Handmade by Jennifer Lynn Easton Joy and Kathleen Robison
April 12, 2008
Dear Jennifer,
The Islamic Nations Glory Ring arrived yesterday. As always I was thrilled and exited. I opened the box and unwrapped the Glory Ring. For a moment I was struck by silence. The sight of it was overwhelming. I try to describe what I sensed and felt that moment. As the colorful scarves and ribbons unfold, it was as if many stories unfold at the same time. Stories of unknown people; people in pain, sorrow, captivity. I experienced a lot of sadness too. But the Glory of the Lord and the proclamation of the Ring -Yeshua's New Wine Covenant- was a rainbow of hope and a comfort to all. The tiny ring attached, made by a girl from Iran, is so touching. She represents the Muslim and how God does miracles among them. She once was a Muslim and God did a miracle by leading her out of the Islam; and now she is a Christian! The two headpieces, brought home by American military during their stay in war zones, is so strong in the spiritual realm. Especially the one from Desert-Storm Gulf War has a special meaning to me. I remember very clearly that moment in time, early 1990; I was riding on my bike. I was heading home from the city center. Suddenly a cold and chilly wind (it was summer and very warm) blew over me. I did not know where it came from, but it made me shiver. At the same time I ''heard'' in the spirit a multitude scream. It was just a fraction, the chilly wind and the screaming, but it was frightening. Somehow I immediately thought about the tense situation in the middle east. My husband was riding along beside me, I remember I said to him; This feels so wrong, so bad.....I am afraid that it has to do with the middle east. I think it is war. A day later we heard it on the news; the Gulf War had started.......On the cassette you mentioned the fact that the headpieces ended up in the Netherlands; indeed, only God.....When you said "Desert Storm", it all came back to me. I don't know why I had to experienced it, but God has His reasons. I can only humble bow my head.
About two weeks ago, the Netherlands was front page news. It was about a short film about the Islam. In fact it was an anti Islam film called Fitma. The maker is a Dutch politician. He is the leader of his own political party named Party for Freedom. His name is Geert Wilders. This film caused a lot of commotion worldwide, especially in the Islamic nations. Fitma shows Quranic motivations for terrorism, Islamic universalism and Islam in the Netherlands. Geert Wilders confronting statements about the Islam, not only in the film Fitna but in his political career as well, caused strong reactions in many Muslim countries. He is constant under security protection because of serious threats to his life.
Now this is God's timing; amazing as always. Geert Wilders is born in Venlo, the city I live in for over 40 years. I made a prayer journey to Morocco in November 2007. I returned from the trip at 27 November. A day later, Wilders made public that he was making the film Fitna. That was the beginning (and a continuation as well) of a shifting in the spiritual and natural realm concerning Islam. Geert Wilders is raised Catholic, I do hope that he has accepted the Lord Jesus as his personal savior. I recently discovered that he has strong connections with Israel (lived and worked there and visited the country in the past 25 years about 40 times. His support and love for God's people will be remembered by the Lord. May God's mercy and grace surround him. May Yeshua's blood be a covering.)
As you know I joined a prison ministry team two years ago. Today I was in a prison in Amsterdam. I had the opportunity to pray with a Muslim prisoner. I said to him that since I am a Christian, I pray in the name of Jesus (or Isa, the name Muslim use for Jesus). It's okay, he answered! I also said if I can pray that he will meet Jesus personally so that He can enter his life; if it's okay to speak out these words, I asked him. He agreed as well......This was wonderful! God will answer prayers......
Thank you Jennifer for your obedience to God. I am truly honoured and blessed by the Glory Ring. Please continue to pray for me as I press through the Islamic wall of resistance. Since Morocco I have (spiritual) battle after battle.
Love, Amanda Spunda ~~~~~~~~~~~
Author's Note: Today, the 12th of April is my grandson Caleb Jeremy's very first birthday!