~~~~~ This is merely an introduction to the Prophetic Song in Color, Type and Symbol for the HIS Kinsman Redeemer Glory Ring. I trust the Holy Spirit will impart and imprint to you HIS purposes, plans, desires, will, function, form, resonations, sounds and delights regarding this sacred and holy worship instrument.
When I was photographing the Glory Ring this morning (02.04.2013) I was thinking to myself, ABBA ADONAI, this is a white girl ring. HE said, “You are the same color on the inside!” I just laughed out-loud! My heritage is English, Irish, Swedish – so you will see especially many English things on the ring (cameos) and some of the scarves are from England. The green emerald rhinestone pin was to honor my grandmother (her birthday May 9). Everything on the Prophetic Worship Glory Ring has a personal meaning to me and I pray the Holy Spirit will give the same and more to you.
Adornments, Ribbons, Scarves:
Ribbons are about the waves (Isaiah 51:15), movements, pleasures of the LORD being released, the colors, symbols and numbers are significant to each meaning with Scripture as notated in: A Coloring of Joy, Volume XVII ~ Teaching Notes
The Crown is symbolic of the Crown of Life (Revelation).
The red velvet ribbon is symbolic of the tenderness of YESHUA, HIS atonement, HIS courage and boldness, HIS willingness to walk in obedience unto the cross.
The scarves are about the breath, air, wind, life of God being released according to HIS riches in Glory, HIS grace, mercy and joy; HIS love, kindness and delight; HIS light, justice and presence; HIS favor, truth and knowledge; HIS discernment, wisdom and revelation.
12” hoop symbolic of the Government of YESHUA ~ Isaiah 9 ~ the 12 Tribes of Israel.
The Green ~ Eternal Life, Tree of Life; Revelation 22 ~ cording handle symbolic of the priesthood of YESHUA ~ Hebrews 5, 6, 7 ~ HIS eternal life and redemption of the lost, broken, discarded and the Glory of HIS Light. The cord on the handle is symbolic of the cost of HIS atonement which we hold on to as we accept and receive HIS name, anointing, creative and resurrection power. Remnant cording. ~ Romans 11:17-18
The antique scarves are symbolic of the Ancient of Days and the generation blessings being released. ~ Daniel 7:9-10, 13
Thank you for your faithfulness to serve the Kingdom of GOD on earth through prophetic intercessory worship.
For the Glory of YESHUA!
"I kept looking until thrones were set up, and the Ancient of Days took His seat; His vesture was like white snow and the hair of His head like pure wool. His throne was ablaze with flames, Its wheels were a burning fire. A river of fire was flowing and coming out from before Him; Thousands upon thousands were attending Him, and myriads upon myriads were standing before Him; The court sat, and the books were opened." ~ Daniel 7:9-10, NASB