September 7, 2016, Wednesday - The initial purpose of this brief journey, was to meet Constance Thew in Lincoln City, Oregon and pick up the Prophetic Worship Victory Streamers for every State in America. Constance was creating the ribbon portion and I was creating the handle portion. It was a team effort as we have done many times in the past. As per usual, GOD had many more things on the agenda than I knew about.
Lincoln City is about a three and one-half hour drive from my residence. I have been here many times and love this city located on the extravagant beautiful Oregon Coast. The sound of the waves is healing to my soul.
I met Constance and Carla at the Sea Gypsy Motel which has a great view of the ocean. We walked on the beach, poured Holy Anointing Oil, prayed, went shopping at some antique stores and enjoyed the abundant bounty of Life in YESHUA!
Signs along the way: Advice from a Horse:Take Life’s Hurdles in Stride ~ Loosen the Reins ~ Be free spirited ~ Keep the burrs from under your saddle ~ Carry your friends when they need it ~ Keep Stable ~ Gallop to Greatness Advice from an Eagle:Keep a keen lookout ~ See the big picture ~ Honor the Earth and Sky ~ Be Proud ~ Have your goals in sight ~ Fly High.
In the late evening, they prepared a bonfire and as the wood smoke is still too much for my lungs, Debby prepared a S’More for me. There is just something about S’Mores…sweet, decadent, memorable, gooey and sticky! To close the day, we shared Communion and a time of sweet, heavenly prayer. And I was the recipient of many prophetic gifts, and gifts for HGRM…all so unexpected…yet GOD’s perfect delightful surprises.
September 8, 2016, Thursday - In the morning, I arose early with the plans of leaving before 8:00 AM. Carla asked me to stay to explore some possibilities with her in the morning, then we met Constance and her family at the Newport Aquarium. It is my first time to visit this Aquarium and truly, I was just proud of Oregon. The sea otters were hilarious entertainment, the seals simply magnificent and then of course, hundreds of fish and other multi-colored sea life. I thought the city of Newport did a fabulous job. The weather was beautiful, warm and sunny which added to this glorious experience.
The late afternoon found me driving home a few hours later than originally planned, yet obviously GOD’s plan was different than mine. HE kept adding unexpected joys and delights!
The Prophetic Worship Victory Streamer for every State in America Project is going to take another trip to Coville, Washington for Constance to work with me on the project, as the person helping her did not follow instructions. Therefore, we will begin again.
In our walk with YESHUA, flexibility, adaptability and resilience is key. Always!
It is all for the Glory of ELOHIM!
" Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." ~ Hebrews 11:1, NASB.
Psalm 20 ~ Steven J. Armer, Composer (02.25.1954-01.21.2021)