"I AM!" ~ For the Nations of America and Israel! Prophetic Worship Glory Rings! (5) Given to:
Constance Thew, Spokane, Washington, USA ~ Given to: Rebecca Mitchell, Lolo, Montana, USA ~ August 2002
Regina Scheff, Germantown, New York, USA
Kathleen Pautz, Simi Valley, California, USA
Tanya Colgan, Scio, Oregon, USA
Jennifer Lynn Easton Joy, Gresham, Oregon, USA ~ Given to: Claudia Deering, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, USA May 2002
Scriptures:Exodus 3:14; Ezekiel 44:4; Isaiah 44:6, 62; Jeremiah 24:7; Psalm 91; Matthew 18:20; John 6:35, 8:12, 58, 14:6, 8:23, 10:9-11, 11:25-26; 1 Corinthians 15:10; Hebrews 5, 6, 7, 11; Revelation 4, 5, 19, 21, 22. Handmade by Jennifer Lynn Easton Joy
For the Glory of YESHUA!
“I AM!” For the Nations of America and Israel! Prophetic Worship Glory Rings!
To the “I AM” Intercessors:
In the fall of 2000, the Holy Spirit began giving me pictures, dreams and visions about America and Israel. Since I had ever only made a Prophetic Worship Glory Ring for one nation at a time the concept of merging two nations into one Prophetic Worship Instrument was overwhelming to say the least. As is HIS habit, HE was continuing to stretch me!
One picture HE gave me was of children marching in a parade carrying the American and Israel Flags. The children were holding hands marching down the street.
Another picture HE gave me was of the American Flag waving, then the Israeli Flag was superimposed into the fabric and it became one flag.
One dream HE gave me was of an American President celebrating Passover in Israel with the Leader of the Israeli Government.
As a prophetic forerunner seer, it is the LORD’s way with me as to give me dreams, pictures and visions of what HE is purposing to bring forth.
A couple of weeks following the September 11, 2001 tragedy launched against America, there was this urgent unction from the Holy Spirit to begin interceding for the America/Israel relationship. As I do not have a TV, I do not know the world events at the time, just that intercession was urgent. For those of you that were intercessors for the ministry you may recall the email that was sent out at that time.
The First week of October while shopping, the fabric for the first five centers, also known as the heart of the Prophetic Worship Glory Ring ~ “I AM!” For the Nations of America and Israel! Prophetic Worship Glory Rings was purchased.
October 24, 2001 - The first two “I AM!” For the Nations of America and Israel! Prophetic Worship Glory Rings were finished and sent to Constance J. Thew, Spokane, Washington and Kathleen Pautz, Simi Valley, California. At the time, the LORD spoke that there were to be four “I AM!” Prophetic Worship Glory Rings for the four borders of America. The four gates of America – East, North, South, and West - California, Oregon, Washington and New York were the states HE chose at the time.
Now, 16 months later many things have transpired. The LORD has continued to add to HIS “I AM!” project bringing in more intercessors as the time has passed. There are many who have sent in ribbons, tinsel, pins, buttons, scarves and fabrics to help with this project. Please trust the LORD has been blessed by your obedience and generosity to give.
Each Prophetic Worship Glory Ring is slightly different but with the same overall message and the same Scriptures. The reason for the differences is just to let you know that HE did choose You!
The five main colors of the Prophetic Worship Glory Rings are red, blue, white, gold and silver. Each Glory Ring has these five colors in some variation and form.
When the LORD sets my hands to make a Prophetic Worship Glory Ring, I do not know the outcome - the way it will look when it is finished. HE just puts HIS hands over mine and I follow. HE is all that I have.
Regarding the Adornments with are on some of the Prophetic Worship Glory Rings...
A Lion in some form (button, belt, jewelry, etc).
Star of David in some form (pin, button, fabric iron-on, charm, etc)
Eagle in some form (pin, button, jewelry, key chain, etc).
Treasures: Usually the treasures are hidden under the tinsel, but not always. They are usually things that would speak to you specifically as intercessor.
Beads: All the rings have red, white and blue beads.
Handles: Some are with red ribbon, some are with red fabric, some are with blue ribbon, and some are with blue fabric.
Scarves: Each ring has a scarf on the handle – the scarf is to protect the handle during worship. Simply wrap the handle with the scarf and let the handle move loosely in your hand. It is a ring not a sword. Scarves are about the breathe of GOD.
The ring is about covenant relationship and the ringing of bells in the land.
The bells are symbolic of entering the Holy of Holies…the release of the Priesthood in the land.
Tinsel: Each ring has red, white, blue and silver or gold tinsel. Tinsel is about the Reign, Rain and Reins of GOD!
Sequins are about ordered steps and the timing of the LORD.
The hoops vary from 8-14 inches in diameter – all wood.
Cross – Only the Cross of YESHUA.
Tassels – Healing, Graduation, Priesthood.
The following is a copy of the prayer that I prayed on the audio cassette as the first “I AM!” For the Nations of America and Israel! Prophetic Worship Glory Ring was being released in October 2001.
“FATHER, in the name of JESUS, LORD GOD ALMIGHTY! FATHER, You have a plan. You have a purpose. You have a way. You have a design. You have a delight. And FATHER, I ask that YOU would cause us to be where YOU are at. That we would come to YOU> That we would come to YOUR presence. That we would come to YOUR Glory. That we would come to YOUR Throne. In Revelation 4 it says, “Come Up Here!” FATHER, I pray that we would come to where YOU are! FATHER, forgive me for all the times I have expected YOU to come where I am instead of me coming to YOU! FATHER, forgive us and cause us to seek YOUR face. FATHER, cause us to press in to what YOU ARE DOING! How YOU are doing it! And when YOU are doing it! Because YOU are doing it! FATHER, do not let us grow weary in well doing. FATHER, for these YOU have called to intercede for America and Israel, I ask for a spirit of divine revelation, for a spirit of wisdom, for a spirit of truth, for the strength of the LORD to gird them up, for revelatory words, words of knowledge, the gift of discernment and ministering angels from YOUR throne in the name of JESUS.
FATHER, I ask for the Blood of JESUS to cover this assignment for HIS BLOOD is sufficient to cover all. The work that HE accomplished on the cross is sufficient for all. FATHER, I ask that these called to intercede for America and Israel would move with the Lamb of GOD. That they would move with JESUS CHRIST and not separate from YOUR will to their own imaginations, agendas, plans, ideas, purposes or thoughts. That they would fully have the mind of CHRIST JESUS as they intercede for America and Israel.
FATHER, I ask that you give them time, open windows of time in their daily lives to intercede and worship regarding this assignment. FATHER, I ask that YOU give to them the fire that YOU have given me for this assignment. That YOU bring forth prophetic intercessory dance for America and Israel. That each gate and each gatekeeper would be dancing the “I AM” dance that YOU have choreographed in heaven. FATHER, I ask that you be the choreographer of all of our dances.
FATHER, I thank you for what YOU are doing in Israel and America and I thank YOU for calling forth and awakening YOUR intercessors. FATHER, thank you for loving us overtly in the name of JESUS, I ask that YOU send forth YOUR GLORY! Amen!”
October 16, 2001
Prophetic Word given to me by the Holy Spirit during a Prayer Meeting with intense power and fire.
Name: “ I AM!” For the Nations of America and Israel! Prophetic Worship Glory Rings
Scriptures: Exodus 3:14, Isaiah 44:6, Matthew 18:20, John 6:35, John 8:12, John 14:6, John 8:23, John 10:9, John 10:11, John 11:25, John 8:58, I Corinthians 15:10, Jeremiah 24:7, Isaiah 62, Ezekiel 44:4 and Psalm 91.
Please know each Prophetic Worship Glory Ring is anointed with Holy Anointing Oil and consecrated to the LORD as a worship instrument for HIM and HIM alone for HIS Glory on the earth!
To be continued as time allows for me to release the vision the LORD gave me of the gatekeepers for America and Israel.
May GOD our FATHER hold YOU in the palm of HIS HAND!
Love in HIM,
Jennifer Joy
“I AM!” For the Nations of America and Israel! Prophetic Worship Glory Rings! Gatekeepers!
The second portion was in 2002 when seven more "I AM!" For the Nations of America and Israel! Prophetic Worship Glory Rings were released bringing the total to twelve, which is symbolic of the 12 Tribes and the Government of YESHUA (Isaiah 9). The States of America were strategically chosen with the words “Reinforcements and Reconnaissance.” As the LORD pinpointed the States on the Map of America it was obvious that HIS plan was to protect the borders, cover the heart (Tennessee) and guard the camp (Colorado).
The third portion was recently when the LORD sent forth 12 more “I AM!” For the Nations of America and Israel! Prophetic Worship Glory Rings in an eight-week period. This is a miracle in itself. The words were “Redemption, Restoration and Recover.”
In the Spirit Realm, there were two (double portion) located at each gate. The wall was finished in 52 days. This is my 52-year. February 21, 2003 is the 52 day of 2003….all the "I AM!" For the Nations of America and Israel! Prophetic Worship Glory Rings were sent by this time. No, I do not fully understand all the HE is doing and moving, I just know HE is.
Gates: 1. The Sheep Gate – The Church – Susan Donoho/Linda Selby 2. The Fish Gate – The Harvest - Linda Palmer/Robin Main 3. The Old Gate – Restoration Truth - Constance J. Thew/Michal Ann Goll 4. The Valley Gate – Trials –Tanya Colgan/Bev Crisman 5. The Gate of Refuse – Repentance and Purging - Kathleen Pautz/Patricia Rubright 6. The Fountain Gate – The Holy Spirit - Lisa Griess/Terri Kelson 7. The Water Gate – The Scriptures - Doug and Sarah Merle/Christine Speir 8. The Horse Gate – Strength - Rebecca Mitchell/Michael and DorotheLee Withers 9. The East Gate – The Hope of the LORD’s coming – Gate of HIS Glory - Regina Scheff/Bob Fezzo 10. The Gate of Mizpah – Overcoming the Enemy of Death - Claudia Deering/Yolanda Ballard 11. The Gate of Ephraim – Inheritance – Double Portion - Phil and Lynda Peterson/Jennifer Joy 12. The Gate of the Guard – Prison Gate – Those in Captivity - Scott and Ellie Snedeker/James Goll
Please do a word study on the words: 'gates' and 'gatekeepers' to bring further enlightenment to YESHUA's Plans and Purposes.
For the Glory of YESHUA!
God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM”; and He said, “Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, ‘I AM has sent me to you’.” ~ Exodus 3:14, NASB