This conference was one of the most life changing events that I have ever attended. I will never be the same! Thank You YESHUA, Our Messiah for HIS restoration and impartation of life! The worship atmosphere was the second highest I have ever experienced in my life. Only the Aglow International Conference in Florida 1999 could begin to compare in anointing, sweetness of spirit, ambiance of glory, and power of God. It was a deep extravagant drink from the crystal pure River of GOD!
Places we poured “Celebrate HIS Freedom!” Anointing Oil 2001: Cowlitz River, Washington; Warm Beach and Kayak Point on Puget Sound, Washington; Bridal Falls, Rainbow Ranch, British Columbia; Okanogan Lake, Kelowna, British Columbia and Okanogan River, British Columbia.
Divine Appointments: We met two couples, one from Isle of the Skye, Scotland and the second from Nebraska. We will be sending the Scotland and State of Nebraska Prophetic Glory Rings very soon! Praise the LORD GOD!!
April 2001 ~ Golden Breath of God - Perfected Life of JESUS! ~ For the State of Nebraska! ~Given to: Pastor John and Mrs. Morrow, Living Word Christian Outreach Center, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA - June 2001. Scriptures: Isaiah 42; Revelation 14, 21, & 22; Exodus 25; 1 John 5; 1 Peter 1. Handmade by Betty Leach and Jennifer Lynn Easton Joy.
Thrift (Treasure) Stores: I found an anointing oil bottle for the 2002 Anointing Oil and four antique glasses from the Oregon Centennial in 1959 for a total of $5.00. MERCY! FAVOR! GRACE! 1959 was the year I met Jesus in the Oak Grove and continued my fourth generation Oregon journey with HIM!
Faith Tests: I left Portland with a full tank of fuel and $50…came home with a tank full of fuel and $15...that was the supernatural provision of ABBA ADONAI! There were other tests along the way this was just one of the big ones! Each test prepares us for the next text, and a few months later HE sent me to Peru with $20. HE loves to give HIS children opportunities to build their covenant faithful relationship with HIM!
June 12, 2001, Tuesday
Signs along the way: Transport 4:14, Golden Arrow
Gratefully, dear friends, Bob and Dixie Cole provided “the exceedingly comfortable room and board” while in Marysville along with the “Miss Dixie Style” of hospitality. It was a divine gift to see them since their move from Colorado to the Northwest!
June 13, 2001, Wednesday ~ Cindy and I stopped at Bridal Falls near Rainbow Ranch for about an hour walking, praying and taking photos. The fragrant evergreens declared the beauty of GOD’s earth. The soft luxuriant moss, the noble ferns, the white blossomed trillium and pink bleeding heart adorned the footpath with their humble grace.
Signs along the way: Hwy 1, Freedom, Golden Arrow, Coachmen 833, Arrow, Rainbow 324, Western Eagle 719, 5511 ~ The Holy Spirit reminded me of Isaiah 55:11
June 14, 2001, Thursday ~
Conference Notes: - Take authority over witchcraft…return to sender with a seven-fold increase! - When you function with the Spirit of the LORD you are looking for what you can give. When you function with a spirit of poverty you are looking for what you can get. - Ezekiel 44:1: “Then he brought me back the way of the gate of the outward sanctuary which looks toward the east; and it was shut.” It is important to recognize closed gates. - P.U.S.H…Pray Until Something Happens - Psalms 63…Crimson Fire of GOD! - Proverbs 16:15 -16 - Regarding the favor of the LORD. Embrace GOD, not the fruit of GOD! -Must yield my will to the will of my FATHER! GOD will restore. Ministry of restoration includes the restoration of mantles, ministries, gifts, glory, and fruit to the people of GOD. - You cannot give your anointing away. GOD gives anointing. HE can only anoint the character of YESHUA within anyone or me. Therefore, if someone wants my anointing, they will have to have the character of YESHUA demonstrated in their life so that GOD can anoint that within them! - You will carry GOD’s power to the degree you carry HIS nature!
June 15, 2001, Friday ~ This was my first day to take the Prophetic Worship Glory Rings for Worship. I determinedly climbed the stairs to the predesignated box on the fourth floor, which had been set apart for prophetic worship dance and intercessory prayer. Four flights of stairs…a miracle for me to ascend to the top. Inside the worship area, a space of approximately 150 square feet, which overlooked the conference floor below, were two men worshiping. The LORD asked me to introduce myself to them. My introverted shy personality could not overcome my fear. Therefore, I gingerly responded to the LORD, “If YOU want me to meet them, then YOU arrange the introductions.”
During the conference, someone noticed a Triple Rainbow outside…extravagant! Many that were inside ran outside to witness this auspices testimony of God’s eternal promises in the heavens. Prophetically, I could see three generations of promise: my generation, my children’s generation and my grandchildren’s generation.
Conference Notes: - 17 years since 1984….17 is for divine order and spiritual order (victory)…Hwy of Holiness…Isaiah 35 (speaking to the churches)...Apostles must come back into the church. Psalm 12:1…Raise up the dread champions of the LORD! The Ark was Holy unto the LORD…HE is looking for a people HOLY unto the LORD…the arks of the last days will never close! - Take the scepter from your enemies and rule them. Serve the LORD with a purity and innocence. For such a time as this, Esther 4:14. - Remember that there is gold at the end of the rainbow! - Song of Songs 2:14, “O my dove, in the clefts of the rock, In the secret place of the steep pathway, Let me see your form, Let me hear your voice; For your voice is sweet, And your form is lovely.”
As this was during the long season of recovery following the 1994 car wrecks and I was still walking with a limp due to connective tissue damage in my right hip. It took me much longer to get anywhere than most people, therefore, in preparation of the Friday evening session, Cindy walked ahead of me to secure a place in line until the doors opened. When I caught up with her, she was talking with the two guys from "the worship box." I just laughed to myself as the LORD had surely decided to make the introductions. They both looked at me and Cindy said, “Do you know each other?” We all laughed. John and Bruce each introduced themselves then, John said, “This is my twin sister in the spirit.” I just smiled. He was carrying a very large blue duffel bag filled with worship instruments. It was like the purple duffel bag I carried during my first trip to Colorado Springs in 1999. In this season, I was carrying hatboxes filled with Prophetic Worship Glory Rings. We were an unintentional ostentatious spectacle. John and Bruce were part of The Maranatha Group (aka the Fresno Five). While we waited in line, I asked to see his “arsenal” inside the capricious duffel bag. He declined until we had ascended the four flights of stairs to the box. They arrived upstairs much sooner than I. When I entered the designated worship area, John was worshiping with forty-pound solid steel hammer head engraved with Hebrew letters: The LORD Contends and The LORD Establishes. When the worship song concluded, he positioned the head of the hammer on the floor and tilted the handle towards me. I was surprised that he would share his worship instrument because most people, particularly Native Americans view their worship instruments as something very sacred and holy and rarely if ever share with a non-Native American, especially a female. John looked at me and then said, “Here, give it a try.” I struggled to lift it off the floor but could not budge it. He smiled and casually lifted it like it weighed two pounds instead of forty. The next worship song ascended from the conference floor below and while he was worshiping, in the spiritual realm, I could hear the hammer hit the nail on the head. Although, I did not begin to fully understand the implications of worshiping with a hammer, like an intrepid explorer, I whispered to the LORD, “I need a girl Worship Hammer!” GLORY!
As John systematically unpacked his arsenal, I was surprised that he also had an Elijah Mantle, Tallit (Jewish – Hebrew Prayer Shawl), a silk flag, and other worship instruments like my cache at home. John was easily ten times more radical than me. It was a comfort and exhilarating to my soul and spirit to find men who were more radical in their worship than me. Three different times on Saturday, John prayed for supernatural healing for my shoulder which had also been injured in the car wrecks. I had lost the use of my right arm for a year and was still believing for full restoration. Prophetically he decreed and declared over me the Holy Spirit’s imparted and revealed words. GLORY! My year of Jubilee among other mysteries were unfolding like the fragile and fragrant petals of a blossoming rose, in the warm summer sun. John and Bruce’s tangible faith, words of knowledge and encouragement were life giving to my parched soul and thirsty spirit like an artisan well of effervescent, refreshing, cool spring water.
Because of their overt kindness and unconditional acceptance of me, I found the courage to ask them to make me a replica of their worship hammer. John said “no” many, many times because I believe he knew the warfare that it would bring to me and/or them. However, since Bruce was the one who did the engraving on the hammer, he agreed to make me a “girl” worship hammer which meant about forty times smaller in size and lighter in weight than John’s. I gave him my mailing information and hoped he would keep his word. Experientially, I have known very few believers to be people of integrity, so all that remained was my limited hope and consistent prayer. The “girl hammer", a perfect miniature of John’s, arrived about ten weeks later.
After ten years of worshiping with a hammer and learning to walk in that level of warfare, I began making Worship Hammers for the fifty States of America as well Nations Hammers for Nations and territories of spiritual influence.
June 16, 2001, Saturday ~ Conference Notes: - Cup of Many Colors - One of the guest ministers mentioned that he could see dove pinions, wings in the alcove above the worship area. As I could also see them, I believed the reason that the Holy Spirit inspired him to speak about it was to simply encourage me in my gift of seeing into the spiritual realm. He also said that if we knew how close heaven is to earth it would change our lives. There is a cloud of witnesses. Ask GOD to show you HIS face! Contend for the WORD! Contend for the FATHER! Contend for the TRUTH! Separate unto HIM! Consecrate unto HIM! - “From 1974 to 1977 a cloud of glory was released over the earth (my children’s birth years), the LORD took it away because of rebellion and worship of false idols. Those born in that time period are called and anointed of the LORD to bring forth HIS glory to the earth” Bob Jones. - Ezekiel 47 - John 14:12, “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.”
June 17, 2001, Sunday ~ On the return journey from British Columbia to Oregon, we stopped by the Judah Worship Center in Marysville, Washington to join Bob and Dixie, once again. It was a sweet time in the LORD’s Holy, Divine, Sacred Presence! This was a blessed respite after a seven-hour journey. The LORD provided one particularly divine moment, when a young girl named, Jade, asked me to pray for her as she had recently been diagnosed with epilepsy. Her long silky brown hair cascaded over her face as she bowed her head and placed her open hands in mind. As I prayed for her, the Holy Spirit spoke to me that she had received a false diagnosis. Therefore, I strongly entreated her to acquire a second opinion. Before departing, I gave to her the ring I was wearing on my right hand, a silver rose ring purchased at the Portland Oregon International Rose Garden. Additionally, I read to her the Scripture from Song of Songs 2:1, “I am the rose of Sharon, the lily of the valleys.” Praise GOD!
Email from Jade October 30, 2001: "Hello, I just got back from the Doctor and they had no choice but to admit that I was healed. I no longer have Epilepsy. Thank you for praying so much. I just thought you might like to know. PRAISE HIM!!!!!!!! Jade
June 18, 2001, Monday ~
Signs along the way: 4th of July, Liberty Bell, Eagle with three arrows, a red white and blue banner, Golden Arrow, Transport 4:14, Covenant Transport, Pioneer
I remain ever grateful for faithful intercessors that cause the path where I travel in the spiritual realm which is something like the road to Damascus, to be easier to navigate and for passionately standing in the gap as I am sent to do my FATHER’s will!