HIS Water Becomes Wine! ~ For the State of Maine, USA!Prophetic Worship Glory Ring!
Given to: Carolyn Selvig, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Scriptures: Genesis 1, 2; Isaiah 22:22, 51:15; Matthew 13:43; Gospel of John 2, 10:10, 13, 14, 15, 16,19; Romans 12:2; Hebrews 5, 6,7; 2 Corinthians 2:15, 3:17-18; Revelation 21, 22.
Handmade by Jennifer Lynn Easton Joy
This is merely an introduction to the Prophetic Song in Color, Type and Symbol for the State of Maine. I trust the Holy Spirit will impart and imprint to you HIS purposes, plans, desires, will, function, form, resonations, sounds and delights regarding this sacred and holy worship instrument.
Prophetic Movements and introductions…
This worship instrument has been resonating in my spirit for many years. What I heard from the Holy Spirit was “HIS Water Becomes Wine!” I pondered the transformational aspects of water becoming wine. One liquid becomes another liquid. One set of molecules are transformed into another set of molecules. One beverage without a fruit base becomes a beverage with a fruit base. One drink that is clear and without color becomes a drink that is clearly colored. Then I received a picture of the wine bubbling up out of the water jugs, spilling over the top like an artisan well of wine. I thought about John 10:10 and how abundant YESHUA’s love is. All supernatural in character, form and function for eternity.
Adornments, Ribbons, Scarves ~
Ribbons represent the waves ~ Isaiah 51:15 ~ movements, pleasures of the LORD being released in Maine.
The scarves symbolize the breath, air, wind, life of God being released in Maine according to HIS riches in Glory, HIS grace, mercy and joy; HIS love, kindness and delight; HIS light, justice and presence; HIS favor, truth and knowledge; HIS discernment, wisdom and revelation.
Satin ribbons are symbolic of the reflection of YESHUA in our lives.
10” hoop symbolic of John 10:10.
The beads are symbolic of the LORD putting things in order, calling things into HIS alignment in the earthly and spiritual realms.
The burgundy cording on the handle is symbolic of Priesthood of YESHUA, the transparency of HIS atoning love; YESHUA paid for the reconciliation of humankind to GOD the FATHER ~ Gospel of John 14, 15, 16, 17, 19.
Earrings symbolize hearing the Holy Spirit and walking in immediate obedience to HIM. ~ Matthew 13:43
Scarves with flowers symbolic of the Fragrance of YESHUA. ~ 2 Corinthians 2:15
Scarves with butterflies are symbolic of metamorphosis, being transformed into HIS image. ~ 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, Romans 12:2
The pink tassel is symbolic of the healing of YESHUA; the tassels/fringe on the hem of the garment of YESHUA and HIS priesthood. ~ Hebrews 5, 6, 7
The key is symbolic of the Key of David. ~ Isaiah 22:22
The grape earrings symbolic of the fruit of HIS vine and hearing HIS voice. ~ Gospel of John 13, 14
The wine charms (cheese, opener, glass, etc) are symbolic of the different elements of transformation of water into wine…there are components that function in the spiritual realm that we cannot see or understand…yet we can clearly see the difference between water and wine.
The burgundy/gold ribbons are symbolic of the wine bubbling up out of the water pots.
Thank you for your faithfulness to serve the Kingdom of GOD on earth and to minister to the Kingdom of Heaven through prophetic intercessory worship.
For the Glory of YESHUA!
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. ~ Romans 12:2, NASB