The Heartbeat of HIS Conception! Prophetic Worship Glory Ring! Given to: Leslie Allen, Columbia Falls, Montana, USA
Scriptures: Genesis 1, 2; Deuteronomy 21:8; 2 Chronicles 6; Psalms 79:9, 86:5, 127:3; Jeremiah 31:34; Daniel 9:19; Matthew 6:9-15; Mark 11:25; Luke 23:24; John 20:23; 1 John 1:9.
Handmade by Jennifer Lynn Easton Joy
In this season of making Prophetic Worship Glory Rings, the Holy Spirit birthed within me the idea to make a Prophetic Worship Glory Ring for the aborted children of the world. At first, I could not wrap my mind around the intercessory assignment. I knew it would only be possible because of YESHUA’s grace. The name of the Prophetic Worship Glory Ring was given to me first and I wrote it down immediately because I experientially have learned that words in a particular sequence make a difference to HIM. Then I saw all the seven “baby” colors (green, yellow, blue, teal, pink, white and lavender). Within a few days I found the ribbons, purchased them $7.00 and understood the LORD was going to provide a supernatural and complete the healing, restoration and redemption of women who experienced abortions by their own choice or the choice of another. I also purchased additional 4 rolls of ribbons with baby decorations for the handles, which was a total of $11, Hebrews 11. I sensed that the last 15 years of making Prophetic Worship Glory Rings was preparation for this particular Prophetic Worship Glory Ring, knowing intrinsically that I would step into a new measure of God's Grace to complete it.
Then I called Constance J. Thew, H.G.R.M. Advisor and trusted friend, who sent remnant tinsel, embroidery hoops, ribbons, white satin center fabric, sequins, gemstones and the purple-heart pattern and fabric, providing the supplies to make the Prophetic Worship Glory Ring.
The LORD set up the 13th of August as the day to make the Prophetic Worship Glory Ring. I woke up the night before at 4:06 am with the most intense pain in my low back, similar to a labor pain, but more like a pain after surgery. I noticed the time because it was the date of my first born son’s birth date 04.06 (74). I immediately began praying for him, his wife and their children as has been my habit since his birth…whenever I see a 4.6 it means to pray for Shawn, just as an 11.17 is a code to pray for Jeremy, and 4.4 to pray for Angela. My children's dad demanded that I get an abortion with each pregnancy, when I refused, he said, "You re going to pay for that." I thought he meant the cost of the doctor and hospital bills. I had no idea what he truly meant until many, many years later. After praying for awhile, I inquired of the LORD, what is this about and then I realized it was intercession for abortions. I wept with all my being. Most of the day was spent in tears. During one part of the day I looked up abortions on the internet…over 42 million annually worldwide, over 115,000 daily worldwide. I cannot comprehend those numbers.
About the Prophetic Worship Glory Ring: The center of the ring is white satin symbolizing the purity and wholesomeness of YESHUA, the purple heart symbolizes HIS priestly position and anointing, as our Most High Priest ~ Hebrews 5, 6,7. The pink sequins symbolize ordered steps of healing, restoration and redemption in all realms (spiritual, mental, physical, emotional, thoughts, reasoning, intellect). The gemstones symbolize the lives of children not received on earth. The silver cording symbolizes the suffering and redemption of YESHUA’s atonement. The Prophetic Worship Glory Ring comprises supplies from Oregon, Utah, Washington and Montana. The remnant tinsel pieces symbolizes how the LORD takes the shattered, shredded, misplaced and broken pieces of our lives and makes something beautiful for HIS own Glory. The rose pin .25 symbolizes the Rose of Sharon and HIS forgiveness for taking the lives of unborn children. The moose pin from Canada, purchased in Kalispell, Montana is symbolic for abortions in Canada and beyond the borders of America. The baby adornments cause the Prophetic Worship Glory Ring to sound like a “baby toy” more than a Prophetic Worship Glory Ring. The Native American earrings are symbolic of all the indigenous peoples of the earth and their unborn and aborted children. The crystal heart earring is symbolic of the crystal sea in heaven and the purity of YESHUA's heart. When I pierced the ribbon with the earring a thread pulled in either direction forming a cross with HIS heart in the center. The little girl's pearl necklace is symbolic of a childhood lost. The pink gemstone silver ring was mine and symbolizes the many gifts of healing that YESHUA has given to me.
In all things, I have learned that no matter what YESHUA is LORD and HIS Relentless, Unconditional Love is Eternal.
Yours for YESHUA, Jennifer Lynn Joy, Minister
For the Glory of YESHUA!
Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of Your name; And deliver us and forgive our sins for Your name’s sake. ~ Psalm 79:9, NASB