"And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us." ~ Romans 5:3-5, NASB
For the Eternal Glory of YHVH, ELOHIM we have created and given over 3400 Prophetic Worship Instruments since 1996 touching over 700 Nations, States, Cities, Communities, Territories, Islands, Rivers, Ministries and Tribes! We humbly give thanks to ABBA ADONAI for your faithful prayer and abundant financial support over the years. We are cognizant of the difference you make!
Gratefully, this year, the States of America Prophetic Worship Hammer and States of America Prophetic Worship Sword Projects were completed. The final two Prophetic Worship Hammers were given to: North Dakota – Nancy Merzenich, Salem, Oregon, USA ~ November 4, 2014 and Delaware – Denise Minyard, Smyrna, Delaware, USA ~ February 1, 2014. The final three Prophetic Worship Swords were given: Delaware – Denise Minyard, Smyrna, Delaware, USA ~ February 1, 2014, North Dakota – Nancy Merzenich, Salem, Oregon, USA ~ November 2, 2014 and Iowa – Kathlyn Frazey, Corvallis, Oregon, USA ~ March 24, 2014
Prophetic Worship Instruments Created and Given for the Glory of YESHUA! Prophetic Worship Glory Rings (2): Nation (1): Russia Individual (1): Virginia, USA (1) Prophetic Worship Swords of the LORD (4) States of America: Delaware, USA (1); Iowa, USA (1); Utah, USA (1); North Dakota, USA (1) Prophetic Worship Hammers (19) States of America: Delaware, USA (1); North Dakota, USA (1) United Nations: (17) Kentucky, Arizona, Florida, New York, Washington, Texas, Colorado, Georgia, California, Oregon (2), Tennessee, Alabama, Montana, and South Carolina, USA
2014 States Anointing Oils: (4) Colorado, Arizona, Maine and California We have shipped 26, we are awaiting 23 more bottles, and we have 6 bottles waiting for intercessors from Maine, Hawaii, Nevada, Wyoming, Florida and Alaska. Thank you so much for those that have sent in bottles or taken Holy Anointing Oils to pour out on your prayer journeys…for this we give thanksgiving and Praise to YESHUA!
The States of America Scepter Project The supplies are finally prepared after 2 years and we hope to complete this project in 2015. We give thanks to all those who invested in this project for ABBA ADONAI’s Eternal Glory.
Website Outreach ~ We had 69,965 visitors and 79,953 page views in 2014. We give thanks to ABBA ADONAI for HIS plans, purposes, provision and providence.
Holy Anointing Oils (9)
Passover, April 14, 2014 ~ The Seed of HIS Holy Habitation! Holy Anointing Oil!
Passover, April 14, 2014 ~ The Fragrance of HIS Holy Habitation! Holy Anointing Oil!
Passover, April 14, 2014 ~ The Fruit of HIS Holy Habitation! Holy Anointing Oil!
June 2014 ~ The Lion of Judah! Holy Anointing Oil! ~ For the United Nations Prophetic Worship Hammer Project
Pentecost, June 8, 2014 ~ The Holy Seeds of HIS Creative, Resurrection and Ascension Powers! Holy Anointing Oil!
July 25, 2014 ~ Riding with My King! Holy Anointing Oil!
July 26, 2014 ~ America! GOD Shed HIS Grace on Thee! Holy Anointing Oil!
September 2014 ~ Prayer of Jabez! Holy Anointing Oil!
Hanukkah, December 16, 2014 ~ HIS Bright Morning Star Eternal Living Water! Holy Anointing Oil!
HGRM Ministry Outreaches
July 13, 2014 ~ The Lord’s Harvest Church, Milwaukie, Oregon, USA
October 31-November 2, 2014 ~ Thirsting for God, Women’s Retreat, Cannon Beach, Oregon, USA
December 31, 2014 – Aglow, Madras, Oregon, USA
HGRM Leadership 2014 ~ Leslie Allen, Advisor, Columbia Falls, Montana, USA Dena Dennis, Advisor, Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA Jeannie Hammitt, Secretary - Treasurer, Sandy, Utah, USA Cynthia Lingelbach, Advisor, Gresham, Oregon, USA Nancy Merzenich, Advisor, Salem, Oregon, USA Denise Minyard, Smyrna, Delaware, USA Gloria J. Reid, Director, Alexandria, Virginia, USA Constance J. Thew, Ministry Arts Advisor, Colville, Washington, USA Arleine von Wagner, Advisor, Merced, California, USA
May the LORD’s abundant favor, grace, truth, light, integrity, justice, peace, revelation, love, forgiveness, kindness, gentleness, discipline, spiritual and earthly prosperity bless you richly. May the LORD richly multiply your generous offerings and faithful prayer support throughout the last 19 years. I am rich in the LORD’s spiritual inheritance and grateful that HE called and anointed me to minister to HIS people on earth, to advance HIS Kingdom on earth for HIS Eternal Glory. My heart is exceedingly grateful to many servants of the LORD who have given generously of their time and resources, joining me in serving our FATHER’s Kingdom on earth.
This is my third consecutive year to continue full-time employment as an office manager for a local financial investment firm in Bend, Oregon. The two surgeries in 2013 to repair birth defects in my feet have taken more time to heal than I could have ever imagined. As one who has walked more in the supernatural than the natural, this walk in the natural has tested every last thread of my faith. Yes, my feet have hurt for my whole life except when walking in the fullness of HIS Anointing and Glory. The LORD always provides a way, always sustains, and always remains faithful. It is who HE is! The purpose of the surgeries was to prevent further crippling. I remain grateful for those who have stood with me, prayed with me, and extended their kindness and expressions of love to me during this season of relentless perseverance.
Because of YESHUA, Our Messiah's deep love, Jennifer Lynn Joy, M.Div., Ordained Minister