For the Eternal Glory of YHVH, ELOHIM ~ The Father, YESHUA - The Son, The Holy Spirit ~ we have created and given over 4500 Prophetic Worship Instruments since 1996 touching Nations, States, Cities, Schools, Churches, Families, Communities, Territories, Islands, Rivers, Ministries, and Tribes!
H.G.R.M. Prayer Shields ~ We continued our H.G.R.M. Prayer Shields in 2022! We give YHVH, ABBA ADONAI Glory for approximately 39 nations joining us in prayer along with inviting H.G.R.M. for ministry outreaches to their nations. Please join us! OurPrayer Shields are archived on our website and released monthly through our: Constant Contact H.G.R.M. Group Email with automated releases to: 1. LinkedIn 2. H.G.R.M. FB/META
"For the shields of the earth belong to God; He is highly exalted." ~ Psalm 47:9b, NASB
H.G.R.M. Ministry Updatesestablished 1999
Holy Anointing Oils established 1999 ~ as inspired by the Holy Spirit
States of America Prayer Shieldestablished 2001 ~ one State each Saturday
America Israel Prayer Shield established 2003 ~ 1st day of the month
North America Continent Indigenous Peoples Prayer Shieldestablished 2003 ~ 10th day of the month
North America Continent Prayer Shieldestablished 2005 ~ 5th day of the month
Pastoral Prayers Prayer Shieldestablished 2006 ~ 15th day of the month
The Sounds of the Shofars Prayer Shieldestablished 2007 ~ according to the seasons
HIS Remnant Gathering Nations Prayer Shield established 2017 ~ 20th day of the month
Africa Continent Prayer Shield established 2019 ~ 25th day of the month
H.G.R.M. Intercessors' Luncheons ~ Facilitated by Delores Marston, H.G.R.M. Social Director 1. Saturday, April 23, 2022 ~ 1:00 PM at McMenamins Old Frances School, 700 NW Bond Street, Bend, Oregon, USA. Theme: Surprised by God! 2. Saturday, July 16, 2022 ~ 1:00 PM at The Open Door, 303 West Hood Street, Sisters, Oregon, USA. Theme: ABBA FATHER 3. Saturday, September 24, 2022, ~ 1:00 PM at Cafe' Sintra Sunriver, The Village at Sunriver, 57031 Ponderosa Road, Sunriver, Oregon, USA. Theme: El Shaddai, God Almighty.
Prophetic Worship Instruments Created and Given for the Glory of YESHUA! ~
Prophetic Worship Glory Rings (12): Nations (7): Pakistan (1); Bulgaria (1); Moldova (1); South Africa (1); Turkey (1); Czech Republic (1); The Philippines (1) States of America (2): Texas (1); Nevada (1) Individual (3): Montana (3)
We need Intercessors for the States of Indianaand AlaskaProphetic Worship Glory Rings. It is our hope to give the Prophetic Worship Glory Ring to someone native to the State and/or living in the State with a passion for intercession and prayer. Please contactus if you are interested.
H.G.R.M. was gifted 19 new prophetic worship instruments in 2022. 1. 1950s Antique Brass Whistle 2. 1950s Antique Silver Flute 3. Carved Wood Eagle Feather 4. Power Line Sling Shot with Ammunition 5. Easton Arrow 6. Mallet Hammer 7. 1950s Sling Shot 8. 1950s Hammer 9. Three Worship Scarves (France (2) and Oregon, USA (1)) 10. Four Northern California Jael Spikes 11. 1950s Bow and 16 Arrows 12. 138 Antique Marbles (138 means to NEVER GIVE UP!)13. Gold Key of Love 14. 1950's Hammer. Additionally, we received over 200 Scarves for Prophetic Worship Glory Rings along with adornments, ribbons, trims and so much more. The divine abundance of ABBA ADONAI is amazing!
The Camels are Coming! 5783 ~ Chanukah 2022! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞
Holy Anointing Oil of the Month ~ 2022 is our final year for Anointing Oil of the Month!
However, in 2023, there will be 6 Holy Anointing Oils available in 2023: 1. Purim (March) 2. Passover (April) 3. Pentecost (May) 4. Summer Interlude (June) 5. Sukkot (September) 6. Chanukah (December).
1. January 2022 - HIS Compassion and Healing! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 2. February 2022 - HIS Divine Light and Joy! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 3. March 2022 - HIS Faithfulness Endures! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 4. April 2022 - HIS Overcomers Arise! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 5. May 2022 - HIS Crimson Symphony! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 6. June 2022 - HIS Royal Rhapsody! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 7. July 2022 - HIS Sonrise Sonata! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 8. August 2022 - The Kingdom of Heaven! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 9. September 2022 - The Memorial Stone! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 10. October 2022 - The Oil of Righteousness and Joy! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 11. November 2022 - HIS Provision and Blessing! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ 12. December 2022 - HIS Fragrant Spices! Holy Anointing Oil! ∞ Please note: HIS is an acronym for “Holy Immanuel Savior” referring to YESHUA, Our Messiah
In 2022, H.G.R.M. gave away 215 bottles of Holy Anointing Oil. Between 1999-2022 we made 201 Holy Anointing Oils including the States of America, Nations, America's Fire Fighters, the American Military and more ... giving away more than 25,000 bottles of Holy Anointing Oil for the Glory of YESHUA! by HIS Amazing Grace!
Anointing Oil Testimonials ~
States of California and Nevada ~ February 2022
State of Georgia, USA ~ Anointing Oil Testimonial ~ March 2022
State of New York, USA ~ Anointing Oil Testimonial ~ September 2022
H.G.R.M. Leadership 2022 ~ Dena Dennis, Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA Freida Headrick, Fort Myers, Florida, USA Pastor Job and Florence Owange, Kenya, Africa Delores Marston, Social Director, Powell Butte, Oregon, USA Phil and Lynda Peterson, Cove, Oregon, USA
We are grateful for the seventy H.G.R.M. Intercessors who are literally the wind beneath our wings, giving spiritual strength, wisdom, discernment, encouragement, revelation, and hope. In addition to those who faithfully give financial support to H.G.R.M. encouraging us to move diligently move forward. We are trusting YHVH, ELOHIM to recompense you as only HE can and will.
As always, The Most High God has generously given HIS deep grace and love to us, sustaining us providentially for 27 miracle followed by another miracle followed by another miracle...perpetually...for HIS Eternal Glory!
Because of YESHUA, Our Messiah's greatest love, Jennifer Lynn Easton Joy שמחה איסטון לין ינייפר M.Div., Ordained Minister