Beginning Prophetic Worship Glory Ring Workshops ~ Oregon, USA
October 27, 2001, Saturday ~ We met at New Hope Christian Church in Portland, Oregon to gather for a Beginning Prophetic Glory Ring Workshop. The morning began with a pastor from the Portland Metro area giving the following prophetic word:
“Jennifer Joy, Chosen of God. Forerunner in this ministry for praise and worship. Holy unto me. In praise and worship will I deliver into your hand my fullness. It shall break the yoke of bondage. Sing a new song unto the LORD. Dance a new dance and twirl before my throne with all your heart and I will release great treasure unto you…my servants whom I have chosen for my end time ministry. In praise and worship, it will break the bondage of the captives and chain the enemy from destruction against my people. For I will raise up before the Army of the LORD those pure in heart whom shall go before and ahead of MY army and prepare my Glory into the battle of victory. For you will go in MY Name, in MY Strength, and in MY Glory. For you are MINE and I will bless you for thy obedience and I shall accept your offering and sacrifice as worship and praise, holy unto me.”
The host of the Workshop arrived late, which brought unnecessary delay to the day’s schedule. In preparation, we were promised a large room with high ceilings, but when we arrived at the church, there was a change in room availability, and we met in a very small children's class room with seven-foot high ceilings, located in the basement. The ceilings were too low for freedom in worship and dance with Worship Flags and Prophetic Worship Glory Rings.
There were many aspects of ministry for which I was unprepared and today’s challenges exemplified some of those situations. During this season in this local metropolitan area, there was a group of individuals that used the acronym G.L.O.R.Y., which referred to their Gay and Lesbian Organization for Racing and Yachting. Therefore, there were those at the Workshop anticipating their definition of G.L.O.R.Y., not ABBA ADONAI’s Holy Glory. Their agenda was juxtaposed to the mission statement of HGRM. Personally, I was ready to leave by 10:00 AM yet the Holy Spirit required the fullness of HIS day. I was completely unprepared for those attending with their own agenda as represented by their inappropriate behaviors, as our Ministry Mission Statement is centered on the Gospel of John 4:23-26:
“But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be HIS worshipers. God is spirit, and those who worship HIM must worship in spirit and truth." The woman said to HIM, "I know that Messiah is coming, HE who is called the Christ; when that One comes, HE will declare all things to us." Jesus said to her, "I who speak to you am HE."
Although, I was aware of what was happening in the spiritual realm, others in attendance were not; therefore, my focus was completely on the Holy Spirit’s agenda. Ten men and women attended the Workshop, each making a Worship Glory Ring and receiving a prophetic word. It was a rare occasion and priceless gift that my son, Jeremy was positioned to attend the Workshop and interceded throughout the day. My prayer remained consistently similar, that God will meet each person and minister to them in a life-transforming way. It is always about YESHUA!
November 17, 2001, Saturday ~ We gathered at New Hope Christian Church once again, this time the host arrived in a timely manner and we setup at 7:30 AM and were ready to begin at 8:30 AM. Those who gathered were born-again, Spirit-filled Christian women and their daughters, so I anticipated a much easier time than three weeks ago. Once again, we were given a small class room in the basement with shallow ceilings and no windows. The host was very disappointed because what was promised regarding room accommodation was not provided for a second time.
As I knew most everyone in attendance, I could not understand the dark heaviness hanging in the room. Finally, I asked the host to please go upstairs and see if there was something happening. There was, an annual craft bazaar happening upstairs that provided open tables for the community; those at some of the tables were selling pagan worship and witchcraft items. The host was informed that since they paid the $5.00 fee to rent the table space, nothing could be done to stop them. It was completely incomprehensible to me that a church would openly rent tables to those selling witchcraft items. My thoughts were on the Scripture in Matt. 21:12-13:
“Jesus entered the temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who were selling doves. And HE said to them, ‘“It is written, “MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER”; but you are making it a ROBBERS’ DEN.”’
In all things, we trust the outcome with the LORD, for HIS mercy endures forever and I pray that each person will remember this day when YESHUA’s abiding presence, resurrection power, relentless grace, passionate forgiveness and unconditional love transformed their lives.
Note: In a later season, this large mega-city church closed its doors.
January 26, 2002, Saturday ~ There is something to be said for facilitating a Workshop just a relatively short distance away with travel time under an hour. Joyfully, after five years of facilitating Workshops I have learned how to setup in about an hour. We gathered at Good Samaritan Ministries in Beaverton, Oregon. Although we were grateful for the donated space, it was challenging to hold a workshop in a ministry office complex with continuous interruptions throughout the day. The host of the Workshop was not able to attend because of a last minute schedule change, so I adjusted and filled in her portion and asked two others at the Workshop to assist with the registration table and take-down as there were not any HGRM intercessors present.
Everyone experienced God’s presence, anointing, power, restoration, healing and redemption. At this Workshop there were 15 individuals including three generations in one family.
Everyone worshiped, danced, created Prophetic Worship Glory Rings and received prophetic words. There was an evident divine and holy exchange of mourning for dancing, sadness for joy, depression for freedom and oppression for laughter, as the presence of ABBA ADONAI moved very strongly throughout the day.
As our ministry is being transformed by the movement of the Holy Spirit, at Workshops we are now intentionally anointing each Glory Ring with Holy Anointing Oil and recording each prophetic word on an audio-cassette tape. Additionally, we are offering Holy Anointing Oil and books for sale at the Workshops to help offset the ever-increasing Workshop expenses. Faithfully and patiently the Holy Spirit continues to teach me.
In the afternoon, the snow began to fall and immediately there was great concern over the roads and traveling safety. As the LORD has graciously held the weather for me previously, I prayed with complete confidence for HIM to hold the snow until 5:00 PM when we finished, and HE did! That was fun and faith building for those in attendance!
Another blessing of the day was that Lauree, a missionary to Peru flew in from Springhill, Florida for the Workshop. She shared her testimony of the Peru Prophetic Worship Glory Ring, which helped everyone in attendance understand more fully the LORD’s purpose and anointing on the Prophetic Worship Glory Rings for nations. After the Workshop, Lauree, Ana and I shared dinner at a local restaurant and planned for a Beginning and Advanced Prophetic Worship Glory Ring Workshops in Florida which was a major breakthrough as it will be our first time to facilitate a ministry outreach in Florida. Praise the LORD!
May GOD generously recompense HIS faithful givers and the HGRM Prayer Shield.