HIS Awakening Glory! ~ For the Nations of America and Japan! Prophetic Worship Glory Ring!
Given to: Kim and Hiroshi Maeshiro, Hillsboro, Oregon, USA
"When I was praying for America and Japan, I could see a large puzzle with many pieces, and God was putting the puzzle together to bring about the greatest unity, peace, partnership, restoration, redemption, reconcilation and renewal for Japan and America!" JLEJ
This is merely an introduction to the Prophetic Song in Color, Type and Symbol. I trust the Holy Spirit will impart and imprint to you more fully HIS purposes, plans, desires, will, function, languages, form, resonations, sounds and delights regarding this sacred and holy worship instrument as you seek ELOHIM in intercessory prayer and worship.
Within every prophetic worship instrument is a song in a song, a melody in a melody, a harmony in a harmony, a rhythm in a rhythm, a movement in a movement, a frequency in a frequency…creating the perfect dance for the Glory of ELOHIM!
May the Holy Spirit continue to reveal to you the fullness of HIS revelation.
Ribbons represent the powerful waves (Isaiah 51:15-16), significant movements, and distinctive pleasures of the LORD being released. Different lengths of ribbons and tinsel symbolize the different seasons of our lives in our walk with GOD and how some are shorter and easier; and some are wider and more challenging, yet HE is with us through them all. Satin ribbons are symbolic of the reflection of YESHUA in our lives. The colors, symbols and numbers are relevant to each meaning with Scripture as notated in A Coloring of Joy ~ Teaching Notes.
Scarves: Symbolic of the sound of God’s whisper as they “whisper” through the air (Psalm 147:2, 149:3, 150:4). The scarves symbolize the breath, air, wind (2 Samuel 22:11), life of God being released in America-Japan according to HIS riches in Glory, HIS grace, mercy and joy; HIS love, kindness and delight; HIS light, justice and presence; HIS favor, truth and knowledge; HIS discernment, wisdom and revelation. As mentioned above, the colors, symbols and numbers are significant to each meaning with Scripture as notated in Have Glory Ring will Travel!
Tassel: Priest’s garments as a reminder of a Separated walk, Graduation from and to, and Healing ~Numbers 15:38-39; Deuteronomy 22:12; Matthew 9:20.
Cord(s)/Cording: Priesthood, Suffering, Sacrifice, Cleansing and Atonement. On the Levitical Priest’s garments, the most common color of cording was blue. ~ Exodus 28:28, 39:21; John 2:15
Hearts: Heart of God, Love of God, Purity, Pure and Wholesome Thoughts, Compassion of God ~ 1 Samuel 16:7.
Ring(s): Authority and Eternal Relationship, Completed Work ~ Genesis 41:42; Exodus 35:22; Esther 3:12.
10" Embroidery Hoop symbolic of John 10:10.
Blue Light: The hue of that portion of the visible spectrum between green and indigo with wavelengths between 420 – 490. Azure, cerulean, and sky-blue sapphire gemstones. Spiritually the color is symbolic of Heaven, Spiritual Authority, Revelation of the Holy Spirit, Integrity, Set apart for God’s purposes, Justice, Heavenly Character, Wealth, Holy Covering, Loyalty, Divinity, Revelation Knowledge, Grace, Mercy, Royalty, Priesthood. Blue is the fifth Stone on the Priest’s Ephod: Sapphire which symbolizes the Tribe of Simeon. The word Simeon means to hear God. Blue is also symbolic of the 2nd Gate. A sampling of Biblical scriptures: Genesis 1; Exodus 22, 28:3, 39:8; Numbers 4:6, 15:37-41; 2 Chronicles 3:14; Esther 8:15; Isaiah 8:7; Jeremiah 46:7-8; Revelation 21 and 22.
Gold Light: A precious yellow metallic element, highly malleable and ductile, and not subject to oxidation or corrosion. Symbol: Au; atomic weight: 196.967; atomic number: 79; specific gravity: 19.3 at 20 degrees Celsius. A monetary standard. Symbolic of money, wealth, riches. Something likened to this metal in brightness, preciousness, superiority – as example: a heart of gold. A bright, metallic yellow color, sometimes tending toward brown. Spiritual metaphors: Divine Nature of YESHUA, Glory, Sacred to God, Faith of the Saints, Refining Process, Rare, Arrival, Passing the Test, Incorruptible, Pure, Authority, Kingship, Royalty, Richness, Excellence, Healing, and Compassion. A sample of Biblical scriptures: Malachi 3:3; Zechariah 13:9; Matthew 2:11; Acts 3:6; Hebrews 11.
Red/Scarlet/Crimson Light: Red: Any of various colors resembling the color of blood; the primary color at one extreme end of the visible spectrum, an effect of light with a wavelength between 610 and 780 nanometers. Crimson: a deep purplish-red. Scarlet: A bright-red color inclining toward orange. Spiritual metaphors and applications: Sufferings of YESHUA, Atonement, Pentecost, Divine Love, Shield, Sacrifice, Obedience, Consuming Fire, Courage, Boldness, Warfare/Military Might, Humility, Purification, Sacrifice, Death to Self, New Wine, Passover, Riches, Cleansing, Praise, Worship. 1st Stone on the Breastplate: Ruby, Tribe of Judah. A sample of Biblical scriptures: Genesis 9:4-5; Exodus 24:8; Joshua 2:21, 10:25; Nahum 2:3; Haggai 2:4; Zechariah 2:5; Mark 3:11; Luke 12:49; Philippians 2:8-11; 1 John 1:7; Revelation 1:5.
White Light: Of the color of pure snow, reflecting nearly all the rays of sunlight or a similar light. Noun: A color without the hue at one extreme end of the scale of grays, opposite to black. A white surface reflects light of all hues completely and diffusely. Most so-called whites are very light grays: fresh snow, for example, reflects about 80 percent of the incident light, but to be strictly white, snow would have to reflect 100 percent of the incident light. Spiritual metaphors and applications: Favor, Loyalty, Wholesome, Purity, Light, Glory, Majesty, Wisdom, Joy, Angelic, Peace, Victory, Holiness, Surrender, Triumph, Righteousness, Unblemished, Heavenly, Harvest, Spotless, White Linen, Resurrection Power, Completed Work, Endures Crushing and Fire, Tribe of Gad, 6th Stone on Breastplate, 8th Gate. A sample of Biblical scriptures: Esther 1:6; Daniel 7:9; John 4:35; Revelation 1:14, 2:17, 6:2, 20:11, 21.
February 19, 2020
"Wow wow wow! I received your intense America Japan Prophetic Worship Glory Ring! Wow! There are no words! The air is definitely fresh/ pure after a couple of swishes! It is like my heart got an umph! A new pump! Eternal grandeur. Fluidity of pure ness. Glorious glories! Jubilation! Blended honor! Piercing stars! 素晴らしい
I just kept hearing "jubilant justice".
02.26.2020...I have to tell you a couple of more points about the having the Glory Ring. Somewhere between the early dawn I dreamed the Glory Ring was spinning and the colors were orange and fire yellow even though the colors on it are red, white and blue.
02.27.2020...In touching the scarves I felt the anointed power! I got goose bumps! The more I explored the more I felt the anointing. It gave such splendor and delight! I read alllllll the Scriptures that were attached to it. Again I am in awe! It's so inspirational! And again I am honored. Thank you. The love that went into it is felt. It is such a joyous treasure.
I can now rest feeling the Scriptures residing in me. The peace, calm, harmony, each ribbon representing a prayer sent out. The sparkle of freedom resounding in the heart place. The jubilation of the righteous breathing in the crystal crisp air of one who unconditionally loves. Love sent out in spirals of illumination touching each heart. The knowledge accepted in the yes! Yes to those nations. Yes to the One who is."
Kim Maeshiro 金 this is the symbol for my name, Kim, in Japanese. Pronounced “ kin” the meaning is gold. My maiden name was Jewell. So Golden Jewell.