Beginning Prophetic Worship Glory Ring Workshop and Prayer Journey ~ Northern California, USA August 2, 2007, Thursday ~ It was as though the LORD’s hand was on my back through this whole weekend keeping me focused on HIS purposes and will. There was much resistance in the spirit realm against what HE had purposed for Eureka, California and I was grateful to have the fullness of HIS Divine Presence pressing me forward and many angels escorting me to HIS destiny.
Signs along the way: Pioneer, Trail Blazer, Liberty, Forerunner, Golden Fire, The Power to Deliver.
The map indicated to take exit 55, the LORD chose Exit 58 instead. It was a little bit out of the way through the city of Grants Pass, Oregon. A vehicle with the license plate “Micah 6:8” pulled out in front of me, “He has shown you, O man, what is good: And what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” It was a clear message to me personally that the upcoming weekend would require a large release of justice, mercy and humility from the Holy Spirit.
I have learned to trust my FATHER GOD in these little side trips that HE likes to take and as I am driving through downtown I notice a little thrift store and stop to see if HE has any hidden treasures which HE does including an engraved copper plate from Israel. I have been promised a trip to Israel next May and I am holding that promise close to my heart.
The second thrift store held a stack of 25 hankies … I was very excited about this because it was my heart to offer the “Linen Napkin Teaching” at this Prophetic Worship Glory Ring Workshop and it cannot be done without the hankies. And they were all here in this place as 24 were registered for the workshop. Praise God!
The drive through the Redwoods is always extravagant and a rich gift of beauty to my soul and spirit. Due to the side trips and lengthy road construction I arrived a couple hours later than anticipated. David and Vickey graciously welcomed me with a beautiful and luxurious Chocolate of the Sea salmon dinner. Then David went to meet the guys for karaoke. Perhaps surprising them all, I asked Vickey if we could go as well, so we did. And it was so much fun. It was our intention to bring the light of YESHUA to a casino on a karaoke night. There are many places on the earth that need the love and light of YESHUA…perhaps we just need to be willing to be sent.
August 3, 2007, Friday ~ Early in the morning I hand washed and ironed all the hankies that I purchased at the thrift store on the way here and prepared the Scriptures that are enclosed in each one.
Trudy and Suzie arrived about 10:30 AM to sort and organize workshop supplies and spend time together. Then Trudy and I went shopping for hammers and to some strategic places to pray. I love that part! In the afternoon, we met at the Coastline Foursquare Church to set up for the Beginning Prophetic Worship Glory Ring Workshop. This was my first opportunity to meet the pastors of the church that are generously sharing their worship space for us to gather. Over the years setting up has become easier and more efficient. There is a resonating place in me that recalls the Scripture where YESHUA went to heaven to prepare a place for us and my passion and single purpose is to prepare a place for HIS people to find a deeper intimacy with HIM in worship.
Joseph, Trudy, David, Vickey and I spent the evening together in fellowship, prayer and an outrageous amount of laughter.
August 4, 2007, Saturday ~ We arrived at the Coastline Foursquare Church in Eureka at 8:00 AM. This was one of those Workshops that I was clearly upheld by intercessors all day long. I was uncertain as to the reason for the intensity of the battle over this territory, yet I was certain that when the time was right, the LORD would show me all that I needed to know. Today was a day to press in, press through and press towards the LORD relentlessly.
Twenty-four gathered from four-to-five different churches in the area and I am so blessed to see the unity of the people of God coming together across America. I trust ABBA ADONAI is blessed as well.
In the afternoon, I was completely blessed beyond words to have Trudy and Vickey participate in the giving of the prophetic words. This was a sweet, sweet blessing of the LORD. Trudy and Vickey are divinely anointed HGRM Handmaidens and assist with the making of Prophetic Worship Glory Rings for States, American Rivers and Tribes.
During the workshop, Charlie worked on a Native American Drum. I was fascinated watching the drum being put together with elk skin that had been soaked the night before and a fruit tree branch wrapped in a circular pattern. The drum was a new pattern, new design, new sound, new song and a new resonating harmony on the earth and in heaven.
Totally surprised when he offered the drum to me as a gift complete with a prophetic word. The Scripture: 1 Peter 2:24 was given and the name of the drum, “HEALING SONG!” This left me simply undone.
As I have been privileged to minister in this territory before it is with deep gratitude for the generosity of those here who bring boxes of scarves, Glory Ring supplies and other treasures as a blessing to the LORD’s ministry.
August 5, 2007, Sunday ~ The morning held corporate worship and fellowship at the Church on the Rock, McKinleyville Foursquare. During the morning service the church took an offering for a new laptop for HGRM as the laptop that I had been using had not been fully functional for three months. This the first time in the history of HGRM that a local congregation took a special offering for a ministry need. Praise God! I am trusting the LORD to bring them abundant recompense. And yes, I was able to order a new laptop when I arrived home in Oregon. Praise God!
The afternoon held one of the famous BBQ’s in Korbel, at the home of David and Vickey, with many precious brothers and sisters in the LORD!
August 6, 2007, Monday ~ Vickey, Jeremy and I went on a prayer journey in the morning to strategic places in the area, pouring out Holy Anointing Oil, decreeing, declaring, prophesying and proclaiming the Kingdom of GOD and the will of the FATHER! Through the anointing, atonement, resurrection, ascension, and limitless powers of YESHUA, Our MESSIAH!
In the afternoon, I departed Northern California and gratefully, the road trip home was easier that the trip coming down. Praise the LORD.
With a grateful heart to ABBA ADONAI, who sustains me, and to HIS faithful servants for their kind generosity and faithful prayers.