“But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and in Truth." ~ John 4:23-24, NASB
For the Eternal Glory of YHVH, ELOHIM we have created and sent forth over 2600 Prophetic Worship Instruments annually since 1996 touching over 493 Nations, States, Cities, Territories, Islands, Rivers and Tribes!
2010 Ministry Outreaches
January: Align with Oregon Prayer Team, USA
March: Prayer Journey Oregon Coast; Experiential Sacred Communion and Beginning Prophetic Worship Glory Ring Workshop, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA
June: Prayer Journey, Colorado, USA; Graduation M.Div.; Ministry Outreach Baker City, Oregon, USA; 3-Day Worship Arts Conference, Franklin, Kentucky, USA
July: Ministry Outreach, Corvallis, Oregon, USA; Prayer Journey 9 Eastern States, USA; Communion/Beginning Prophetic Worship Glory Ring Workshop, Chester, South Carolina, USA
August: Prayer Journey, Montana, USA
September: 3-Day Worship Arts Conference, Missoula, Montana, USA
October: Prophetic Worship Hammer and Holy Anointing Oil Projects, Montana, USA; Prayer Journey, Utah, USA; Ministry Outreach, Corvallis, Oregon, USA
December: Ministry Outreach, Vancouver, Washington, USA
999-Prayers ~ Our new website does not host Power Point Presentations therefore, we have developed Photo Links on our website for each of our Prayer Shields to provide a visual presentation of the Prophetic Worship Instruments we create and send out. In 2011, we welcome Reverend Jack Van Hatten III, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA who will be writing the North America Indigenous Peoples Prayer Shield; Pastor Dave Kelso, Robertsdale, Alabama, USA who will be writing the Biblical Prayers for the Body of Christ and Sandra Angus, Belleville, Ontario, Canada will continue to write the North America Continent Prayer Shield. We are grateful for these servants of the LORD!
Website ~ One of my goals for 2010 was to write our new website which is an amazing task. Over 100 pages were added, and our visitors have quadrupled on a monthly basis. We consider the website a portion of our ministry outreach. As example from December 2010: Top Seven Page View Locations: United States 1412; Seattle, Washington 552; Beverly Hills, California 439; Japan 280; Beijing, China 257; New Castle United Kingdom 126; Dallas Texas 104; Arlington, Virginia 92. 2010 - Total Page Views: 24,854/Total Visitors: 17255
2010 Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ Ordinations 1. Ronald Fleenor, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA 2. Dixie Fleenor, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA 3. Carolyn Selvig, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA 4. Kelly Ogles, Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA 5. Katie Lou Rosenow, Plains, Montana, USA 6. Rebecca Susanne Volker Mitchell, Lolo, Montana, USA
HGRM Leadership 2010 ~ Sandra Angus, Director, Strathroy, Ontario, CAN Jim Bushnell, Advisor, McKinleyville, California, USA Phil and Lynda Peterson, Advisors, LaGrande, Oregon, USA Carl Voorhees, Director, Merrill, Oregon, USA Donna Woodring, Secretary-Treasurer, Estacada, Oregon, USA
2010 Prophetic Worship Instruments Created for the Glory of YESHUA! (212) Prophetic Worship Glory Rings (85) Nations (2): Italy; Germany Continents (12): North America (12) Cities (5): Knoxville, Tennessee, USA; Franklin, Kentucky, USA; Chester, South Carolina, USA; Missoula, Montana, USA; The Pentagon, USA Individuals (66): Montana, USA (7); New York, USA (3); Georgia, USA (2); Kentucky, USA (17); South Carolina, USA (9); North Carolina, USA (1); Tennessee, USA (26); Washington, USA (1) Prayer Shawls (2): Montana, USA (2) Prophetic Worship Swords of the LORD (3): States of America (3): Montana, USA (3) Prophetic Worship Scepters (2): States of America (2): Montana, USA (2) Prophetic Worship Hammers (110) HIS Key of Divine Worship! Worship Hammers - June 2010 (24): Kentucky, USA (12); Tennessee, USA (11); New York, USA (1) KING of Golden Glory! Worship Hammers - September 2010 (16): Montana, USA (7); Washington, USA (3); Alaska, USA (1); California, USA (1); Virginia, USA (2); Indiana, USA (1); Oregon, USA (1) KING of Golden Glory Undercover Worship Hammers – September 2010 (16): Washington, USA (2); Alaska, USA (2); Colorado, USA (2); Virginia, USA (1); Montana, USA (7); Tennessee, USA (1); New York, USA (1) States of America Prophetic Worship Hammers (54): 1. Montana, USA (3); 2. Virginia, USA; 3. Pennsylvania, USA; 4. New York, USA; 5. Oregon, USA; 6. Tennessee, USA; 7. Alaska, USA; 8. California, USA; 9. Florida, USA (2); 10. Idaho, USA; 11. Washington, USA; 12. Arizona, USA; 13. Nebraska, USA; 14. Oklahoma, USA; 15. Mississippi, USA (2); 16. Kentucky, USA; 17. North Carolina, USA; 18. Maryland, USA; 19. Alabama, USA; 20. Missouri, USA; 21. Kansas, USA 22. South Carolina, USA; 23. Colorado, USA; 24. Michigan, USA; 25. Indiana, USA; 26. Illinois, USA; 27. Connecticut, USA; 28. Texas, USA; 29. Nevada, USA; 30. Vermont, USA; 31. West Virginia, USA; 32. Utah, USA; 33. South Dakota, USA; 34. Wyoming, USA; 35. Maine, USA; 36. Minnesota, USA; 37. Ohio, USA; 38. New Mexico, USA; 39. *Delaware, USA; 40. *Massachusetts, USA; 41. *Louisiana, USA; 42. *Wisconsin, USA; 43. *North Dakota, USA; 44. *Iowa, USA; 45. *Georgia, USA; 46. *New Hampshire, USA; 47. *Rhode Island, USA; 48. *Arkansas, USA; 49. *Hawaii, USA; 50. *New Jersey, USA (*need intercessor). Nations (9): 1. Washington D.C. (2); 2. Israel; 3. Canada (2); 4. Africa; 5. France; 6. Italy; 7. Germany
2010 Holy Anointing Oils (59) ~ We began making Holy Anointing Oils for States and Nations this year, a prophetic movement for the LORD’s people to move from “Addicted to Anointed” in 2010. We have 35 States remaining to complete this project.
January ~ HIS Covenant Light! Holy Anointing Oil!
June ~ HIS Wine of Pure Glory! Holy Anointing Oil!
September ~ The King of Glory! Holy Anointing Oil!
States of America Holy Anointing Oils (29): 1. Montana, USA (5); 2. Tennessee, USA; 3. California, USA; 4. Florida, USA (2); 5. Idaho, USA; 6. Washington, USA (4); 7. Arizona, USA (3); 8. Nebraska, USA; 9. Kentucky, USA (5); 10. South Carolina, USA; 11. Pennsylvania, USA; 12. Indiana, USA; 13. Illinois, USA; 14. Colorado, USA; 15. Nevada, USA
Nations Holy Anointing Oils (27): 1. The Kingdom of ELOHIM (2); 2. Washington D.C. (8); 3. England; 4. Canada (2); 5. France; 6. Ireland (2); 7. Italy; 8. Germany (5); 9. First Nations Indigenous Peoples (3); 10. America War Veterans (2).
May the LORD’s abundant favor, grace, truth, light, love, forgiveness, kindness, spiritual and earthly prosperity bless you richly. May the LORD richly multiply your generous offerings and faithful prayer support over the last 15-years. And yes, I did graduate June 5, 2010 from Marylhurst University, Marylhurst, Oregon with a Master of Divinity. And the LORD is filling my quiver of joy with a new grandson expected in May 2011. I am rich in the LORD’s spiritual inheritance and grateful HE called and anointed me for HIS Kingdom on earth. My heart is exceedingly grateful to many servants of the LORD who have given generously of their time and resources this last year.
Because of YESHUA, Our Messiah, Jennifer Lynn Joy, M. Div., Ordained Minister