HIS New Life and New Wine! ~ For the Nation of Egypt! Prophetic Worship Glory Ring!
Given to: Sandra Angus, Budapest, Hungary ~ October 2002
Given to: Darryl and Barbara Burris, Cairo, Egypt - November 2002
Given to: Ayman and Hala Mikhali, Cairo, Egypt - April 2004
Scriptures: Isaiah 43; Matthew 9; Luke 4; John 5; 1 John 5; Revelation 21, 22.
Handmade by Betty Leach and Jennifer Lynn Easton Joy
November 19, 2002
Dear Jennifer:
I just returned from Egypt. I had a wonderful time in the Spirit there-was able to teach a small group of women from different churches about prophetic intercession!
I just feel led to tell you about the Glory Ring. I just about fell down when I first touched it---it is very anointed!! One of the intercessors there, who has been in Egypt for over ten years--was absolutely amazed by the symbols and scarves---she said they were so very Egyptian- and many people would not understand the symbols etc., but she was flabbergasted that you weren't a native Egyptian!!!!!!!
I just want to encourage and bless you-the Lord is with you in a mighty way, I am privileged to be a part of all the Lord is doing in Egypt and in Europe.
Another encouragement----there are pockets of people, all over Egypt who are coming to Jesus. This intercessor has a friend who has been called to pray up and down the Nile and to break off the curses there. She says the Scriptures the Holy Spirit gave to you are right on with what the Lord has been telling this man, again a confirmation.
Isn't our Daddy (ABBA ADONAI) so good. I never would have dreamed that He would take me all over, and I have had the privilege of traveling to countries I never dreamed I would see-especially the eastern European countries--learning about the spirit of Communism and seeing how it has affected the people!
Blessings and much love, I really feel like a sister!!! Sandra Angus ~~~~~ August 3, 2003
My name is Barbara Burris and I have been sent the Glory Ring for Egypt. The anointing on the Glory Ring for Egypt takes your breath away. It is incredible! It traveled with the women from Maadi Community Church in Cairo to a women's retreat at Anafora Retreat. There we worshiped and prayed for Egypt as the Spirit directed. Sandra Angus also spent some time with me here in Cairo and taught a prayer group from the church on intercession. The symbols of Egypt on the Glory Ring are the chains that need to be broken off the people and churches here as well as Islam. The colors so represent Egypt anyone looking at the Glory Ring knows only GOD and HIS Holy Spirit could have put the Glory Ring together for Egypt. Continue praying for the walls of Islam and Pharonic gods to be brought down just like the walls of Jericho.
Shalom & Blessings to you all, Barbara Burris ~~~~~ Email from Barbara Burris, Cairo, Egypt - April 9, 2004
Dear Joy,
I just have to let you know that I have finally met this evening with Hala and Ayman Mikhali. It has been an exciting evening and learning about their prophetic ministry and spiritual mapping and intercession for Egypt. I started out speaking to them about the Holy Highway GOD will build between Syria, Egypt and Jerusalem and that it will be built and it will be GOD's highway. HE will build it. Then as they were getting ready to leave Ayman said that he is leaving on the 26th of this month for a prophetic meeting for four days on GOD's highway between Syria, Egypt and Jerusalem.
We both felt that GOD was beginning to break-up the soil for the planting of the truth. Egypt has released Mel Gibson's move, “The Passion” (2004) and Ayman said it is raising a lot of questions with the Muslims because the Koran says someone other than Jesus was crucified. There are a lot of Muslims going to see the movie and it has now been released in six Arab countries.
Feeling led by the Lord, I passed Egypt's Glory Ring to Ayman and Hala. As they looked at it they were amazed. They told me that each of the different ribbons represent different areas and peoples of Egypt and they recognized those regions by the colors and designs on the scarves. We both spoke of the enemy's strongholds over Egypt represented by the Pharonic gods and symbols on the Glory Ring. So prophetic!
Isn't our GOD so good? We leave Egypt for good on April 30th or I would have joined Ayman and Hala on their next prophetic trip. We will stay in touch with each other and I leave a part of me here in Egypt. What a privilege to share a part in GOD's plan for Egypt and to continue in intercession.
I will be out of contact after April 25th for about four weeks while we return after nine years to the States with a stop-off in Italy and then Chicago to see our children and grandchildren. Once we get a computer and an email address I will be in touch with you again.
It was wonderful to see and read Sandra Angus's note to you. She will be happy to know Egypt's Glory Ring has been passed on to one with a prophetic ministry and an intercessor doing spiritual mapping as GOD directs. We both felt the incredible anointing on the Glory Ring.
May GOD's blessings upon you be more than you can contain and may they keep overflowing all around you.
Shalom, joy and love, Barbara Burris, Cairo, Egypt - 2002