The KING's Scepter Extended! The FATHER's Favor and Blessing! ~ For the Nations of Canada and America! Prophetic Worship Glory Ring!
Given to: Phil and Trudy Whitney, Grand Forks, British Columbia, Canada
Scriptures: Genesis 1, 2; Genesis 6:8; Exodus 33:17; Judges 6:17; Daniel 7:21-22; Isaiah 2:26; Proverbs 8:35; Psalm 5:12; Psalm 90:17; Psalm 119:58; Esther; Ruth; Psalms 24, 45, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, and 150; Luke 1:30; Luke 2:52; John 14, 15, 16, 17, and 19; Hebrews 5, 6, 7, and 11; Revelation 5, 19, 21, and 22.
Handmade by Jennifer Lynn Easton Joy
This is merely an introduction to the Prophetic Songs in Color, Type and Symbol. I trust the Holy Spirit will impart and imprint to you more fully HIS purposes, plans, desires, will, function, languages, form, resonations, sounds, glory, love, joy, peace, goodness, purity, hope, faith, covenant and delights regarding this sacred and holy worship instrument with the implicit purpose of worshiping the MOST HIGH GOD in Spirit and in Truth ~ John 4:24.
Within every prophetic worship instrument is a song in a song, a melody in a melody, a harmony in a harmony, a rhythm in a rhythm, a movement in a movement, a frequency in a frequency…creating the perfect dance for the Glory of ELOHIM!
May the Holy Spirit continue to reveal to you the fullness of HIS revelation. Please know that you are a joy to HIM and your love for YESHUA is a jewel in HIS crown.
Ribbons represent the powerful waves ~ Isaiah 51:15-16 ~ significant movements, and distinctive pleasures of the LORD being released.
The scarves symbolize the breath, air, wind, life of God being released according to HIS riches in Glory, HIS grace, mercy and joy; HIS love, kindness and delight; HIS light, justice and presence; HIS favor, truth and knowledge; HIS discernment, wisdom and revelation.
9 inch hoop symbolic of the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:21-23.
The red colored cording on the handle and center of the Glory Ring is symbolic of understanding the priesthood of YESHUA ~ Hebrews 5, 6, 7, 11; Revelation 1:12-15 ~ the transparency of HIS atoning love, YESHUA as the New Wine, The New Covenant, The Atonement, HIS Sacrifice, HIS purity, and holiness, and that YESHUA paid for the reconciliation of humankind to FATHER GOD. ~ John 14, 15, 16, 17, 19
Different lengths of ribbons symbolize the different seasons of our lives in our walk with GOD and how some are shorter and easier and some are wider and more challenging, yet HE is with us through them all.
Covenant Gold Rings symbolic of the covenants of GOD with HIS people.
Copper Niagara Falls Belt Buckle – one of the waterways that connects America and Canada.
White Tassels symbolic of “graduation” or a test that has been passed bringing about greater revelation and understanding of our FATHER GOD’s truth!
Two silver bells symbolic of redemption, renewal and the sound of the sheep following the lead sheep who is following the one true shepherd, YESHUA, Our Messiah.
French Horn symbolic of Canada’s French heritage.
Two keys – one house key and one “antique” key providing access to the wisdom of the House of the LORD and the Ancient of Days (double portion).
Silver belt buckle “BC Ferries” British Columbia also a gateway to Canada and the extensive waterways connecting Canada and America.
For the Glory of YESHUA!
The LORD said to Moses, “I will also do this thing of which you have spoken; for you have found favor in My sight and I have known you by name.” Then Moses said, “I pray You, show me Your glory!” ~ Exodus 33:17-18, NASB