s): Warfare and Victory, Clarion Call of GOD ~ Exodus 32:17; 1 Chronicles 29:11; Psalm 20:5; 1 Corinthians 1:2; Philippians 3:14.
6.Feather(s): The Breath of God, the Life of GOD breathed into creation. Peacock Feather: Eye of God, Beauty, Creation, Majesty, Magnificent, Soaring ~ Psalm 150:6; John 20:22-23.
7.Grape(s): Vine, Vineyard, New Wine, Harvest, Fruitfulness, Grafted, Vigilance, Seasons, Promise, Perseverance, Diligence, Celebration, Covenant Relationship ~ Genesis 8:22; Exodus 23:16; Isaiah 27:2-3, 32:16-18, 37:30; 55:10-11, 62:8-9; Song of Songs 2:10-13, 7:11-12; Habakkuk 3:17-18; Matthew 7:16; John 15; Romans 11:17-18; Hebrews 12:11; Galatians 5:19-23.
8.Heart(s): Heart of GOD, Authentic Love of GOD, Purity, Pure and Wholesome Thoughts, Covenant Relationship, Compassion of GOD, Genuine Devotion to ELOHIM ~ 1 Samuel 16:7.
9.Key(s): Power, Authority; Full, Complete authority of YESHUA’s Apostles; Keys to Opening and Closing Doors, Gates, Prisons; Present and Prophetic Authority of YESHUA, Our Messiah ~ Matthew 16:19; Mark; Luke; John; Revelation 1:18, 3:7.
10.Lace: The Marriage Ceremony and Feast, Beauty, Harmony, Unity, Love, Covenant Relationship ~ Song of Songs, Revelation 19:9.
11. Lamp Stand (Menorah): YESHUA our Light, Government of YESHUA (Isaiah 9), Land of Israel ~ Exodus 25:31-40; John 1:49, 8:12, 9:5.
12.Lighthouse: Light of YESHUA dispelling darkness, Evangelism, Salvation, Reflection of YESHUA ~ John 1:5; 2 Corinthians 4:6.
13.Line(s): GOD’s Providence and Judgments ~ Psalm 16:6; Isaiah 28:17.
15.Pomegranate: Sign of Fruitfulness, Abundant Harvest, Seed time; Love, Priesthood, Marriage of the Lamb ~ Genesis 8:22; Exodus 28:34, 39.26; Song of Songs 4:3, 6:6; Haggai 2:19.
16.Rainbow or Crystal Prism(s): Covenant Promise, Full Circle, Spectrum, Healing, Faithfulness of YEHOVAH, ELOHIM, Refracted Light Genesis 9:12-17; Psalm 25:14.
17.Ring(s): Authority, Covenant, Coming Full Circle, Eternal Relationship, Completed Work ~ Genesis 41:42; Exodus 35:22; Esther 3:12.
18.Rose of Sharon (Lilies): A Beautiful Flower, Blossom in the Desert, Fragrance of the Bridegroom ~ Song of Songs 2:1-7; Isaiah 35:1; Ephesians 5:1-2.
19. Star/Morning Star/Star of David: YESHUA, Our Messiah, Israel’s Flag, Bright Morning Star, Covenant, Eternal Life ~ 2 Peter 1:19-21; Revelation 22:16.
20. Scarf/Scarves: Symbolic of the sound of God’s whisper as they “whisper” through the air ~ Psalms 147:2, 149:3, 150:4.
22. Sequin(s) and Bead(s): Line upon Line, Precept upon Precept, Divinely Ordered Steps, Timely, Protected Journey, Immediate Obedience to YHVH GOD ~ 2 Samuel 22:37; Psalm 37:23; 1 Peter 2:21.
23. Sword(s)/Arrow(s): Being on Target, Being Prepared, Walking in Authority, Discernment, Worship Warfare ~ Psalm 144:6; Hebrews 4:12; Revelation 2:16.
24. Tassel(s): Priest’s garments as a reminder of a separated lifestyle, Priesthood of YESHUA, Graduation from and to, and Healing ~ Numbers 15:38-39; Deuteronomy 22:12; Matthew 9:20; Hebrews 5, 6, 7, 8, 11.
25. Thread(s): Sometimes referred to as tzitzit and/or an identifying mark of belonging to the LORD GOD and/or being healed by YESHUA! ~ Joshua 2:18; Matthew 9:20; Matthew 14:35-36; Mark 6:56; Luke 8:43-44.
26. Tinsel/Fringe: Symbolic of the sound of GOD’s Rains, Reigns, and Reins when they “whoosh and rain” through the air, Healing, Priesthood of YESHUA ~ 1 Samuel 12:14; 1 Chronicles 16:31; Psalms 47:8, 93:1, 96:10; John 14, 15, 16, 17; Hebrews 5, 6, 7, 8, 11.
27. Tree(s): Righteousness, Beauty, Songs, Refreshing, Oasis, Healing Waters, Worship, Honor, Life, Root, Pillar of Strength, Vine, Fruit, Seasons, Timing, Position, Restoration, Gifts, Wealth, Prosperity and Victory. Sycamore (1 Kings 10:27); Fig (Judges 9:10); Olive (Deuteronomy 6:11); Cedar (1 Kings 5:10); Mulberry (2 Samuel 5:24); Palm (Exodus 15:27; Psalm 92:12; Song of Songs 7:7; John 12:13); Aloe (Numbers 24:6); Fir (1 Kings 9:11); Algum (2 Chronicles 9:10); Shady – Lotus (Job 40:22); Fruit (Psalm 148:9); Almond (Ecclesiastes 12:5); Myrtle (Zechariah 1:8); Myrrh (Song of Songs 4:14); Frankincense (Song of Songs 4:14); Oak (Isaiah 40:4); Ash (Isaiah 40:4); Cypress (Isaiah 40:4); Righteousness (Isaiah 61:3); Chestnut (Ezekiel 31:8); Pomegranate (Joel 1:12); Apple (Joel 1:12).
All Scripture References: New American Standard Bible.