HIS Shield of Honor! ~ For the Nation of Venezuela! Prophetic Worship Glory Ring!
Given to: Steve and Rachel Armer, Windsor, Connecticut, USA
Given to: Pastor Jose Perdomo, Trujillo, Venezuela ~ December 2001
Scriptures: Genesis 15:1; Psalms 5:12, 9:4, 18:2; 2 Samuel 22:31.
Handmade by Betty Leach and Jennifer Lynn Easton Joy
January 11, 2002
Dear Jennifer,
Thanks so very much for your prayers! We had a wonderful trip, and the Lord did such a neat thing for delivering the Venezuela Glory Ring!!
So here goes, now! Our family reunion was at the CEF camp facility that my brother, Bob, there on Bonaire runs. One afternoon only a few days into the time, a van drove up with a couple and their son. The wife was the younger sister of a friend of my sister and me when we were teenagers living on Bonaire. Their family was from Aruba, 2 islands over, and were missionaries on Bonaire for awhile. So I was talking with her (Ruth), and Steve met the husband and was talking with him. After a bit, Steve came over with him and said he was from Venezuela! We didn't say anything about the Glory Ring at that point, but as we continued to talk, I was choking up. They said they are missionaries in Venezuela, but are filling in for a year for a missionary on Bonaire on furlough! So he, Carlos, is presently the pastor of the local church that my brother and family attend.
So Steve and I prayed about whether these were the people to give the Glory Ring to. When I mentioned to my brother that we were thinking of giving the Glory Ring to Carlos, Bob said that he had been thinking more of another Hispanic church that would be more open to this kind of thing. Although, that Carlos did seem to be open to less traditional church-type things in other churches, even if he wouldn't promote them in his own. The interesting thing being that the regular missionary on Bonaire (who is VERY traditional-church oriented) had chosen Carlos to fill in for him (not seeming to know about this more open side of him)!
A few Sundays later, Steve and I attended my brother's church, and had the opportunity to talk to Carlos after the service about whether he would be willing to take the Glory Ring to Venezuela. He understood about worshiping the Lord with one's whole being, not just with the mouth. AND -- he said that he has a brother in Venezuela who is pastor of a more charismatic-type church, that he would be happy to take the Glory Ring to!! Hallelujah, JESUS!!!
So one evening, Steve and I took the Glory Ring over to their house to give them, with the book. It was late (and we had quite a time finding their place!), but we had a wonderful visit and prayer time with them - precious people! Carlos has to go to Venezuela every 3 months for his paperwork, so will be going again the beginning of March or so. They said his brother, Jose Perdoma, knows no English. So they would read the book and explain it to him.
So we were so excited how the Lord brought THEM to US!! And they said they would let you know when they have actually taken the ring to Venezuela.
Steve and I were very blessed to get to take this ring and see the Lord work in getting it to the right people to get it to Ven.! THANK YOU, LORD, and thanks to you and everyone for praying!!
May HIS abundant blessings be yours today, too, and every day!!